Feel Better With Exercise

Feel Better With Exercise

Feel Better With Exercise


Feel Better With Exercise

Most people are aware that exercise helps them lose weight, improve muscle tone and builds great physiques. What they may not know is that exercise is perhaps the best stress buster out there, and it is as good for the mind as it is for the body.

Almost any kind of exercise, whether it is aerobics, weightlifting or swimming, can relieve stress. From athletes to those who are badly out of shape, exercise can aid stress management significantly.

The connection between exercise and stress becomes evident when one explores the various benefits of exercise on the body.

1. Exercise produces endorphins: Increased physical activity increases the production of endorphins, the feel good neurotransmitters in the brain. These are what make people feel great after they have had a game of tennis or a hike in the mountains. Thus, exercise really gives people a high!

2. Improved concentration: Exercise is called moving meditation because the mind is clearly focused at the time of exercise. When people lose themselves in a game of cricket or in swimming several laps in the pool, the tensions of the day naturally slip to the back of the mind. As people successfully shed their tensions through physical activity, they start concentrating more on the task at hand. The resulting optimism and positive energy can make the mind clear and calm. In this way, regular exercise can prevent stress from creeping into life.

3. Killing the blues: Regular exercise brings about a sense of accomplishment and general well being. Exercise gives people a toned appearance, and this increases enthusiasm and self confidence. These positive feelings kill anxiety and mild depression. Thus, regular exercise brings a sense of control and perspective into the lives of people.

4. A healthy outlet for stress: Everyone handles stress differently. While many turn to binge eating to handle stress, others may starve themselves. Unfortunately, these techniques have damaging effects on the body. On the other hand, high energy exercises like martial arts and weight training can provide positive outlets for stress, turning negative emotions into the desire to improve in life. Calming exercises like Yoga can discipline the mind while strengthening the body.

5. A good distraction: Typically, most people exercise in a place that is removed from stress. There is often a change of scenery, like a park or the pool or even a gym. Thus, exercise proves to be a great distraction and allows people to get out of the ruts in their daily lives. Imagine what an activity like mountain biking or cross country hiking can do to distract the mind!

6. Social activity: People often exercise with others. Exercising with friends and acquaintances is a pleasurable activity that effectively kills stress. When people play a game of baseball or perform aerobics, they feel motivated and happy.

7. Health benefits: Finally, exercise improves the overall health of the individual. Good physical fitness keeps illness at bay. It also keeps the mind sharp and clear. Improving general health is in itself a great way o thwarting stress.

Thus, it is clear that exercise not only strengthens the body, it also brings focus and clarity to the mind. In an age where people are battling with stress at home and in the workplace, exercise could be one of the best stress busters of all. However, care must be taken to choose the exercise wisely. If exercise is not pleasurable and feels too much like hard work, it could be one more pressure point in life. Fortunately, with so many kinds of exercise to choose from, everyone can find the one that is perfect for them.

If you would like to learn more about health and fitness, visit Weight Training Tips for great information about weight training and supplements to include http://www.weight-training-tips.net/weight-training-supplements/creatine/”>creatine .
What do you do to feel better?

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