


by Brian Barolo

Happiness is the ultimate feeling that most humans strive to achieve in their own lives. If there is no existence of any sort of happiness in a person’s life, then why do they even exist? To live and enjoy life is so satisfying to the human body, mind, and spirit. Physically, the brain releases a chemical throughout the body, which brings that euphoric feeling that is considered happiness. When someone tells a joke, we tend to chuckle. That is a direct connection to the dopamine distribution within ourselves. There are so many ways in which our bodies feel good. When taking a shower, the feeling of hot water running all over our body and getting clean is a very satisfying activity. I am usually happy every time I get a shower. When playing sports, one is usually happy. Physical activity brings a huge variety of emotions, especially when playing team sports, but generally, people play because it brings them happiness. People usually choose to play team sports because that is a decision that ultimately brings joy and happiness. Playing with others does work well for most. Do what helps keep you happy. It works great.

When achieving happiness, one may choose to be more mentally happy than physically or spiritually. Usually, when a person chooses certain ways to become happy, it is due to their lack of ability to find happiness in other ways or methods. Take, for example a person who may be very overweight and is unable to join in on physical activities like sports, then how do they achieve happiness? Well maybe they watch sports on TV and they gain more mental happiness and satisfaction and that is what works best for them. What about people who are disabled and handicapped? How do they achieve happiness? They are not able to get the same physical satisfactions as those playing the sports, therefore, happiness must be more mental and spiritual. Physical activities, whether it be playing sports, working, doing labor or even going for a walk all has an effect on our bodies. That simple effect on our body not only finds satisfaction from exertion and being physical but also has a direct effect on the mind’s happiness. Mind and body directly effect each other.

Choosing to be spiritually happy should come pretty easily to most. Believing is a very strong word. It is even a much more powerful emotion or feeling. Believing is ‘to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.’ If you believe you are happy, you most likely have achieved spiritual happiness. As people, we crave and desire to have a higher power outside of ourselves. Believing in a higher power different from our physical and mental capabilities brings in the 3rd dimension most humans recognize: spirituality. To become spiritually happy may be to achieve the highest happiness possible.

The physical body is a tough but tender complex organic structure. It must be constantly maintained and can achieve great feats of strength. The mind is infinite with thought. It is responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings, the seat of the faculty of reason. The mind is going 24/7 and needs recharging every so often, just as the body does. In most cases, the mind wears down before the body. After all, the mind instructs the body what to do. When young and unknowing, we are unable to perform a task without our mind containing the instructions. Education is for the mind, and training is for the body.

Spirituality has to do with the spirit, not as in ghosts, but as in the essence of being human — your soul or your inner life. Spirituality often has to do with religion, but it doesn’t have to. You might say, “I’m not religious, but I have a strong sense of spirituality,” which might mean that you practice yoga or meditation, or you pray with a group, or you nurture your spirit by spending time in nature. Spirituality is more individual. However, you handle your spirituality, and whatever methods you use in reaching your higher power should be constant in order to become peaceful. If you can reach peace in your spirit, then not much else really matters. The ultimate in a human being’s life is striving for and reaching as much happiness in life as possible in all three categories: physical, mental, and spiritual.

So go now and search for your peace of mind. Achieve the ultimate goal in life: HAPPINESS!


Consistency is Crucial

Consistency is  Crucial and ever so important in our lives. Every single day we wake up and our body is looking for certain things. We must be consistent with what we do for our body. Consistency is one of the major factors to leading us to good health. To be consistent does take constant effort until we create  good routines. A routine can keep us regular in everything as long as we are consistent in following it. The trick is to force yourself into following every single step in said routine. Then to be consistent with those routines throughout your entire life. Consistency is a major factor in reaching those goals. Being ever so consistent with your routines will eventually get you to reaching your goal. Of course we are talking about your goal  being good health. Same with anything you wish to achieve, practice makes perfect.

Sports teams are the most consistent. People play professional sports to win. A team must be consistent every game as to not ever loose. The only way to reach success is to follow certain regiments of practice. These are set up by coaches. They have ways of teaching your body various movements and working particular muscles. Practicing these movements over and over builds strength and agility. When a baseball player wants to hit better he will be consistently practicing his batting. For every sports team from little league to the top professional sports teams consistency and practice is one of the major concerns. If you have ever played any sport at all then you are aware of having to go to practice much more often then games. Players must learn to play with the others and the best way to do that is consistently playing together. When practicing with your counterparts all the time you become aware of how each other works. When teams meld together in their performance they tend to conquer and win. It appears to me that some of the greatest dynasties in sports came from the teams that appeared to be the most consistent.

Routines are a great thing to develop for good positive actions in your life. Habits on the other hand tend to be on the negative side. Have you been consistent with your bad habits like most people? That is due to creating a comfort zone for yourself. You find an easy way and you understand it and then you become very comfortable with it. Now you have created a habit and if it is not as good for you then you need to break it and start a new routine. Yes, a routine should be looked at as being good and habits should be considered bad. Being smart is to loose all your habits and start new good positive routines. Now that we are starting new routines we must figure out every single step. Identify with each and every detail involved with that slightest movement and the next movement and so on and so on. It may seem a bit redundant but aren’t we trying to build new routines to better our ourselves.  In doing the so called redundancy and refining the routine you must be consistently doing these tiny little tasks with in your brain. Be careful due to the fact that repetitive motions become automatic reactions. Meaning your subconscious tells your body what motor skills to use at what precise moment. That is how our bodies operate.

Are you consistent in your life?

by Brian Barolo

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Staying Healty

Staying Healthy

by Brian Barolo

Staying healthy is not always that simple. Depending on the type of person you are and how you run your life has a great deal with your health. Leading a healthy life as compared to living with bad habits can make all the difference in the world. What you perceive as healthy may or may not be accepted by society. There are different levels of being healthy. Are you fit and healthy or are you healthy as a horse. When horses become unhealthy they are usually sent to the glue factory. You can’t do that with humans, so again how healthy are you. Some people are healthier than others, but what is the standard of being healthy. I believe it means not having any physical ailments, mental depression or a loss of spirit. After all is said and done society believes that as a human being we have these three parts that make us up as people. Mind, body and soul, which are three very different energies that together makes us the individuals that we are and become. Yes, we are made up of energies in different forms. Most people do not believe that they can alter energies to make changes in their life for the better. We can see changes physically if we diet and exercise. We cannot physically see changes mentally and spiritually as much. For these we must dig way deep down inside to help alter the existence we perceive as ourselves. When alterations are reached a person will definitely show some physical signs of happiness or contentment.

How to stay physically healthy is one of the three keys to staying healthy. We are taught when we are young children about doing exercises and activities and how this is important to living a good life. Schools are a big proponent to sports and gym classes to promote physical activity for all of their students. Parents automatically insist that children should go outside and play, not only for their physical activity but also for a moment of peace. That is a two fold approach and it does work. Staying physically healthy can be hard work for some and others are natural at just staying healthy without ever even trying. It does not always seem fair but this is the way of the world. Some people are overweight and some are too thin. Being a human being with all of the smarts we retain, we can train ourselves with and with out the help of others to be active. If a dog can be trained to do tricks than I believe as a person with a brain this should not be a problem. The main factor in keeping us from achieving our goals is our own selves. This comes down to the decisions we make and if we will follow through to completion of such goal that has been set. It is called will power. Where there is a will there is a way. We know you can will yourself to do something. If done with the proper mindset anything can be done. You may feel as though you are forcing yourself to do a particular activity and that is fine because you are starting a new regiment of movements. This will always be difficult in the beginning due to the fact that you are getting out of your comfort zone and are not familiar with these new steps. You will fuel yourself every time you complete any part of the new activities after you have begun a new routine. Everything will always take a bit of time until you become comfortable with your new comfort zone. Start new positive activities to build a better physical future.

How to stay mentally healthy is another key to keeping great overall health. If one is depressed everything in their life will generally go down hill. Negativity is like the plague and kills everything in it’s path. When a person gets so overwhelmed and buries themselves with depression every aspect of their life is affected. Their spirit will take a nose dive due to the fact that mentally they can not cope with the negative mindset they carry believing they are beyond help and have lost hope. One must always try to keep a positive mindset no matter what happens in life. If you share positivity and happiness with others, you will feel good about everything you are doing. Also, people will generally share back with you and completes the circle leading us into a great mindset which offsets negativity within our life. When we were children and heard many stories from kid’s books they all had positive themes to encourage us as we grew up into adults with problems. Do not ever forget some of those great tales in order to help encourage ourselves from time to time as we need going through life. Remember ‘The Little Engine That Could’

How to stay healthy spiritually  is the third key to obtaining great overall health. Outside of your physical being and your mental state lies one more form of energy we possess and that is the spirit or soul or as I like to say a belief in a higher power or being. Something that is greater than ourselves and more than the mind is able to perceive. There is definitely a reason for all of the different religions with churches and congregations. They are all reaching out to their versions of higher powers or beings. If you believe in such an entity or you do not that is entirely up to each individual as we all have different beliefs. What ever the choice is, everyone does acknowledge the fact that there is such an entity and that does bring in some concern of keeping spiritually healthy. The simplest way to stay spiritually healthy is not to do any wrong or hurt others. Do not carry and share negativity with others. Try to always do good deeds for others and keep a clear conscience at all times. Spread happiness and joy to others all the time. Help the needy and give of yourself to those who are less fortunate. Attend church services and always expand on your beliefs in helping others.Give of yourself and build up great spirituality which leads to great health.

The Three Keys to tremendous overall health can be achieved very easily if one has the proper mindset. This is the trick to reaching the goal of great overall health. So that would mean that you need to get your mind in to the proper mode to generate what needs to be done in each individual life. So setting goals is usually the very first step and means forcing one’s self to get out of their comfort zone with in their mindset to be able to begin doing physical activity. This is not easy but must be done in order of bringing change to one’s being better goal. Also the mindset must be placed in order for bringing peace to one’s spirit. In all the mind must be set up with the absolute proper mindset to begin anything physical, mental or spiritual. Everything in this world is a challenge for the first time. There are steps to follow from those before us who have helped figure out simpler ways of achieving certain mindsets for reaching goals we set for ourselves. Open up your mind and believe that you can obtain any goal you set for yourself. Go for it full force with a clear mind and spirit and you will achieve every goal you set. Do not give up and live happily ever after.

How healthy are you staying?

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The Mental Loss of Neko

The Mental Loss of Neko

by Brian Barolo

The Mental Loss of Neko

Having a family is absolutely the greatest feeling till you lose a member,therefore the Mental Loss of Neko just came about recently. The family consists of myself and girlfriend, Pearl the Beagle and the three cats Sabrina the oldest, Gracie and Neko..Gracie and Neko were added about 2 years ago as small kittens. Oh so cute as all kittens are.
After the initial meeting with the eldest feline, who did not react very well to the youngin’s, especially Neko, swiped at her striking her across the front of her nose. This not only freaked Neko out, but also scarred her beautiful petite pink nose. I believe that moment was the cause of an unhappy life for the youngest.
The next change in Neko’s behavior came about when I had resigned from my job and began working from home. This meant that now I could be home 24/7. I believe that me being around all the time had upset her and her reactions began to get weird. She started hiding and would run away from me unless I was sitting calmly on the couch. Neko would lay down on my arm against my side. Other than those moments she ran away from me. She than started ripping her fur out all over her body. She chewed so bad that she tore her neck wide open down to the skin and below. Very gross. The Cat Hospital was next.
So off to the Vet we go and get examined and get antibiotics and steroid shots. The costs are always astronomical but paid in full. A month goes bye and the cat seemed better for a week or so and the started hiding and pulling her fur out. Same symptoms and not really any better so back to getting more shots and more costs. This happens over again and again four 4 months. The last time we took her in for the shjots she lost 1.8 pounds and not looking good. We took her home by 10 am and she hid and we found her under the bed dead by noonish.
This is where the Mental Loss comes in. This is where feelings become very strong and effect us emotionally. This youngest cat in our family, who was by far the prettiest and had the softest fur, had been emotionally distraught from her first day in our house became the first loss in our family. I feel the worst for my girlfriend who became seriously emotional about Neko’s passing. Neko’s favorite place to sleep overnite was on my girlfriends chest. I guess the most soothing place for both.

Have you ever lost a cat?

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The Proper Rest

The Proper Rest

by Brian Barolo

The Proper Rest

Getting the proper rest is not an easy task in itself. To sleep or rest are completely different. Our body will always tell us which  one of these two we are in dire need of. To rest is to take a temporary break from the activities you are currently involved with. If you are doing a labor intense job then your body will perform as long as it is capable, then you will have to take a coffee break as we call them. This is usually set about 2 hours after starting a job or after a lunch or dinner break. Here in the USA the work force generally works two hours then takes a break. This strategy was put in place by the union workforce throughout the United States. This was developed for the safety of laborers.

Being overworked is horrible for the human body. People are able to put out so much energies, but when pushed beyond that point exhaustion sets in. A physical body starts to shut down at the begining of an exhuasted state. This has and will cause physical problems and wear and tear on the body. Therefore a great amount of rest is needed in recooperation. This is where good quality sleep takes over and the body begins to regain all its attributes. Society and especially the medical profession always prescribes ‘get plenty of rest’ for whatever may be ailing you. The physical body and the mental mind always put out so much energy that we as humans then start to become depleted and then need to rest. As we become depleted of our energies, food and rest/sleep is required in order to keep on living normally. If not then illness and death starts to set into the body.

Our imune system requires much rest and the proper nutrients to keep sickness, ailments, diseases and death from knocking on our door. The human body is a complexity of various systems which all work together to keep us healthy and functioning correctly. In order for all of these systems to stay healthy the body must not only get the good suppliments needed from the proper diet but a great deal of rest and sleep is required also.If enough rest is not taken the body will quickly wear down, leading to a breaking down of the systems causing sickness and strain, therefore needing medical attention. As we all know getting medical attention causes a great loss in time and a great cost of monies.

It appears that by staying healthy is very time and cost effective. Keeping up good health gets more out of life by not loosing time from being rundown or sick. It also helps our bank accounts grow tremendously due to no out of pocket expenses for medicines and therapies.  Getting the proper rest that one needs is very crucial in maintaining a healthy life. When you feel that need to take a break and sit down, do it. Do not abuse your work or activity by constantly taking breaks because you are lazy, rest when it is absolutely neccessary. If too many rests are taken then there probably is an underlying problem thet needs attention and you should seek a medical diagnosis. If you are healthy and take too many breaks then chances are that laziness has taken over. The mindset of lazy causes the body to not perform and slowly becomes decreped. This will definately lead to physical and mental breakdown of all the systems running our body for a healthy living.

Rest often. Sleep soundly.

How well do you rest and sleep?

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Our Health

Our Health


Our Health

When we think about our health, we really don’t. I am a 53 year female. Although I think about my health, I really don’t. A few months ago, I started having some medical problems. I went to have a physical. My doctor told me I was diabetic.

At first, I was in denial. But that wasn’t the problem. After telling my doctor there was something really wrong with me, she sent me to another doctor who said I was packed and needed a laxative. Knowing that was not the problem, I told him that whatever was wrong with me, it must be in the blood. Because they are doctors, sometimes they don’t listen to you. I was so sick that I literally could not get out of bed most of the time. My feet, knees, elbows, wrists and ankles hurt so bad. I had temperatures to100.6.

Instead of spending money running to the emergency room, I used cold packs and ate ice to bring down my fevers. Then one day, I woke up where one of my wrists were totally swollen and no use of my right hand. That’s when I realized I had to go back for more medical attention. Instead of going to the doctor, I went to the emergency room. There they took x-rays of my hand. (X-rays don’t always show your problem). They referred me to and orthopedic. He wrote a script for more tests. When the results came back, I was shocked. All the pain and agony was either coming from lime disease, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. He referred me to a rheumatologist. More tests were done. When the test results came back, I had a diagnosis. Lupus, RA and Osteoarthritis.

She then put me on medication and I do feel a lot better. Although we know we have problems medically, we feel we have to sacrifice for our families. And that’s what I did. We didn’t have the money for the expensive co-pays that we have to pay every time you need to see a doctor. So I stayed in bed and suffered. But, with the help of God, things started to shape up a little and I was able to get the care that I needed. My point in all of this is we do the things we have to do to make sure everyone is o.k. But what would happen to our loved ones if we are not there to take care of them. For months I lay in bed and dragged around without energy because of the expense that came with trying to feel better.

With the help of my rheumatologist, I am virtually painless. Please don’t think about your health and don’t. It’s a big price to pay. I thank God for a loving husband and understanding children that really stood by me and worried. Because I thought by not going to the doctor I was helping to make sure the bills were paid. The family suffered because I was not able to give them my all.

If you’d like to get more information on health and wellness and other types information, Visit my webpage at:

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Low Cost Health Insurance

Low Cost Health Insurance


Low Cost Health Insurance

The average American by the age of 30 will soon begin to understand the necessity of having a health insurance policy. Depending upon the path that their life has taken, and the financial situation that they are in, having a health insurance policy may come very cheaply through their workplace or it may cost quite a bit if they are seeking and individual policy through a private provider. Here are a few ways that you can find low cost health insurance even if you are not affiliated with someone who will provide the health insurance for you or if you have a large family.

If you have ever been in a major accident and did not have health insurance coverage, this could be one of the largest nightmares that could ever be fall a human being in our modern age. I remember a friend of mine that was in the Army and decided to take his wife who was in labor at the time to the regular hospital opposed to the military one. Had he made a choice to take her to the veterans hospital, he would have had no out-of-pocket expenses. However, in a split second decision, he chose to spend what he thought would only be a $ 6,000 bill at the regular hospital, which turned out to be a $ 200,000 bill after all was said and done.

Due to the complications that occurred, his baby ended up staying in the hospital for over 30 days. This cost, along with being in intensive care and having a team of medical people looking after his child which was born early, this debt was accrued based upon a split second decision that could have saved him nearly a quarter of $ 1 million.

The point I am trying to make here is you never know what can happen in life especially when it comes to your house or the health of a family member. Therefore, make a quick decision to find a health-insurance provider that you can afford and do it now so that you will not suffer in a similar way that my friend did. Although he loves his family and his child very much, much financial heartache could have been averted if he had had a health-insurance policy that would have covered his misdirection at the time of his child’s birth.

Low cost health insurance is not that hard to find. There are a variety of companies that do all of the research for you and make it very easy so that you do not have to compare on your own all of the possible policies and premiums that you’ll have to pay each and every month. The trick is to find a provider that will fit your needs and your pocketbook at the same time and that is what these comparison companies will do for you.

Comparison companies are not the only choice you have to make. You must also consider who they are comparing and what exactly these companies reputations are in regard to providing health insurance for consumers nationwide. A quick check at their business record will show you if there are any complaints that have been filed and if so you will know not to do business with them. Most companies that are very large have an immaculate record and can be trusted in regard to fulfilling premiums that need to be paid to hospitals and his you make your monthly payments.

The problem with most health insurance companies is that the staggering cost of most procedures today forces them to charge higher and higher premiums as the years go on. Inflation does not stop and neither will the cost of medical procedures or the salaries that doctors receive for their jobs. Therefore, if you can find a low cost health insurance policy that will stay at a certain rate for a fixed period of time you will probably be lucky enough to find a way to maintain this health insurance policy with even the smallest amount of income and protect you and your family.

You must also consider the type of coverage that you get with a low cost health insurance policy. For instance, you may only be paying $ 30 a month for you and your family, but more than likely this policy does not cover office visits or any kind of prescription medication which over time can cost you thousands of dollars each year. Therefore, be sure to look at all of the possible policies and nature that you are making a wise choice in the ones that you choose to use as they could save you money in the long run if you pay just a little more in your monthly premium.

Low cost health insurance is a must find and our society where gas prices climb and incomes remained virtually the same each year. It is time to do your homework and go out there and find health insurance coverage that is right for you and affordable at the same time. With a little research, and the help of friends or even the Internet, you will be able to find a low cost health insurance policy in no time at all.

Michael Kohler is the owner of Health Insuranceca. To access the latest low cost health insurance information, go to
What is your health insurance?

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Free Health Insurance Quotes

Free Health Insurance Quotes


Free Health Insurance Quotes

Most people are always on the lookout for ways to save money. The health-insurance industry is one of those places where people tried to skimp as much as possible with the knowledge that if they go too far, they may not have enough coverage to make it worth their while as they pay the monthly premium. The best way to find the best rate for you is to get a quote for your coverage. Here are a few ways to find free health insurance quotes that will save you hundreds of dollars in the long run.

Gone are the good old days when you used to be able to call up your local insurance company, said an appointment, go down to their local office, and be able to be assured of getting a great rate from your local agent. Capitalization is a great form of industry but it can lead to an almost viral growth of subsidiary companies that will make it very difficult for you to access a great rate without a lot of middlemen in the process.

When you are looking for a health insurance quote you need to take into account that due to the mass explosion of our population and its needs, many companies are on the outlook for people that do not know about the health insurance industry and will offer them outlandish quotes that are not sustainable by any company just to get your lead information.

Therefore, when you have actually found health insurance quotes that are given to you via a reputable company, be sure to guard them like gold because they will more than likely save you thousands of dollars each year on all of your many premiums that you will pay on a monthly basis. Although it can seem like a bird in to have to pay for health insurance, or that you might feel like you should move to a European community where free health insurance is accessible, there are ways to get around large premiums even if you are an individual or are seeking an individual policy for family members from a private insurance provider.

Although the concept of free health insurance is not dead, please get into the mindset that what you are looking for is something that is essential for the well-being of yourself and those you love and that the premium you are paying will be more like an investment. Health insurance quotes will not always direct you in a way that will seem friendly or applicable due to the prices that you will be quoted for your particular situation, but always think positively and find a way to make the premiums affordable in the long run so that it does not look so much like a bird in but a blessing after all is said and done.

Most health insurance companies have won 800 numbers, especially the larger companies, that will give you free health insurance quotes for their particular policies. This is a good thing in that it will not cost you any money to get this information, but the dichotomy is that they will probably give you rates that are the ones they are marketing at that particular time.

The best way to find out the best rates for your health insurance is to find an unbiased source that will give you multiple quotes on several different health insurance companies. This can be found either in magazines, newspapers, or the Internet.

What you want to look for is a company that either has a toll-free line that you can call to get multiple quotes or even better is to fill out an online form which will send you multiple quotes so that you will be able to print them out and look at the different possibilities for you and your family.

Health insurance quotes are almost always going to be free. The leery of those that want to charge you money up front in order to get this information. More than likely that is how they are making their money and you will want to leave these companies alone and search for ones that give you this information for free.

The best way is to look for websites that offer the ability to click on a link that leads to an unbiased health insurance quote system that will give you viable information about will allow you to make a justifiable decision in just a few minutes. Also the information is sent to you for free and you will be able to make a decision in the comfort of your home.

The other possibility is to send in for information and this will also come to you in the mail and you can set this information out on the table as well already printed which will save you money in regard to printing charges and ink cartridges that you may have to buy.

Always be on the lookout for the best health insurance rates that you can get. This is a very important aspect of your life and if you have a family it is even more so. Do your due diligence and seek out a free health insurance quote solution today.

Michael Kohler is the owner of Health Insuranceca. To access the best health
insurance quotes sites, go to
Tell us about your health insurance policy.

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How To Get Low Cost Health Insurance

How To Get Low Cost Health Insurance


How To Get Low Cost Health Insurance

For those who don’t know, health insurance is simply the coverage of medical claims of an individual, against the medical costs. Like many others you may not be able to afford an expensive insurance policy – but you can eliminate all the frills you don’t need and get the low cost health insurance you want and still be adequately covered. Health insurance, as with any kind of insurance today, whether individual, personal, business or family health insurance, is always a gamble. You’re gambling that you’ll take out more than you are paying in and your health insurance company is gambling they will pay out less.

You want to know what to look for in any type of good insurance. If you have always had a health insurance benefit where you’ve worked and especially if you were a state or federal employee and now find you have to buy your own, you may not be able to afford the level of coverage you used to have. Finding good low cost health insurance today is easier than most people think.

To start, shopping for free health insurance quotes online is the easiest and best way to find low cost health insurance coverage. If you have any permanent health problems, such as diabetes, or have had cancer at any time in your family history, your monthly cost could easily be more than your house and car payment combined, but there are many different good insurance plans available today in the US.

The cold hard facts are the older you get the more important your health insurance policy becomes; this isn’t to say that you should not be concerned about your insurance when you’re younger. In case your doctor decides that something is an absolute medical necessity and it’s not covered under your current policy, the insurance company may exercise its discretion in paying for it, but don’t hold your breath. Many report they were eventually covered yet many more people get turned down.

One of the best ways to find low cost insurance is to get free health insurance quotes online. You can generally get very fast quotes and you want to compare several companies, as they will all have different criteria. This will be the fastest way to find low cost insurance.

Most importantly, you want a health insurance provider or company that has a good track record for paying without fighting you on every little detail. Your local agents may only be able to offer what they have currently available and not be able to offer you what’s best for both your pocketbook and your health.

The death rate in any given year for someone without insurance is twenty-five per cent higher than for someone with insurance so you want to make sure you get the best coverage you can get at the lowest cost as soon as possible. Heart-attack victims who don’t have insurance are less likely to be able to get angioplasty, which is often the treatment of choice. People who have pneumonia who don’t have insurance are less likely to receive initial or follow-up x-rays or necessary consultations.

In general because people who are uninsured are sicker than the rest of us because they can’t afford proper medical care, they can’t get better jobs, and because they can’t get better jobs they can’t afford insurance, and because they can’t afford insurance they get even sicker.

Although it does increase your risk, one way to lower your insurance costs is to set a higher deductible; if you’re in good health you’ll like come out ahead, barring an unforeseen event such as an accident, etc. Keeping yourself in better health will help you with less health insurance claims. All the insurance companies have to be very competitive because it’s so quick and easy to compare them with the other competing companies online.

Children without any insurance are less likely to receive proper medical attention for serious injuries, for recurrent ear infections, or for asthma for example and you want to avoid having to face a $ 100,000 open heart surgery without having any insurance.

So taking out insurance with higher deductibles and spending a little time online comparing at least five or more companies will make it more likely that you’ll find the best low cost insurance. There are many different health plans so make sure you get an understanding of all the low cost health insurance policies that are available from each company. Cheap or low cost insurance does mean a lower price and in some cases lower quality, but the price may be more important to some than the quality of the health plan. You don’t want to pay for more than you need but you want to consider any possible future health events you might encounter too.

Finding good, hopefully cheap, low cost insurance without giving up quality does not simply mean looking for the lowest premium but it means fully understanding all of the costs that will be involved in your policy. And finding the best health insurance is easy to do online, whether you’re shopping for long-term or short term health insurance from California, Texas or Florida.

With the rise of medical insurance costs today, most people look for low cost health insurance premiums that will ensure quality medical attention at the time of need, but at a price they can simply afford. Make sure to keep in mind that with low cost insurance options, you’ll need to compromise somewhat on the variety of services covered. Proceed surely but carefully.

Save money with free low cost health insurance tips and find the best affordable health insurance online go to a nurse’s website for low cost health insurance advice and how to save money on your health insurance quotes.
Are you shopping for Low Cost health insurance?

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Affordable Health Insurance In Florida

Affordable Health Insurance In Florida


Affordable Health Insurance In Florida

Health insurance is one of the most talked about and difficult-to-afford types of insurance that the average American is faced with buying. In fact, health insurance has become so expensive that approximately 17{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} of all residents of Florida are without health insurance coverage of any kind.

Florida, like most other states, has a program designed to provide health care to children. Florida’s program, called KidCare, is designed to provide health services to children 19 years of age and younger. There are income eligibility requirements as well as other qualifications, but if you are having troubling finding health insurance for a minor for any reason it may pay you to check out Florida’s KidCare program at:

For most Floridians there are things you can do that will help keep the cost of your health insurance in check.

Start with a healthy lifestyle. The healthier you are the less your health insurance is likely to cost you in a number of ways. That means eating right and getting exercise each and every day. Walking, biking or other forms of simple exercise do not have to cost money or be terribly taxing on your body. One study in England suggested that simply walking to the end of your driveway and back each day could have a health benefit.

A healthy lifestyle also includes such things as not smoking or using any tobacco product (such as chew). Non-smokers pay a lot less for health insurance than do smokers. If you already have health insurance and you were a smoker when you first signed up but have since quit, you need to speak with your agent as you could be due for a substantial savings on your monthly premium.

Being overweight will cost you when it comes to health insurance. Being overweight is not healthy and so health insurers are going to charge you more for health insurance the more overweight you are. The good news is that if you can lose even a few pounds you may slip into a lower-cost category and that could save you a ton of money over the course of a year.

Don’t participate in extreme or dangerous hobbies or sports. Anything that puts your health at risk is going to cost you more money in health insurance premiums every single month. If you have a dangerous profession you can also count on paying more for your health insurance.

Do you have other insurance policies such as homeowner’s or auto insurance with the same insurance company? If so ask for a Multi-Policy Discount.

Have you been with the same insurance company for at least 5 years? If so, ask for a Long Term Policy Discount.

What is your current co-pay? Many people have a 20{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} or 25{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} co-pay each time they visit the doctor’s office or have other medical care. If you are able to increase your co-payment to 50{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} you can save a great deal on your monthly premium payment. This suggestion works best for people who do not see their doctor on a regular basis.

Your deductible can be the fastest way of reducing your monthly health care premium. The higher your deductible the lower your monthly premium. Obviously you must consider carefully how much money you can really and truly afford to pay each year for your health care before you ask your insurance company to begin paying for your treatment.

Now you are armed with the information you need to construct a health insurance policy that provides as much coverage as possible and yet is still affordable. That means it’s time for you to get online and find at least 3 websites that permit you to make head-to-head comparisons of health care prices among a variety of different insurance companies so that you can truly get affordable health insurance in Florida.

Don’t short-change yourself. You need to make your comparisons on at least 3 different websites if you want to feel absolutely confident that the low price you are seeing is actually the lowest price that you can find.

Have you done your research before you purchase?

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Canadian Health Care: The Difference

Canadian Health Care: The Difference


Canadian Health Care: The Difference

Canada is a former member of the British Empire, not that you would know to look at it at the moment! It is now a long-standing independent country but still bears a resemblance to the country that it was once under in certain ways, and health care is one of those ways. Canada health care is extremely good and based on the national health care system still in existence in the UK. In other words, everyone gets access to a good system that is affordable and non-discriminatory, but those who wish to can pay for private care as and when they like. Canada health care insurance plans are funded by the government and publicly as well, and an individual’s policy in maintained by the province that they live in.

Canada health care guidelines are set by the government and are thus uniform throughout the country. It is similar in its make up to that in the UK, meaning that it offers both remedial and preventative health care to anyone that needs it as and when the need arises. This includes doctors, hospitals, dentists and other health care practitioners that come under the one blanket that is Canada health care. All Canadians can get the health care that they want and need as a result because nobody is excluded. The quality of care, though, is unparalleled. Despite being a publicly funded service, the standards are so high that other countries look to Canada for inspiration if their health care system is in need of a makeover!

The average life expectancy in Canada is 80 years old, and that is higher than the age set for most other countries. This pays testament to just how good Canada health care actually is. The infant mortality rate is also low, and these two facts combine to speak volumes about just how good care actually is.

The Canada health care system has been much debated over the years because is has been and still remains socialized. Some individuals have called for private health care but you only have to look at the existing standards and practices to know that it is better left alone. Why try to fix something that is not broken at the risk of making it worse?

There are no problems with the system as it is and making Canada health care resemble US health care is a risk that is not worth taking. At the moment, all Canadians are entitled to the same health care, regardless of age, postcode and annual income. This works well because the nation’s health is far higher than any of their neighboring and fellow Western countries. Whilst the system is not cheap to maintain, it works and surely the nation’s health is more important than money?

We only live once and should make the most of every day via opportunities that are presented to us. Not everyone in the world has access to good health care so make the most of the opportunity that you have been given!

You can also find more info on Health Care Insurance and Health Care Plans . is a comprehensive resource to know about Health Care.

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Reading Health News Articles

Reading Health News Articles


Reading Health News Articles

If you want to stay up to date with the current trends in health, it would help to read at least one or two health news articles daily. Even if you are under the care of a good general practitioner, you can never be sure that he is aware of all the latest in health news. Health articles sometimes need months, even years, before they generate enough popularity for people to take note of them. It seems that people who read health newsletters, health bloggers, and health pioneers are the only ones able to keep abreast of the most recent developments.

Regular reading of health articles is beneficial especially if you are dealing with any chronic health problem. Scientists researching on the many different diseases are on the verge of finding a cure. Reports are made almost everyday about a new radical treatment for AIDS, cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases. There are diseases deemed hopeless just a few years ago that can now be treated with newly formulated drugs and other unconventional methods.

Needless to say, caution is necessary when reading any health article particularly if the item was penned by a journalist without any scientific or medical background. Health articles are usually slanted towards promises of miraculous cures, which would only be disproved later. An ordinary reporter may reference the health article on complicated research studies that are often times beyond his comprehension. Thus, it comes as no surprise if the report will focus on the therapeutic claims scientists make while remaining silent on the veracity of such claims. Even preliminary findings are presented as if they are already the conclusions and recommendations.

Therefore, you need to make sure before following any of the recommendations given in a health article. When you are able to distinguish the good from the bad, you will find that there are many health articles that include sensible advice. You can learn on ways of getting the best workout, choosing the foods to eat or avoid to alleviate seasonal problems, and similar things. However, be wary about health articles that sound too good to be true. If you are interested about a miracle cure mentioned in a health article, it is best that you talk with your physician before experimenting with it. Being skeptical is good once in a while if only to be realistic. It will also prevent you from trying every new thing that comes out. On the other hand, if a health article sounds really convincing, logical and right, you may do test it out. Health article recommendations are, at the very least, unlikely to be harmful. For all you know, it could be the miracle cure you are waiting for.

Reading health news articles can keep you upto date with the latest advances in health. Stay informed with the latest health news at
Soy: For Bone, Heart, Breast and Prostate Health

Soy: For Bone, Heart, Breast and Prostate Health


Soy: For Bone, Heart, Breast and Prostate Health

Soy is an excellent source of plant-based protein that can benefit those concerned about their heart and bone health, as well as their breast and prostate health.

Heart health benefits of soy: A meta-analysis of 38 studies indicates that consuming protein from soy foods is linked to retaining normal cholesterol levels. Another study suggests that soy protein may have antioxidant properties that helps protect bad(LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing.

Beyond the potential of soy protein to positively impact the cholesterol that travels through arteries, soy isoflavones may also support the healthy function of the arteries themselves. One study showed that menopausal women taking soy protein supplements (rich in isoflavones) experienced a significant improvement in elasticity of their arteries.

This elasticity has been shown to decline with age, a change that is viewed as a risk factor for cardiovascular health. Some scientists are predicting that these isoflavone effects may prove to be as valuable in supporting heart-healthy aging as their potential to retain normal cholesterol levels.

The American Cancer Society has created guidelines for a healthy diet: Choose most of the foods you eat from plant sources. Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Eat other foods from plant sources, such as breads, cereals, grain products, rice, pasta, or beans several times each day.

Limit your intake of high-fat foods, particularly from animal sources. Choose foods low in fat. Limit consumption of meats, especially those high in fat. Be physically active: achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Be at least moderately active for 30 minutes or more each day. Stay within your healthy weight range. Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages, if you drink at all. For people who already drink alcoholic beverages, limit intake to two drinks a day for men and one drink per day for women. Soy foods fit guidelines 1 and 2 for a health-promoting diet.

Soy and bone health: Americans typically think of dairy products as the best source of calcium, but there are many other good sources of calcium. In fact, soy protein is an excellent source of dietary calcium, providing 50{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} of the daily value of this important nutrient per serving.

Soy protein may also offer bone-health advantages by replacing sources of animal protein in the diet. For long-term bone health, calcium intake is only part of the story. Urinary calcium loss is another factor that contributes to a negative calcium balance. High consumption of animal proteins, which are high in sulfur amino acids, appear to be responsible for this effect.

Soy protein, which has less sulfur amino acids relative to meat and other animal protein sources, may result in less calcium being lost in the urine and help keep calcium in the skeleton. In one study, calcium excretion was found to be 30{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} lower when dietary protein from soy sources was compared to equal amounts of protein from beef, fish, and chicken in healthy adults consuming a constant amount of calcium.

The isoflavones in soy foods may also help support healthy bones. A recent study showed that dietary intake of soy products containing isoflavones had a significant positive impact on bone turnover in healthy postmenopausal women.

Soy and breast and prostate health: It has long been known that many soy-consuming Asian populations have better rates of breast and prostate health than do Western populations. There are many factors involved in prostate health, but a recent, large-scale population-health study suggests soy intake as one of those factors.

In this study, men who reported frequently consuming soy milk (which contains isoflavones) were 70{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} more likely to maintain prostate health during a follow-up period, compared to the men who had little or no soy in their diet. A recent population-health study conducted in China investigated the relationship between soy intake during adolescence and breast health later in life.

After adjustments for known risk factors, higher soy food intakes reported during the teen years were associated with significantly better breast health when these women reached their pre-and post-menopausal adult years. Researchers believe that soy intake starting at a young age and continued throughout life is linked to maintaining breast health.

Another way that soy may promote heart, breast, and prostate health is by providing protection against oxidation damage. The soy isoflavone, genistein, has been shown to have antioxidant properties.

NOTE: While the totality of evidence suggests health benefits for soy protein , scientific opinion is not uniform on the appropriate use of soy by women with a history of breast cancer. I recommend that women with this history discuss the option of soy intake with their physician.

Soy protein and menopause: Cross-cultural studies of menopausal women have found that women in Japan experience a smoother transitional period than women in the West. Eleven soy foods are commonly consumed in Asian countries, providing an estimated 45 mg of isoflavones per day for the average person.

For the menopausal woman, soy protein has particular interest, as it is studied for both its apparent beneficial effect during menopause as well as for bone-building and helping to retain normal cholesterol levels.

Good luck on your journey towards health and wellness!

Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from all across the country sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying every natural nutrition product out there, let Brue introduce you to what he has found to be the best natural health products on the planet. Visit to receive Brue’s free newsletter.

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Major California Health Insurance Carriers

Major California Health Insurance Carriers


Major California Health Insurance Carriers

Five Critical Criteria used to compare California carriers.

1. Health Plan pricing in the market. Ultimately, benefits need to be priced well relative to other similar plans on the market. Also, the plans have to make sense financially in today’s world of ever-increasing cost. Some large multi-line carriers like Principle offer extremely rich benefits that have completely priced themselves out of the market. There’s a “sweet spot” where plan design meets the consumer’s budget and that has to be a given when choosing a plan. Interestingly enough, this pricing value is driven by a carriers ability to do well in the following other areas so let’s take a look at them. More information on the major carriers in the California market.

2. Extensive provider network for HMO and PPO. A carrier needs to have as many doctors and hospital in all major areas participate in their HMO and PPO networks. The more the better. This is especially true for PPO plans which is the direction the market is ultimately heading as costs escalate. This is primarily a function of how many subscribers the carrier can bring to the bargaining table with medical and hospital groups. If a carrier covers a significant number of people in a given area, the doctors and hospitals of that area need to contract with the carrier. Also, the carrier can negotiate rates better which is essentially the foundation for PPO plans. PPO’s are big group discounts essentially. Here, bigger is better. You can find more information on how the California health networks work.

3. Flexibility and Scope of plan design. The carrier must also offer a full range of plan options: both rich and value HMO options; a full range of PPO plans from rich copay plans to hybrid lower priced plans; Health Savings Account or HSA compatible plans and strictly catastrophic lower-priced plans. No one’s needs are the same. The carrier should be able to provide for both sides of the spectrum. A key direction in the market today is towards the segmentation of maternity and non-maternity benefit plans on the Individual/Family market. This is a critical consideration or any enrollee who may need maternity coverage in the future. Health Net currently only has one plan with maternity benefits in their PPO portfolio. On the group side, it has been more a move towards higher deductibles and in some instances, generic drug coverage only. The Generic only benefit is more and more prevalent on the Individual/Family side. We feel strongly at http://CalHealth.netthat Brand name prescription is important as more exotic medical conditions can require new drugs that run 10’s of thousands of dollars.

4. Ease of Use. One more time… EASE OF USE. The carrier has to be easy to deal with. This is critical for the day-to-day management of your policy (which we help with) and more importantly, the claims-processing side. Technology is increasingly figuring here. Which carriers have made the investment in the Information systems to facilitate both the membership and claims side. We deal with all the carriers day-in and day-out… common sense and practicality are essential in the carrier you choose.

5. Pricing Stability. Over the past decade, California health insurance costs have increased significantly. Barring major changes, it will likely continue as Americans use more and more health care. The ability to mitigate this increase is primarily a function of a carrier’s management of the above four items. Are they designing and pricing correctly for the market to encourage future rate stability? Can they negotiate well with the medical groups and large hospital chains in the California health market? Do they offer options for carriers to reduce benefits (and cost) and still feel well protected? Have they invested in making their business effective from and IT perspective? These are all important questions that directly your future rates and results as a function of the health carrier’s management.

California health insurance Carrier by Carrier listing in descending order based on our experience

Blue Cross of California

Blue Cross is owned by Wellpoint, which is probably the dominant carrier nationwide in terms of stability and progressive plan design. They are known as Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield or Unicare in most other States. They have been the ones to beat in the California health market.

1. Plan Pricing – they are consistently priced in the top 1-2 for comparable plans.

2. Network – For PPO plans, they probably the most extensive network with providers in all counties. Over 70K providers and 400 hospitals State-wide plus access to the Blue Card network for family members or employees in other States.

3. Flexibility – On the Small Group side, they started the Employee Elect program which is still the most flexible and easiest to use. They even apply choice to the dental plans as well. They have 4 HMO plans, 5 HSA plans, and 12 PPO plans plus a suite called BeneFit for low cost plans. On the individual side, they consistently bring out new plans from the Right Plan 40 no-deductible PPO plan to the new Tonik health plan suite that the other carriers invariably try to copy 6-12 months later.

4. Ease of Use – They are easiest carrier to do business with. They tend to be the most flexible when dealing with issues and the issues tend to be less frequent than with other carriers. They are ahead of the curve (and have been) with technology both in terms of their internal processes and interaction with groups. New online control panels allow employee additions, terminations, changes and more on the Group side. They can be strict in underwriting (company requirements) and benefit management is definitely there but both of these attributes work ultimately to keep cost down which is the biggest issue (hence #1) in the market now. They the first to unveil an online application and online account management and visibility. Tonik enrollment is completely handled online.

5. Pricing Stability – Their increases as a percentage tend to be in the lower quadrant of the market…primarily due to their work on the above four items.

Blue Shield of California

Blue Shield of California a strong carrier in California and also participates in the Blue Card network for out-of-State employees and family members. It is one of the few non-profits. Cross and Shield are two separate, completely independent carriers at the Small Group (2-50 employees) and Individual/Family level. If PPO is your preferred option, they are a good comparison for Cross and Health Net.

1. Plan Pricing – they are consistently priced in the top 1-3 for comparable plans.

2. Network – For PPO plans, they probably rival Blue Cross with providers in all counties. They probably do not negotiate as well as Blue Cross but may have a better reception from doctors/hospitals because of it. This also affects their pricing going forward. They do allow access to the Blue Card network for employees or dependents in other States. Their HMO is comparable to Cross but neither is thought to be the strongest carrier for HMO plans.

3. Flexibility – They allow selections from the different classes of plans (HMO, PPO, and HSA). They have a full range of plans with one of the last no-deductible PPO Small Group plans on the market. They have 7 HMO plans, 4 HSA plans, and 13 PPO plans on the Small Group side and an equivalent suite of plans on the individual side.

4. Ease of Use – Their Group underwriting is slightly more flexible than Cross but their claims and membership side is not as advanced…especially in terms of technology. Our sources say that they are undertaking a pretty significant IT project to integrate their systems and have been working to bring Small Group resources to the web (behind Cross). On the individual side, they have an online application and online tracking but their underwiting tends to be more involved.

5. Pricing Stability – Their increases as a percentage tend to be in the lower to mid quadrant of the market depending on the class of plan (HSA versus PPO for example). They will need to continue modernizing in order to keep this trend going forward.

Health Net of California

Health Net of California was originally Blue Cross’ HMO many years ago. Traditionally, they were a strong HMO carrier but they have aggressively moved into the PPO market as the future of HMO’s and its cost structure dimmed. They tend to copy Cross’ moves in the market so at least they are smart enough to the follow the leader. If a company’s main focus is HMO and they do not have employees out of State, Health Net is definitely to be considered. On the individual/family side, they are a solid carrier but need more of a PPO track record.

1. Plan Pricing – Health Net tends to copy Cross’ offerings and then under-price the market. In the short-term, this is fine for your company. Long term, the rates always increase and/or change. The only issue is if the increase occurs mid-year and employees have already met deductibles/max-out-of-pockets…making a carrier change difficult. This is true on the Individual/Family side and Small Group.

2. Network – Health Net has a strong HMO network as that has been their bread and butter long before the PPO came along for them. The PPO network should be well represented throughout the State although it’s range probably does not match Cross or Shields, whose experience in the PPO market goes back decades.

3. Flexibility – Health Net copied Cross beneficially in that they copied the nature of Employee Elect where you can offer multiple plans to their employees. They have a full range of plans with 16 HMO’s, 4 HSA’s, and 8 PPO’s. You can see their HMO background from the plan options. On the individual side, they only have one maternity PPO plan but offer a wider range of HMO plans. Their HSA’s are comparable but probably under-priced.

4. Ease of Use – Health Net tends to be pretty reasonable both in terms of enrollment (underwriting) and membership. They are behind Cross and Shield in terms of online capabilities and systems. On the individual side, they tend to be more strict with underwriting and if an applicant’s health is not clean, they have declined a high percentage of apps. Cross and Shield appear to be more pragmatic in terms of actually looking at a person’s health history and making a decision.

5. Pricing Stability – Pricing stability has been a weaker area for Health Net especially on the PPO front. For HMO, they have a good grasp of the market and the model. PPO has been a bit more elusive with more requent and significant changes with their plans. This is to be expected as PPO requires a good 5-7 years of claims experience to truly wrap your head around the model actuarially speaking.

We have listed Blue Cross of California, Blue Shield of California, and Health Net of California separately as they really are the strongest California health insurance carriers that offer both PPO and HMO options. Kaiser is a major carrier but primarily acts as an HMO. There are many other options on the market, but from our experience, they usually are not advisable against one of the above mentioned four.

Dennis Jarvis is a licensed California broker with extensive knowledge of the Individual and Small Group health market in California. California health insurance.
What is your Health Insurance Policy?

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Employer Health Insurance

Employer Health Insurance


Employer Health Insurance

Why are employer health insurance costs rising so much?

Employers are facing tremendous pressure today to handle the increasing costs of health care insurance. The health care insurance industry is as volatile as has been seen in more than a decade. Many employers are wondering how they can afford to maintain their benefits.

This article discusses some of the many elements contributing to these escalating costs and provides some basic strategies for employers to explore to improve the cost and benefit offering.

Health insurers are essentially repackagers of the vast American health care system. Most employer policies include physician services, hospitalization, mental health and prescription benefits.

The health insurers consolidate our disparate system to give the consumer, through the employer, a conduit to health insurance. Herein lies a part of the challenge each insurer faces. Each part of the system is seeing its’ component rise in pricing.

Prescription costs lead the way with an average trend factor of around 28{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600}. Pharmacy costs have consistently risen in the 15 to 20{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} range each year for the last three years says Jeff Smith of Milliman’s Columbus, Ohio office.

Every carrier is faced with the challenge of changing consumer-purchasing patterns. Pick up any magazine and see the many advertisements that attempt to compel the consumer to ask their physician for a prescription by name. The patient and not the physician now often facilitate the prescription purchase. This changing purchasing pattern is dramatically altering pricing. The average percentage increase for small employer health insurance is between 14-15{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600}. The prescription component is heavily weighted in this amount.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the Katzenbaum Kennedy Bill passed in 1996 has impacted how health insurers handle much of their business. Group health products must be guaranteed issue to any small employer applicant who adequately meets contribution and participation guidelines.

But paramount for any group is the overall health status of the group. If your group has a combination of health conditions that will constitute a marginal risk, you may be rated-up prohibitively by the various insurance vendors. Work with an insurance agent to help facilitate this process so that all of your options are evaluated.

The following are among the many other reasons that costs for health insurance are increasing so dramatically:
-Technological advances in the health care industry.
-An aging U.S. Population.
-Physicians and hospitals are banning together to regain negotiating clout with insurance vendors.
-Legislation has created far more regulatory requirements.
-Overutilization of services by Americans.

As described in the opening paragraph, health insurers as private labelers of our health care system must identify strategies to help relieve the pressures of these various issues. Each of these items is impacting profitability and an unprofitable industry is not ideal for purchasers, consumers or vendors and also creates much of the volatility each employer is facing on their renewal.

Employers must begin to engage their employees in these cost increases. Employers can do the following things to increase awareness:
-Provide a detailed breakdown of the overall cost for insurance and then show the employee contribution on payroll information.
-Provide a payroll stuffer that demonstrates costs sharing or total employer cost.
-During annual review periods ensure the employee understands the costs of employee benefits and note that the employer portion represents effectively additional income.
-Increase the employee contribution while explaining the price increase.

Employers must analyze their costs regularly. Each year the company will renew with their insurance vendor. The employer has the opportunity two to three months prior to evaluate the marketplace. There are many factors that will determine if the company is able to improve price, product or network.

So what can an employer do to keep costs affordable? There are several steps that should be considered in attempting to keep costs affordable:
-Evaluate your plan each year and ensure pricing is competitive.
-Make annual plan changes to offset increases in pricing such as increasing copays or deductibles.
-Consider changing your drug card to engage your employees more in the cost.
-Evaluate employee contribution levels and consider changes in the percentage of overall costs that you provide.
-Discuss the affordability of a health care offering with your employees and leadership to ensure each knows the pressure of maintaining such an offering.

For many employers, the cost of offering health care is typically the in the top five highest costs behind costs such as payroll and raw materials. This high ranking in cost is growing exponentially and deserves the time to be carefully evaluated and assessed. As the consumer becomes more engaged in the complex purchasing decision for the employer, there may be a gradual enlightenment by some employees who will realize that everything has a price.

Take the time to have your benefits evaluated by a seasoned professional who will carefully analyze your company’s benefit/price/risk equation for your health care offering so that you can optimize your position.

Scott is a partner in ESP Benefit Design, an employee benefits insurance firm based in Westerville, Ohio. (614-882-8535) Scott has an MBA from Franklin University. Scott has worked with over 6,000 customers. Email Scott at

 How good is your Employer Health Insurance policy?

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Make Health Insurance More Affordable And Accessible

Make Health Insurance More Affordable And Accessible


Make Health Insurance More Affordable And Accessible

The Texas Hospital Association (THA) is urging lawmakers in Dallas, Houston and throughout the rest of the state to take the right steps to make health insurance more affordable and accessible to individuals in Texas. The state ranks first in the country in the percentage of uninsured residents (24.6{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600}).

‘Cover the Uninsured Week,’ which is observed nationally to highlight the importance of access to affordable health care benefits, has garnered particular attention in Texas where Gov. Rick Perry has localized the awareness effort by proclaiming April 23-29, 2007 as Cover the Uninsured Week in the Lone Star State.

“Everyone pays the price when individuals, families and small businesses cannot afford health insurance,” the Governor stated. “The increasing costs of uncompensated care place a strain on Texas hospitals, other health care providers and on the quality of care every patient receives. Texas recognizes the urgency to take meaningful steps to make health insurance more affordable and accessible.”

Nearly one quarter of Texas residents — approximately 5.5 million men, women and children — is uninsured. In addition, the uninsured rate in every major Texas city is higher than the national average, and Texas’ share of uninsured children, more than 25 percent, also is higher than the national average. In 2005, eight in 10 non-elderly uninsured Texans came from working families — nearly 70 percent from families with one or more full-time workers.

“Texas hospitals are working with our elected officials in the battle to provide health care coverage to more Texans through the private sector as well as state-funded programs such as Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program,” according to THA President/CEO Dan Stultz, M.D., FACP, FACHE. Stultz said, “We know that access to affordable health insurance affects all Texans — because we all pay the price when Texans don’t get the care they need.”

In addition to working to reverse cuts in Medicaid and CHIP funding, and restoring provider reimbursement rates, the THA supports a number of private-sector measures to increase the number of Texans with health insurance coverage. These measures include:

H.B. 882 by Rep. Elliott Naishtat/Rep. John Davis (S.B. 922 by Sen. Kirk Watson) — These measures authorize counties to establish or participate in regional health care programs, which would provide health care services or benefits to the employees of small employers located in the participating counties.

H.B. 1182 by Rep. John Davis — Requires that state agencies and school districts consider whether a vendor provides health care benefits or equivalent health savings benefits to its employees when awarding a contract for goods or services.

S.B. 1023 by Sen. Royce West — Limits the use of money in the Texas Enterprise Fund to recipients that provide health benefit plans.

H.B. 3321 by Rep. Vicki Truitt — Requires students to be enrolled in a health benefit plan and to submit proof of health insurance before enrollment at a public institution of higher education.

H.B. 3361 by Rep. Garnet Coleman (S.B. 1681 by Sen. Kip Averitt) — Requires that health care benefit plans allow unmarried children of any age to be covered under a parent’s or grandparent’s health insurance policy or plan if the cost of the premium is paid.

When uninsured Texans are sick, they currently often turn to hospital emergency rooms because they have no primary care physician. Stultz noted that nearly 20 percent of people who lack health insurance report turning to the ER for what is often routine care, compared to only three percent of those with insurance coverage, according to the National Coalition on Health Care.

“Using hospital emergency rooms for non-critical care takes precious time and scarce resources that doctors, nurses and other health care professionals could put to work for those patients who truly need life-saving care or intervention for serious medical conditions.” Adding that Texas hospitals spent more than $ 10.1 billion in 2005 to care for patients who have no health insurance, Stultz said, “The costs of uncompensated care strains our physicians’ and hospitals’ ability to provide quality care to all patients — regardless of their insurance status. It also places undue burdens on local taxpayers, workers and health care consumers.”

Health care experts say that increasing the number of people with health insurance will further enhance the quality of care and help reduce the losses that result from doctors and hospitals treating patients with no health insurance. Uncompensated care limits the financial resources available to invest in new technology, electronic communication, education and other enhancements that would improve patient care and outcomes for all patients.

Pat Carpenter writes for Precedent Insurance Company. Precedent puts a new spin on health insurance. Learn more at
Small Business Health Insurance Basics In Texas

Small Business Health Insurance Basics In Texas


Small Business Health Insurance Basics In Texas

Because premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance levels for small business group health insurance policies in Texas can vary widely from plan to plan, it pays to shop around.

Have a good understanding of your employees’ healthcare needs before you start shopping. Do they require frequent medical care or do they rarely see the doctor? Are they more concerned about preventive checkups or coverage in case of emergency? Are prescription or maternity benefits important to them? This is an essential first step. You want to purchase a plan that offers the medical benefits your employees need, without a bunch of “extras” your employees won’t take advantage of. You’ll pay for these “extras” in the form of higher premiums.

When shopping for coverage, the Texas Department of Insurance recommends keeping these guidelines in mind:

– Be sure you understand the full extent of each plan’s coverage when comparing plans and rates. If you decide to go with a consumer choice health benefit plan over one with all the state-mandated benefits, the carrier or agent is required to explain in writing which coverages you don’t have.

– Plans with higher deductibles, copayments, and employee share of coinsurance generally will have lower premiums. Keep in mind, however, that your employees will also have to pay more out of pocket when they access services or benefits.

– Consider factors other than cost, such as a company’s financial strength and complaint record. These are indicators of the service you can expect. You can learn a company’s financial rating, as determined by an independent rating organization, by calling the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) Consumer Help Line. You can also learn information about the frequency of consumer complaints filed against specific companies by calling the Consumer Help Line: 1-800-252-3439/463-5515 in Austin.

– Look into purchasing cooperatives. These are groups of small employers with similar health care needs who join together to negotiate discounted rates for shared plans. For a list of registered purchasing cooperatives in Texas, call the Consumer Help Line.

– Buy only from licensed insurance companies. Selling unlicensed coverage is illegal in Texas. If you buy from an unlicensed carrier, your employees’ claims could go unpaid and you could be held liable for the full amount of your employees’ claims and losses. Guaranty associations pay the claims of licensed carriers that become insolvent. You can learn whether a company is licensed by calling the Consumer Help Line.

– Understand that employee health coverage is different from workers’ compensation insurance, which covers only job-related injuries and illnesses. Although workers’ compensation insurance is not required in Texas, it protects you from high damage awards in the case of workplace accidents. Providing regular health coverage to your employees is not a legal alternative to providing workers’ compensation insurance.

Who Pays and How Much?

The law doesn’t require employers to contribute toward health benefit plan premiums. However, many carriers require employers to pay at least 50 percent of the plan’s premiums. Employers may choose to pay a higher percentage than the carrier requires.

The carrier must offer dependent coverage to all eligible employees. Generally, employers are not required to contribute toward the cost of dependent coverage. If the employer doesn’t contribute, employees may have to pay all of these costs themselves.

Premiums may increase at each renewal term, largely due to rising health care costs and possibly as a result of employee claims experience. Texas law caps small-employer rate increases due to health factors at 15 percent per year.

Insurers cannot require businesses to purchase additional lines of insurance, such as life insurance or disability insurance, as a condition of the sale of a health plan.

Employee Signup and Waiting Period

New employees must be given at least 31 days from their start date to enroll in a plan. After this time, they may be required to wait up to one year for the next “open enrollment period” to join. Carriers must offer a 31-day open enrollment period annually.

You can choose to require your employees who enroll in a plan to wait up to 90 days before being eligible for benefits. During this period, the carrier may not charge you or the employee a premium.

Carriers may require participants to wait a certain amount of time before covering pre-existing medical conditions. In general, plans have different rules for pre-existing conditions. Plans using the open-enrollment requirement cannot make new members wait more than one year before covering their pre-existing conditions.

New enrollees who were covered in the year prior to joining a plan also receive credit toward the waiting period on a month-for-month basis. For example, an employee who was covered under creditable coverage for the entire year before joining a new plan would receive 12 months credit toward a one-year pre-existing condition wait — and would therefore experience no wait at all. For previous coverage to be considered creditable, there may not have been more than a 63-day break between the end of the previous coverage and the start of the new coverage.

A small business employer carrier cannot refuse to provide health coverage for employees on the grounds of employee illnesses or pre-existing conditions. Nor may carriers use health-related factors — such as employees’ prior claims experience or information on conditions arising from violent family situations — to decide whether to provide coverage.

How Small Employer Plan Premiums are Calculated

The rates for any given small employer plan are not solely determined by the benefits and deductibles of the plan itself. Certain objective “case characteristics,” along with any health status-related factors of employees, may also be components in determining the premium rate for the small employer group. Case characteristics consist of age, gender, group size, industry, and geography. Carriers can use some or all of these five objective criteria:

– Age of employees: Older people can reasonably be expected to have more expensive and more frequent health-related claims. Generally, the older your workforce, the more your plan will cost.

– Gender: Females generally incur higher medical costs than males at younger ages, particularly during childbearing years. The variance diminishes with age until medical costs for males begin to exceed those for females as they near ages 50 and 60. If you have a younger, proportionately more female workforce, or one that is older and proportionately more male, expect to pay higher premiums.

– Number of plan participants: Carriers often base rates on group size for two reasons. As size increases, administrative costs per insured decrease. Also, smaller groups tend to buy health coverage based on the targeted needs of participants, increasing the likelihood of claims for the benefits provided. As group size increases, this “custom-tailoring” becomes more difficult and premiums tend to decrease. However, the highest group size factor may not exceed the lowest group size factor by more than 20 percent.

– Industry: Some industries have higher medical claims costs than others because of working conditions and the prevalence of accidents. High employee turnover in some industries can also result in higher administrative costs for the carrier. However, the highest industry factor a carrier charges may not exceed the lowest factor by more than 15 percent.

– Geographic area: Health care costs vary by region due to differences in cost of living and medical practices, as well as the amount of medical competition in the area. Most plans vary rates by either county or ZIP code, using the employer’s business address to set rates.

The rating process for a small-employer group can be described as a two-step process. First, a carrier determines a premium rate based on case characteristics and plan design, without regard to health status-related factors. This produces the baseline price of the policy. Second, the carrier may adjust the rate to reflect health status-related factors of the group. This adjustment must apply uniformly to all members of the group and may not exceed 67 percent of the baseline price of the policy.

Group health insurance can be not affordable for many small businesses, not to mention an administrative headache. Another alternative to group health insurance plans is to offer individual health insurance options to your employees. By law, an employer is not allowed to contribute to these plans, or that would be treated as group insurance under Texas state law. But you can still help your employees become insured in a good plan and improve their health and well-being and also improve employee retention in the process. If you’re a small business owner who would like to offer affordable health insurance plans to your employees, but can’t afford group health insurance, you should consider offering your employees the revolutionary, comprehensive individual health insurance solutions created by companies specifically for young, healthy individuals.

Pat Carpenter writes for Precedent Insurance Company. Precedent puts a new spin on health insurance. Learn more at

Economist David Smick on what it will take to get the health care bill to pass Senate, and the divided leadership of the Democratic party.

What happens with your small busineess health plan?

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Keeping Tabs On Your Health In Texas

Keeping Tabs On Your Health In Texas


Keeping Tabs On Your Health In Texas

Your personal health information – do you know who has it or where to find it in Dallas, Houston or in the other Texas cities where you have lived? Do you have it? In most cases, a complete record of all of your personal health information can’t be found at any single location or in any consistent format. Each one of your healthcare providers (family practitioner, allergist, OB-GYN, etc.) compiles a separate medical record on you. And often times, these multiple medical records can lead to an incomplete story about your health.

Keeping your own personal health record (PHR) provides doctors with valuable information that can help improve the quality of care you receive. A PHR can minimize or eliminate duplicate tests. It can also help you receive faster, safer treatment and care in an emergency. In short, with a PHR, you can play a more active role in your healthcare.

Starting a Personal Health Record

Your health information is scattered across many different providers and facilities. A Personal Health Record is a collection of this information about your health or the health of someone you are caring for, such as a parent or child that you would actively maintain and update. The information comes from your healthcare providers, and most importantly, from you.

Why Start a PHR?

Your own PHR should provide a different perspective, showing all your health-related information. It can include any information that you think might affect your health, including information that your doctor may not have, such as your exercise routines, dietary habits, or glucose levels if you are diabetic.

In addition, the PHR is a critical tool that enables you to partner with your providers. It can reduce or eliminate duplicate procedures or processes, which can save healthcare dollars, as well as your time and the provider’s time.

What Should be in Your PHR?

When collecting information from your health records, make sure you include:

Personal identification, including names, birth dates, and social security numbers
Emergency contacts
Names, addresses, and phone numbers of your physician, dentist, and other specialists
Health insurance information
Living wills and advance directives
Organ donor authorization
A list and dates of significant illnesses and surgeries
Current medications and dosages
Immunizations and their dates
Important events, dates, and hereditary conditions in your family history
A recent physical examination
Opinions of specialists

Important tests results
Eye and dental records
Correspondence between you and your provider(s)
Correspondence between you and your health insurance company
Permission forms for release of information, operations, and other medical procedures
Any information you want to include about your health – such as your exercise regimen, any herbal medications you take and any counseling you may receive.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a PHR

Young, healthy people move, often frequently. Therefore you are likely to have health records scattered over all over Texas and beyond. Remember the flu last year in Dallas? And the routine exam three years ago in Houston? Keeping your own personal health record (PHR) provides new and existing doctors with valuable information that can help improve the quality of care you receive.

To start your personal health record, you will need to request a copy of your health records from all your healthcare providers, including your general practitioner, and your eye doctor, dentist, and any other specialists you have seen. Don’t feel that you need to gather all your health information at the same time. One way to handle your record retrieval is to ask for your recent records each time you visit a healthcare provider.

Incorporate the following steps, at your own pace, when creating your own personal health record:

1. Contact your doctors’ offices, the health information management (HIM) or the medical records staff at each facility where you have received treatment. Ask if your records are in an electronic format that you can access, or if you need to request copies. Also, ask your physician or the HIM professional to help you determine which parts of your record you need. Furthermore, find out if your provider has his or her own plan for helping patients to create their PHRs.

2. Ask for an “authorization for the release of information” form. Complete the form and return it to the facility as directed. Most facilities charge for copies. The fee should only include the cost of copying (including supplies and labor), as well as postage if you request the copy to be mailed. It can take up to 60 days to receive your medical records, so ask when you can expect to receive the information you’ve requested.

3. Now that you’ve gathered your information, there are a few different ways you can maintain your PHR. One way is to simply gather your information in a file folder. Not all information may be available to you in an electronic format, so an old-fashioned file folder or three-ring binder may be the easiest and most inclusive format. You can divide the binder into sections by family members. Then, within each family member’s section, divide information by year or illness.

4. There are many great digital PHR tools and services to help you get organized. You can burn data onto a CD. Also, portable devices, like keychain USB drives that plug into most computers, will make your PHR information extremely portable. There are also Internet-based services where you can store and retrieve your health information, including services which may be sponsored by your insurance company. Some services even help collect your data from your doctors and other healthcare providers.

Some of these digital PHR tools may be available free of charge and others are products or services you will need to purchase or pay a subscription fee to use.

5. Bring your PHR to all healthcare provider visits so that you have the information with you. And remember to keep adding and updating it with entries from providers, yourself, or your family member.

6. Because you won’t always have your PHR with you, create and carry a card that has vital information on it -such as medications or allergies – with you at all times.

7. Remember, this private information is yours and your family’s, so protect it and maintain its confidentiality. Let trusted family members know it exists, and where it’s being kept, but beyond that, keep it safe and protected.

Knowledge is power and your Personal Health Record can certainly empower you. The information gathered gives you information you can use when preparing for medical appointments. And it gives you more intimate knowledge of your healthcare, including giving you an active role in your preventive care and care management.

It’s easier to start gathering your medical records while you’re a young, healthy Texan compared to when you’re older and have a more complex medical history. Start with your parents and work your way up to your current healthcare providers.

Pat Carpenter writes for Precedent Insurance Company. Precedent puts a new spin on health insurance. Learn more at
Do you have your PHR ready?

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Improve Your Health

Improve Your Health


Improve Your Health

Your health is very important, and having bad health can prove to be very discouraging. No doubt you want to do everything that you can to make sure that you improve and maintain good health. While no matter what you do, you probably will not improve your health overnight, there are a variety of things that can help to improve your health if you keep at it. The following are some very simple things that you can do on your own to start improving your health.

Start Moving
One very simple thing that you can start to do every day to improve your health is to get moving. Anything that gets you moving is a great way to improve your health. Start taking the stairs instead of elevators, park far away from the store so you get to walk a bit. You can even start to schedule time to play outside with your kids or your pet. Walking your dog every day is a great way to start moving as well. Although you do not need to start exercising for an hour every day, just scheduling in 15-20 minutes of moving can help to drastically improve your health.

Avoid Fat
Cutting fats out of your diet can be a great way to improve your health as well. Start skipping the high fat fast food and choosing healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables. You should also watch out for dairy products as well, since they tend to be quite high in fat too. Start looking for foods that are fat free or low fat, and start eating them instead of their high fat competitors.

Stop Smoking
One thing that many people are doing that will lead them to an early grave is smoking. If you want your health to improve in drastic ways, then you need to stop smoking as soon as possible. While it may not be easy to quit, if you keep smoking it will probably kill you in the long run. Smoking can have a variety of bad effects on your health, including respiratory problems, heart problems, cancers, and more. If you are serious about improving your health, then you need to stop smoking now.

Get Rid of Stress
While it is definitely easy to say than it is to do it, getting rid of stress can help you improve your health in amazing ways. It is important that you start finding ways to reduce the stress in your life. Take up a hobby or start doing relaxation or yoga if you find it helps to melt the stress away. Start thinking more positively and take time out for yourself as well. Stress can cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems, so get rid of it and improve your health.

Start Flossing
Your teeth are very important as well, and have a lot to do with your total health. One thing that you can do to improve the health of your teeth is to start flossing every day. While brushing your teeth and using mouthwash is great, usually it is difficult to get to those germs and food that are between your teeth. If you start flossing your teeth will last longer and your mouth will be healthier as well.

Drink More Water
If you want to improve your health, one simple thing that you can do is to start drinking more water every day. No doubt you have always heard that you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and you should drink that much if not more. Drinking water helps to keep you hydrated and flushes out your system as well, which can promote health. Start taking water with you everywhere and you will start feeling better very quickly.

Cut Down on Salt
One thing that many people do not think about when they are considering their health is salt. While a bit of salt may not cause any harm, too much salt can cause a variety of problems within the body, including high blood pressure. Just cutting back on the amount of salt that you eat each day can help to improve your health now and in the long run.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
While you’ve probably heard your mother telling you all your life to eat more fruits and vegetables, it really can help to improve your health. Fruits and vegetables are filled with great vitamins and antioxidants that can help the way your body functions. They can even help you fight off infections and colds as well. Start eating more fruits and vegetables daily and you will see an improvement in your health.

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Womens Health Questions About Womens Health Problems

Answers to womens health questions on womens health problems can help a woman better understand her health and how to improve it. Today, a woman must both attend to her career while taking care of family responsibilities. Before and after work, she is likely involved in meal preparation, seeing to the family’s needs along with doing the non-stop stream of household chores. It is easy to understand how women can become nearly exhausted and begin asking womens health questions and looking for answers.

And to make matters worse, there is so much health information available that is at the same time confusing and conflicting. Who to believe? Who is trying to sell me what? Even doctors are often promoting this and that product as the latest greatest solution to various maladies and womens health problems. Perhaps you find yourself asking questions such as these:

Womens Health Questions #1 – Are Bioidentical Hormones Different from Synthetic Drugs?

Yes, bioidentical hormones are very different from the synthetic drugs. The term “bioidentical” means that the hormone is exactly the same as what the body naturally makes. The body will treat a bioidentical hormone as if the body produced it naturally. When used in dosages similar to the body’s normal production, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can provide health benefits without the side effects associated with non-natural or synthetic drugs. Synthetic hormones are not natural to the body – they are different from natural hormones so they can be patented and marketed by the drug companies.

Womens Health Questions #2 – Are There Really Any Best Vitamins for Women?

Absolutely! We all have what is referred to as dietary gaps, meaning, it is difficult to consume the necessary foods that provide needed nutrients every day. Who regularly eats the recommended 5-9 servings of vegetables and fruits each day? It is difficult for anyone to do and besides, the nutrient values found in foods today are lower than decades ago. Taking a high-quality, broad spectrum, anti-aging daily nutritional supplement formulated specifically for women helps fill in the dietary gaps that we all have.

Womens Health Questions #3 – Why Should I Be Using Natural Cleaning Products?

For sure! Since 1945, more than 80,000 synthetic chemicals have been invented, the majority derived from a petroleum base. When using home cleaning products that you pour out of a container, you receive exposure either through your skin or from the fumes that you breathe. And what is even much worse is when you spray the petroleum-based toxic cleaners into the air, doing so means you will be breathing the airborne chemical particles directly into your lungs which will contribute to various womens health problems! Natural cleaning products are easily available that are priced competitively and reduce exposure to the harsh chemicals found in regular household cleaners and sprays.

Womens Health Questions #4 – Why Do Uterine Fibroids Develop in Women?

Uterine fibroids are known as muscle tumors and in most cases are non-cancerous. They are a very common growth in the female genital tract. Fibroid growths afflict as many as 80{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} of American women in their 30’s to 50’s. One in four women will have complaints serious enough to seek medical treatment! The true causes of fibroids remain unknown, however, there are several factors that do seem to affect fibroid growths in women.

Womens Health Questions #5 – Where Can I Find Answers to More Questions About Health?

Online! Understand what are normal changes in the reproductive cycle and health and what changes and symptoms indicate hormonal imbalances brought on by poor nutrition, excessive stress and other lifestyle factors. Learn as much as you can about your health, the reasons for the womens health problems you may have and options available to you.

If you feel your health is not what it once was and want answers to your specific womens health questions, begin by understanding what is healthy and normal and what is not. How you feel and perform every day is an issue that is too important to leave unattended any longer.

Copyright 2007 InfoSearch Publishing

Learn more about the best women’s vitamins, natural cleaners, uterine fibroids and bioidentical hormones – David Lee Buster is VP of InfoSearch Publishing and a writer for – a website of natural health information and articles for women and men.

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