The Proper Rest

The Proper Rest

The Proper Rest

by Brian Barolo

The Proper Rest

Getting the proper rest is not an easy task in itself. To sleep or rest are completely different. Our body will always tell us which  one of these two we are in dire need of. To rest is to take a temporary break from the activities you are currently involved with. If you are doing a labor intense job then your body will perform as long as it is capable, then you will have to take a coffee break as we call them. This is usually set about 2 hours after starting a job or after a lunch or dinner break. Here in the USA the work force generally works two hours then takes a break. This strategy was put in place by the union workforce throughout the United States. This was developed for the safety of laborers.

Being overworked is horrible for the human body. People are able to put out so much energies, but when pushed beyond that point exhaustion sets in. A physical body starts to shut down at the begining of an exhuasted state. This has and will cause physical problems and wear and tear on the body. Therefore a great amount of rest is needed in recooperation. This is where good quality sleep takes over and the body begins to regain all its attributes. Society and especially the medical profession always prescribes ‘get plenty of rest’ for whatever may be ailing you. The physical body and the mental mind always put out so much energy that we as humans then start to become depleted and then need to rest. As we become depleted of our energies, food and rest/sleep is required in order to keep on living normally. If not then illness and death starts to set into the body.

Our imune system requires much rest and the proper nutrients to keep sickness, ailments, diseases and death from knocking on our door. The human body is a complexity of various systems which all work together to keep us healthy and functioning correctly. In order for all of these systems to stay healthy the body must not only get the good suppliments needed from the proper diet but a great deal of rest and sleep is required also.If enough rest is not taken the body will quickly wear down, leading to a breaking down of the systems causing sickness and strain, therefore needing medical attention. As we all know getting medical attention causes a great loss in time and a great cost of monies.

It appears that by staying healthy is very time and cost effective. Keeping up good health gets more out of life by not loosing time from being rundown or sick. It also helps our bank accounts grow tremendously due to no out of pocket expenses for medicines and therapies.  Getting the proper rest that one needs is very crucial in maintaining a healthy life. When you feel that need to take a break and sit down, do it. Do not abuse your work or activity by constantly taking breaks because you are lazy, rest when it is absolutely neccessary. If too many rests are taken then there probably is an underlying problem thet needs attention and you should seek a medical diagnosis. If you are healthy and take too many breaks then chances are that laziness has taken over. The mindset of lazy causes the body to not perform and slowly becomes decreped. This will definately lead to physical and mental breakdown of all the systems running our body for a healthy living.

Rest often. Sleep soundly.

How well do you rest and sleep?

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