The number one rule of saving for retirement is to begin saving immediately. Be sure to talk with someone in your company about the pros and cons of borrowing from your retirement funds. Following this simple guideline will hopefully help you reach your retirement goals at a decent age.
Retirement is to be realized some day. With baby boomers reaching retirement age, we may be seeing a larger wave of retirees moving that way. After the official reception was completed we brought the left over cakes, punch, and most of the wedding party to the retirement home.
News: Congress passes a far-reaching retirement savings law. Further, for those born after 1937, Normal Retirement Age is being extended. If you’re dreaming about a secure retirement based on social security and your corporate retirement program, you may be in for a startling awakening.
People are also refinancing their homes at a record pace, eroding the equity that, historically, has been a common source of retirement security. And, as absurd as this may sound until you experience the reality of it all, it is this one and only certainty that makes Mutual Funds in general (and Index Funds in particular) totally unsuitable as investment vehicles for anyone within seven to ten years of retirement. On February 26th, 2004, Peter Costello, Federal Treasurer MP, told ABC Radio that in the future “There’s going to be no such thing as full-time retirement.
Additionally, advancing age is frequently accompanied by loss of key social support systems because of death of spouse or siblings, relocation of residence and/or retirement. A recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive revealed that an entirely new paradigm for retirement is emerging. According to a survey in the Robb Report of potential foreign investment/retirement areas, Costa Rica surpasses all countries, including Mexico, Panama, the Caribbean Islands, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Australia, and Greece.
If you say that, or anything to the effect of, “Everyone is concerned about their retirement” or, “That’s what we hear people tell us every day” or even, “You’ve certainly come to the right place. Not only do non-participants miss an immediate and guaranteed 50{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} return on their investment, they also lose time and the benefit of compounding on their retirement savings growth. People who retire and then lose contact with the world of work and regular contact with other human beings often die soon after their retirement.
Making the right decision now will have a huge bearing on your retirement. Even after retirement, his pains continued to torment him and he finally decided to remove all his teeth, to put an end to his knee pain, as advised by the Zambian Doctor. Would you take action and build a fortune that would allow you to pay off the mortgage and create a retirement fund.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines attrition as “a reduction in numbers usually as a result of resignation, retirement, or death. Those that are just getting by and the owner is happy to leave things as they are (perhaps close to retirement. The Service Corps of Retired Executives was created by a group of retired executives from large corporations who wanted to continue using their business skills after retirement to mentor small business owners.
The Section 457 retirement plans basically provide the tax benefits that generally include pre-tax salary-reduction contributions, as well as tax-deferred growth of the investment earnings. Loyalty to the boss faded fast thanks to downsizing and companies dumping their retirement plans.
Uchenna Ani-Okoye is an internet marketing advisor and co founder of Free Affiliate Programs
For more information and resource links on retirement planning visit: Retirement Planning Software
Life coach Tony Robbins, author of the recent book Money Master The Game, talks with Inc. editor-in-chief Eric Schurenberg about how to invest wisely and inspire the people around you.
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