Consistency is Crucial and ever so important in our lives. Every single day we wake up and our body is looking for certain things. We must be consistent with what we do for our body. Consistency is one of the major factors to leading us to good health. To be consistent does take constant effort until we create good routines. A routine can keep us regular in everything as long as we are consistent in following it. The trick is to force yourself into following every single step in said routine. Then to be consistent with those routines throughout your entire life. Consistency is a major factor in reaching those goals. Being ever so consistent with your routines will eventually get you to reaching your goal. Of course we are talking about your goal being good health. Same with anything you wish to achieve, practice makes perfect.
Sports teams are the most consistent. People play professional sports to win. A team must be consistent every game as to not ever loose. The only way to reach success is to follow certain regiments of practice. These are set up by coaches. They have ways of teaching your body various movements and working particular muscles. Practicing these movements over and over builds strength and agility. When a baseball player wants to hit better he will be consistently practicing his batting. For every sports team from little league to the top professional sports teams consistency and practice is one of the major concerns. If you have ever played any sport at all then you are aware of having to go to practice much more often then games. Players must learn to play with the others and the best way to do that is consistently playing together. When practicing with your counterparts all the time you become aware of how each other works. When teams meld together in their performance they tend to conquer and win. It appears to me that some of the greatest dynasties in sports came from the teams that appeared to be the most consistent.
Routines are a great thing to develop for good positive actions in your life. Habits on the other hand tend to be on the negative side. Have you been consistent with your bad habits like most people? That is due to creating a comfort zone for yourself. You find an easy way and you understand it and then you become very comfortable with it. Now you have created a habit and if it is not as good for you then you need to break it and start a new routine. Yes, a routine should be looked at as being good and habits should be considered bad. Being smart is to loose all your habits and start new good positive routines. Now that we are starting new routines we must figure out every single step. Identify with each and every detail involved with that slightest movement and the next movement and so on and so on. It may seem a bit redundant but aren’t we trying to build new routines to better our ourselves. In doing the so called redundancy and refining the routine you must be consistently doing these tiny little tasks with in your brain. Be careful due to the fact that repetitive motions become automatic reactions. Meaning your subconscious tells your body what motor skills to use at what precise moment. That is how our bodies operate.
Are you consistent in your life?
by Brian Barolo