Deleted Subscribers

Deleted Subscribers

Deleted Subscribers

by Brian Barolo

Deleted Subscribers

This is a rant to all of the people who subscribed to and somehow find themselves deleted from the subscriber list.

Hello, my name is Brian Barolo and I am the administrator/manager of this blog. I wish to tell everyone what happened.

I started this health blog a little less than 2 years ago. I was fresh and green as newbies come. I had zero knowledge and started a blog. I was learning as I go. So I went.

In managing a blog site there is a fair amount of work to be done constantly. One of the big tasks is getting subscribers. No people signing up; then noone is reading the articles.

You learn everything as you proceed through all the steps routinely. I was getting sign-ups. Great! Iwas getting more and more and more… .

My coaches who were training me through all of the steps in the learning curve said that when people like a blog or article they tend to tell their friends, which can cause a chain reaction of new sign-ups.

Awesome! The subscribers started flowing in. I actually believed that something great was happening. The user list grew to well over 10,000 in that time. I believed I hit a gold mine!

The gold mine being the list of email addresses for future marketing, but also such great readership. Or so I thought! No respones or comments to any articles made me wonder. So I inquired.

Most coaching calls are about teaching more about handling the blog posts and not so much a subscriber list. Pushing my coach to help fix things, I learned a whole lot more about subscribers.

It is fact that their are scammers all over the web doing all sorts of different scams. There are robots of all types for different uses. Robots for signing up on blog sites I found out the hard way.

Why would anyone want to waste their precious time building a robot to just sign up on sites. There is no monetary value to be had. Unless I missed something.

So, to get back to the original question. Why was every sign up deleted from this site? Robots,robots,robots… . Robots from all around the world infiltrated my subscriber list.

Many hours were spent going through emails to try and decide which were ‘bots and or if some were real. Too much time was wasted. What were the alternatives?

Coaches suggestion was to do a mass delete with a plug-in and start over. The plug-in was free and easy to use. So now the list is starting over. Everyone except the administrator has been deleted.

A whole new sign up method is in place. This will potentially keep the robots out and new sign ups can have a great read. Please subscribe today. Thank you

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