Laughter: The Best Medicine


Laughter: The Best Medicine

Love laughing: it’s the best medicine.

Laughter, they say, is the best medicine. If you are like me you will agree. I wholly believe that there is no better way to lighten up someone’s mood. Making people happy by way of laughter is super easy. Don’t you love it when you can help that particular person lighten up their lousy mood? As I said, it is super easy to do. If you can make a comment to that special person of your choosing that will cause them to change their train of thought, then you have broken their moment of being miserable. That will most times bring a laugh. That tiny couple of seconds in a person’s life can bring such a great relief of stress. This will give a fresh start to the project, causing the unhappiness to dissipate and, many times, completely vanish. It is many times the smallest of gestures and thoughts being individualized that can be the best medicine. If the joke or comment is personalized, the greater impact it will have.

Laughter comes about in many different ways. You can tell a joke or riddle, make a funny face, hear a comical story, watch an entertaining video, comedy movie, or film, etc… There are books and comics and all sorts of things written for comedy. Even the newspapers and many magazines feature comic strips spread throughout the publication. Television is filled with Sitcoms that are comedic shows. You can go to a live play that is a comedy. Back in the old days, there was Vaudeville in the live theaters. These are all intended to get a laugh, whether it be a smile, a happy thought, or even a great feeling of happiness. Laughter can be generated in so many different ways.

I really enjoy laughing like most people. I especially enjoy bringing a touch of laughter to others. Especially those who show stress and unhappiness. I truly believe that making someone laugh is a major key to helping others. Causing laughter, like comedians, is such a positive action. Who can say no to a simple laugh? The Grinch, maybe. Haha! See, I just made a funny. You may not have laughed just then, but I believe you had to change the thinking pattern right here while reading this blog. If you thought about the Grinch for one iota of a second, I just caused you a moment of happiness. That is one of the most important things that I can do in life. Bring a laugh to everyone if I can. I really prefer those tiny little individual laughs. The more personal the comment the better the impact.

Simple entertainment is always good for reducing stress. Laughter sometimes will take the stress away completely. Any one person could always use a stress reducer. The more wound-up people get, the more it is needed to laugh and get rid of that tension. Stress will kill people, whereas laughter tends to prolong life. I believe the more we laugh, the less our heart tightens up, and the more tension we carry, the more stress on our heart muscles. Like I said, stress will kill! So laugh as much as possible and live a long, happy life.

Can you help others laugh?

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