Powerful Top Ten Reasons To Exercise

Powerful Top Ten Reasons To Exercise

Powerful Top Ten Reasons To Exercise


Powerful Top Ten Reasons To Exercise

While in no way is this article claiming to be THE “top ten reasons to exercise” I believe that these top ten are very important and have in their own rights earned honorable mention in this top ten list.

Let’s get started:

#10 Form and Posture

Through physical fitness your body will become stronger and more balanced. By equally focusing on muscle groups your posture will erect and your form for each exercise will become optimal.

As with anything, when you repeat an exercise, you will begin to have better form until you perform each move optimally and therefore will achieve optimal results.

#9 Responsiveness / Reflex

By performing certain speed exercises that focus on your fast twitch muscles (The muscles that perform quick movement) you will begin to experience increased reflex and responsiveness.

A big part of fitness is not in the muscle but in the communication between brain and motor units. As your body learns how to optimally communicate with each motor unit you will benefit with a faster ability to use the muscle.

#8 Knowledge

Why would I include knowledge in my “top ten reasons to exercise”?

Well, as you begin to do more workouts, learn new forms, and achieve new levels of fitness your knowledge of health and the body will expand.

It is inevitable that in time, you will learn more exercise positions, how to maximize form, how to eat appropriately, and many other aspects of fitness.

Knowledge comes with great determination. The more you focus on your exercise the more you will learn about it and your body. Knowledge is a powerful tool as it will help you understand what you can and cannot do.

Plus, with increased knowledge of exercise you will be able to create your own workout schedules allowing you to mix it up and add new life into a “boring” workout routine.

#7 Character

As you become more fit you will grow more confident in yourself. You will look better and over-all you will feel better.

Endurance and power exercises will force you to push to the limits and a little further. Through reaching new limits and transcending old goals you will become a stronger and wiser individual.

Your character will become more defined just as your body becomes more defined.

#6 Concentration

As I mentioned with character, the same is true for concentration.

Through endurance exercises you will have to push your body to limits beyond what you body wants to complete. You will have to keep a concentration that will allow you to push beyond limits.

Through time you will easily enter into this concentration and reach new goals when your body is only telling you to quit. Your mind is a very powerful tool, without it exercise would be pointless.

#5 Flexibility

At number 5 of my top ten reasons to exercise I wanted to include flexibility. Being at a half way point I want to focus on a benefit that some may find silly or pointless.

But being flexible is very, very, important.

It is best to achieve an equilibrium of strength, balance, and coordination. Nothing will challenge your mind and flexibility more than Yoga. Some think yoga is silly and a woman’s workout but I beg to differ. For any I have confronted that mock Yoga I asked the simple question, “Have you done it before?”, they all reply, “No”.

Interesting I think that those who mock something are unwilling to actually try it. Intimidated perhaps?

#4 Endurance

Pushing your limits through exercise will help you build stronger endurance; whether you are running long distance, swimming, or lifting heavier weights.

Endurance is a huge benefit as it will allow you to do harder things, for longer.

Have you ever imagined yourself running a full marathon or triathlon? Those are 2 examples of incredible endurance events that participants must prepare for months in advance.

But, don’t ever think it’s not possible for you. Giving yourself a seemingly “impossible” goal will drive you to accomplish things that right now don’t seem possible. But in the future will seem impossible that you didn’t start sooner!

#3 Power

Number 3 of my top ten reasons to exercise is power. The ability to be explosive, lift heavy, and do things with force.

Exercise will allow you to become much stronger as you lift weights heavier than your normal daily activities would require. In doing so you build stronger more powerful muscles which allow you to do seemingly astonishing things.

#2 Strength

While I believe Power and Strength are nearly equal I do want to separate the two for one specific reason.

While power is the explosiveness of an action, strength is your ability to do the over-all action. While someone may have immense power they may not have the strength to lift a heavy boulder. While someone with less power may have the strength to will the boulder in the air.

#1 Health

The number one reason in my “top ten reasons to exercise” is health.

over-all, while each mentioned reason has it’s own perk, they all add up into one unit which is your health. Health can be classified as your body’s ability to fight off infections and injury, it’s ability to heal and respond, your body’s ability to function and maintain, and of course the ability to prevent damaged cells which leads to diseases such as cancer.

I am not saying that these top ten reasons to exercise are the cure for cancer. What I am saying is that by striving to maximize each area of exercise and health you will achieve an optimal level of health in your life which will help you combat negative outcomes.

Exercise today for a healthier tomorrow!

Jason is a fitness enthusiast and also an independent fitness coach with years of personal experience in exercise programs. Find more articles like the top ten reasons to exercise by Jason and equip yourself with the knowledge of better health and fitness.

Jason Croxford aka Betterbody90
Entrepreneur – Fitness Coach – Student of Life
Website: http://www.betterbody90.com
Skype: JasonCroxford

What are your reasons to exercise?

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