Today happens to witness the best and the worst of times. Whoever learns about the threatening recession and impending layoffs would really be terrified. But just like anything else, every cloud has a silver lining.
The internet has continued to become more pervasive and it has spread its power on letting you earn those extra bucks. One method of doing this is by selling other people’s products online. This technique is like hitting two birds with one stone as you will also be able to improve your marketing skills along the way. So read this article so you will find out how a simple 10-minute period on the web could reward you with hundreds of extra bucks.
Advertising Revenues
In 2007, total revenue for advertising on the Internet alone reached to an enormous $ 21.2 billion. This means that Internet advertising showed no slump despite talks on financial distress and this trend will be applicable in 2008 and beyond. With this, would it be wonderful to have a share of this revenue?
If you have blogs and websites, you can actually sell the advertising spaces on those pages. The important point is that your content must be exciting, inspiring and unique from amongst all the blogs in the blogosphere, you know how to drive traffic to your website, and you can persuade visitors to click on the featured advertisements.
Among the high-earning websites are Perez Hilton (entertainment and gossip), Go Fug Yourself (fashion) and BoingBoing (technology).
Affiliate Marketing
This method is considered to be the best way to earn money online. Simply said, you get a cut for all products sold and for every time visitors purchase a client’s products. Both ways, you earn extra money!
With affiliate marketing, you get to earn more at less time. Just be certain that you are well-acquainted of the technical terms and ethics of the industry.
Retail Commerce
This is where your accounting and marketing lessons in college can come to the fore. In essence, retail commerce involves the purchase of products in wholesale, the carrying out of inventory and the reselling of these merchandise. The stiff competition among other e-shops is present but with time, perseverance and expert marketing skills, you’ll get by.
You earn money online by adding on a healthy profit margin to the products to compensate for the shipping costs. These shipping costs are minimal compared to what you can earn out of reselling more products.
The Magic of Drop Shipping
The major benefit of drop shipping over retail commerce is that you do not take care of heavy inventory expenses. You merely sell a supplier’s merchandise to others, get the customers’ orders and their payments, and then send the order details and the agreed price for the products to the supplier.
You do not have to shoulder the shipping costs as well. By giving a greater price – original price including your margin – you earn more profit. In short, drop shipping is merely wholesale business sans the inventory.
These methods are the four best ways of making money online. If you have a flair for business, an Internet connection and of course, a laptop, then you’re good to go. So bid goodbye to recession woes and unemployment predicaments as a great combination of these items will undoubtedly bring you to the pinnacle of success!
Actress discuses tabloid headlines and motherhood in new book “Spelling It Like It Is.”
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