Tips on Choosing an Exercise Bike

Tips on Choosing an Exercise Bike

by MsNina

Tips on Choosing an Exercise Bike

Fitness exercise machines for the home are very popular and one of the most useful and easy to use is an exercise bike. However, it is not just a matter of going out and buying the first one you see that’s within your budget! You really need to do some research first to determine the type of exercise bike that is right for you and the features that you will want it to include. You will have to decide between a recumbent and upright bike and to find out if it is easy to adjust and comfortable to use.

How Much Do You Want to Spend?

Of course this is usually the most significant consideration but you shouldn’t go for the lowest cost exercise bike available as it may perhaps not last for very long, be easy to use or give you good exercise. A beginner’s bike at a minimum will set you back roughly $ 200, and even though this will be adequate it probably won’t have any of the features that can be found on higher priced training bikes. For a small amount more, between $ 300 and $ 650 you will get a higher quality exercise bike with some features such as magnetic resistance, heart rate control, a comfy seat and generally quiet and smooth operation.

For roughly $ 550 you will be able to buy a first-rate exercise bike with all the features you may want. For this price you ought to expect loads of built-in workout programs, simple to use resistance control and LED display console, handlebars that are effortless to modify and a very good guarantee.

Comfort of the Exercise Bike

Certainly your exercise bike needs to be comfortable as you will be using it for quite long periods. You will need a well padded seat and handlebars that can be adjusted easily. Are you going to buy an upright or recumbent exercise bike? Many people think that recumbent exercise bikes are more comfortable to use than upright exercise bikes as you sit in a more reclined position which puts less stress on your back. Upright exercise bikes, even though they are not nearly as comfy, do have the benefit that you can effortlessly boost the intensity of the workout by pedalling standing up just like you would on a normal bike.

Adjusting the Resistance

Exercise bike resistance is adjustable in two ways. A good number of the lower cost models use tension and a belt, more expensive models use magnetic resistance which is quieter and more reliable. Exercise bikes that use magnetic resistance usually use a button or knob. A button is easier to use.

Monitoring Your Heart Rate

It is particularly crucial to be able to keep an eye on your heart rate while training as this is the whole aim of riding your exercise bike in the first place! Always purchase an exercise bike with a built-in pulse rate monitor so that you can adjust your training accordingly. Almost all the exercise bikes do have this though less expensive ones will often just have a pulse rate monitor integrated into the handlebars. The more expensive exercise bikes will have workouts that are driven by your heart rate so they adjust automatically to keep your pulse rate at a level that you fix. This is a very nice aspect but not vital if you can’t manage to pay for it.

Integral Workout Programs

Many of the less expensive exercise bikes do not have workout built-in programs. Even though you may believe this is not too much of a shortcoming you will find that merely sitting on the bike and pedalling will turn out to be tedious very rapidly! With exercise programs you can adjust your exercising and the feedback you get will assist with your motivation. Consoles that give you feedback on distance covered,calories burned and heart rate etc. certainly do aid your enthusiasm and keep you exercising for much longer. Nearly all of the exercise bikes in the middle range i.e. between approximately $ 300 and $ 600 will give you a realistic collection of integral workouts and a fairly good display. More expensive exercise bikes i.e. in the $ 650 and over range will have a very wide range of workouts and first-rate displays with a complete range of feedback information.


With exercise bikes, as with all fitness exercise machines you will only get what you pay for so buying the cheapest bike you can find is not really the best or most economical plan. If you buy a cheap bike that is flimsy and uncomfortable you won’t use it for very long and it will be waste of money. better to pay a little more, get a better quality exercise bike and enjoy your workouts.

For more information and some good deals on home exercise machines visit Recumbent Exercise Bikes or see Upright Exercise Bikes

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