Aerobic Exercise can Slow Down Aging

Aerobic Exercise can Slow Down Aging

Aerobic Exercise can Slow Down Aging


Aerobic Exercise can Slow Down Aging

Many studies have shows that you can effectively slow down the aging process by going on a regular program of aerobic exercise. But What you need to do first is checked with your doctor have him review your planned program. Once you get the go ahead from your doctor, make sure you start gradually and add just a little time and intensity to your sessions each week. The most common mistake is to start out with too much, too soon. At the beginning, the most important thing is the consistency of the program, not how much exercise you do each time. Doing a small amount consistently is much better than doing too much at the start and potentially injuring yourself.

Aerobic or Cardio exercise covers a wide range of activities that involve the body’s major muscle groups. By using these large muscles, aerobic exercise causes the heart muscle to work harder and become stronger. To be effective cardio exercise needs to raise the heart rate to between 60 and 75 percent of maximum. Many physical activities such as walking or jogging, running, swimming, rowing and cycling can all be classified as aerobic if they produce the target heart rate.

If you are consistent, you will soon notice one of the first benefits of aerobic exercise, an overall increase in energy level. Regular cardio exercise causes this to happen because the body will adapt to cope with the added strenuous physical activity. You will be gratified to see that you will tire less and at the same time, you are able to expend more physical effort.

Aerobic exercise’s second benefit is that it raises overall body metabolism. Aerobic exercise does not only burn calories during the exercise. Regular aerobic exercise will raise your resting metabolic rate and cause your body to burn more calories all day long! As a result you can experience some weight loss even if you are eating the same foods.

Aerobic exercise makes it easier to control your weight. Aerobic exercise not only increases you metabolism, as explained above, it makes your body become more efficient in burning calories. If you combine your exercise program with a reduction in high fat, high calorie foods you will see a more rapid weight loss than you ever could without exercising. Many people find that they no longer have to struggle to lose weight and they do not have to radically alter their diet to achieve excellent results.

An important benefit of aerobic exercise is the possible prevention of heart disease. As we get older, heart muscles health has a great impact the quality of an individual’s life. By strengthening the heart we not only feel better, we can potentially delay or prevent the development of many diseases that are associated with a weakened heart. Conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease are all preventable with regular cardio exercise and training.

You have already seen that aerobic exercise is defined as exercise that elevates the heart rate to between 60 and 85 percent of maximum, but what is that maximum? The quick way to figure that based on your age is to subtract your age from 220, so if you are 50 years old your maximum would be 170. Sixty percent of 170 would be 112 and 75{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} would be 127.5. Your ultimate goal should be to exercise so your heart is in this range for 45 minutes at least five times a week but, when you start out, you will be not be anywhere close to those levels.

When you start, you should exercise at least three times per week. If these sessions may just be a walk to the end of the block and back that is fine. Doing these sessions consistently is much more important that how long or vigorous the exercise is. You will find that, if you are consistent, your body will gradually improve. In many ways, when you are older, you are not exercising during this initial stage. What you are really doing is getting into good enough shape to start exercising! It will take time, but ultimately you will be amazed at your body’s ability to adapt and change.

A pulse monitor is strongly recommended as, initially, a way to make sure you do not go over your 75{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} heart rate during exercise. Later on he heart monitor will enable you to stay within your target range throughout your session. You will find that some exercise machines like bicycles, treadmills and ellipticals sometimes include pulse monitors and some will even give an audible signal when you are in your target range.

Unfortunately, there are too many people who have worked hard all their lives only to retire and find that their health prevents their enjoyment of these last years of their lives. You do not have to accept that fate and you will find all the information and technology necessary to exercise successfully and become very healthy for years to come. By making the commitment and doing a regular aerobic exercise plan, you can have a very high quality of life for years to come.

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