Healthy diet is the best diet

Healthy diet is the best diet

Healthy diet is the best diet


Healthy diet is the best diet

There is a phrase which says we are what we eat. Having a healthy diet has multiple benefits when you eat a proper nutritious diet. It will offer health benefits that will keep you physically and mentally healthy and fit. Dieting does not mean starving yourself. Instead you should realize that giving proper nutrition your body is vital you diet. It should include a balanced diet of lean proteins, carbs and fats. This is further broken down into different percentages. Around 45 to 65 {3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} of your diet should contain carbs and 10 to 35 {3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} should be proteins. Also 20 to 35{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} of daily calories should consist of fats. However this ratio differs from person to person and depending upon their body type.
A good healthy diet also has heart and Cardio benefits. A diet which has low amount of fats, cholesterol and sodium can lower your risk of heart diseases. It is important to know what type of fats to include and exclude from your diet plan. Saturated fats and Transfats, which are commonly found in red meat and fried food, should be avoided. Unhealthy oils like coconut oil,palm oil and margarine should also be avoided. Most of the packaged foods out subject your heart to a high risk of diseases. Your diet should include more of fruits and vegetables, wholegrain and low fat dairy products.These products benefit your heart. The aim should be to eat around four to five servings of vegetables in your daily diet throughout the day.
As we all know that our bones and teeth are made of calcium. A calcium rich diet is highly recommended in order to keep the bones and teeth strong. It should include low fat dairy products like milk, cheeseand yogurts. Vegetables such as Bok Choy or broccoli and other fortified foods should also be included. You can also consume fruit juices and cereals that are high in calcium. It is said that the body needs 1000 milligrams of calcium per day to prevent any bone loss in adults from age 19 to 50.
Maintaining a good diet increases your energy level. This is one of the noticeable benefits that you will experience when you start a new healthy diet by reducing all the excess fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates. This helps in preventing fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Some examples of refined carbs are white bread and candy. Naturally process carbohydrates include whole grains,fruits and vegetables. These are very high in nutrition. This also allows you to maintain your blood sugar level and your energy levels increase. Maintaining a healthy diet is the best way to prevent weight gain and a healthy body also keeps you healthy mentally.

 Nick Burgraff is the owner of B’n Fit LLC. After losing the weight, Nick earned his degree in exercise physiology from the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, where he is still conducting research in health and fitness. Nick often turns himself into a human experiment to test different ideas in order to know hands on how everything affects the body. He competed in numerous sports, he walked on to the Division 1 Nordic Ski team earning an athletic scholarship, raced triathlons as a sponsored athlete, road and mountain bike races, ultra-marathons, and even Crossfit. He has now dedicated his life to helping others reach their goals in weight-loss, fitness, and performance. He has worked with hundreds of people struggling to lose weight; showing them how fun and simple it can be. In addition he has worked with hundreds of endurance athletes, football players, power lifters, and strength & conditioning athletes giving them unrivaled performance gains. Check out to learn more about him and experience what he can do for you.

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