Healthy Diet Plan 101 – Indulge And Still Lose Weight

Healthy Diet Plan 101 - Indulge And Still Lose Weight

Healthy Diet Plan 101 – Indulge And Still Lose Weight


Healthy Diet Plan 101 – Indulge And Still Lose Weight

You say you’re on a diet – again: no chocolates, no burgers, none of the foodstuff you adore. So, are you also going to say that you never fall into the trap of cheating on your diet? That you never secretly binge on forbidden foods once in a while? But whoever said you can’t eat your favorite foods when you are on a diet? Of course you can! A healthy diet plan can also be eating the foods you love even when you’re on a diet.

Achieve a healthy diet plan you love by following these tips on how to cheat on your diet and still lose weight;

1. Grab a cup of hot chocolate. With a cup of hot chocolate, you savor the richness of the hot chocolate drink by sipping slowly because it is the only way to go. If you want to make it less fattening, use nonfat milk and a sugar substitute. But if you really insist on a chocolate bar, go for dark chocolate which has less sugar and fat and more antioxidants.

2. Use all your senses to satisfy your craving. This healthy diet plan allows you to endure emotional eating so you can overcome your cravings spiral.

3. Drink up first. Going on a lunch buffet? Drink a lot of water first. Drinking water before a meal makes you feel full. If you still crave everything on the buffet table, get a little of each. This way, you get to taste all the food without stuffing yourself.

4. Concentrate on eating and remove all the distractions. Get away from the television set or the computer. Eat in the pantry instead of your cubicle. When you eat while doing something else, you don’t get to enjoy your food, making you tend to eat again – and soon.

5. Don’t deprive yourself of your wants. Just don’t overdo it. Take everything in moderation. If you want ice cream for dessert, grab a small cone, not a whole tub that you finish in one sitting while watching your favorite TV shows.

6. Find a healthier substitute. Choose a healthier less fattening alternative for a craved food: a small tub of yogurt instead of ice cream, a turkey ham sandwich in place of bacon sandwich. Forgo the add ons. Mayonnaise, gravy, and butter add calories. For flavor, stick to salt and pepper or go herbs and mustard for gourmet.

7. Exercise. Whenever you binge, add a little extra to your exercise routine, like walking 15 minutes longer. Losing weight and a healthy diet plan is not just about limiting food, it is also about burning calories.

Depriving yourself may cause you to eat more in the long run. So enjoy the foods you really want, but stay within the limits all the time. To succeed, think about a healthy diet plan as small yet manageable steps to help you decide which diet system is right for you.

A healthy diet plan provides the right nutrients your body needs while staying fit and healthy.
Tell us about your indulgence while on a diet!

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