Rose Tree Park Amphitheater 8-2018

Rose Tree Amphitheater

Rose Tree Park Amphitheater 8-2018

Rose Tree Park Amphitheater 12-2023
by Brian Barolo

Another year has gone by for Rose Tree Park Amphitheater this year, 2023. But I was just there two days ago. I was there at the top of the park on the main walkway. Price Stevenson, the audio engineer, needed some assistance climbing two trees. Since I have always been his climber, who better to call? No! Not Ghostbusters!

I climbed two trees and replaced banana plugs with these new technology self-crimping lever wire connectors. Yes, I used an extension ladder to get up high enough to climb into the trees. I then replaced the old bananas with the new levers. All the speakers are broadcasting that cheerful holiday music on the walkway at Rose Tree Park.

Can you believe I am 64 1/2 years of age and still climbing trees! Well, anyhoo, I actually enjoyed that simple little job. I really enjoyed climbing in the tree.  Happy Holidays!

Following is the original blog. Read. Enjoy.

Rose Tree Park Amphitheater has come to the end of its 2018 Summer Music Festival. This great little outdoor amphitheater is located just outside Media, Pennsylvania. There were 44 shows produced this past summer in only a couple of months. The season ranges from mid-June through mid-August. That is five shows per week. This year, 44 shows were performed in eight weeks. That makes this venue the busiest in Delaware County, PA. There is a large variety of musical performances, and just about every musical niche is covered. Whether you prefer rock, jazz, symphony, classic, or anything in between, there is a concert for everyone. Free concerts open to the public are the greatest.
Being a small but complete amphitheater, full production is given in all aspects. A full professional sound and lighting system with some backdrops and effects exists. For every show, professional technicians operate all the different parts of every concert. A sound engineer, monitor engineer, lighting board operator, and back-line roadies are all part of every show. Without these professionals, these shows would be garbage and not enjoyable to watch and listen to. The performers on stage give their best from their talents, but most people do not factor in all the help put into amplifying the show with audio and lighting and such. The band is the most important part of a show, but there is a need for specialty talents in technology that the crew of technicians brings to the show. Every concert must have two parts: the performers and the technicians.
I, myself, have many different talents within the industry of productions/ shows. Being involved with the production company that handles all the Rose Tree Park Amphitheater concerts and using my talents, I installed sound and lights in early May. Then, in mid to late August, we dismantled the entire production. That entails taking down the PA speakers and stage lighting instruments. All of the equipment then goes into storage for the winter till the following year. Most of this work has to be done using a snorkel or boom lift with all-terrain capabilities. After all, the equipment has been hanging outdoors for nearly four months. Rain or shine, some lighting, and sixteen fixtures remain completely uncovered and get soaked. Fortunately, they are all older lighting fixtures that have zero electronics inside. Lighting is much more advanced today with LEDs, which must incur electronics and various computer chips that cannot get wet. So, to install and uninstall, a lift must be used. I am certified to operate such a lift and a full-fledged Lighting technician. I did this job with such precision that I completed the lift’s end in less than 2 hours and 15 minutes. Yes, the money has now become extremely good. Half of a day’s pay was earned in just over two hours. The mindset to work in this manner is where everything should be based. The belief in completing a job compared to working slowly to gain more hours working for more pay is two totally different aspects. I would much rather have a job to do and complete the project for a set amount rather than scrapping for hours. With this belief, I can set my pace with a goal in mind. Rose Tree Ampitheater and Price Stevenson offer that opportunity to me. This is one job I very much enjoy doing. Set up or tear down. Life should be as good. If you are given opportunities, grab them and enjoy life, even when working.
