Used Cubicle Woes

Used Cubicle Woes

Used Cubicle Woes


Used Cubicle Woes

Your desk, or cubicle, and what surrounds you is the vehicle for your work mojo. It’s the spot where genius is born, where you spend much of your everyday life. That’s why it’s important to organize it in the best way to, as they say, get those creative juices flowing. If you’re struggling to get the right ambiance inside your used cubicle, here are a few tips to organize your tiny work space:

1. First thing’s first. Clean it. Those old, used cubicles can be bad enough as it is – cramped, stale, stuffy, boring, elbow-to-elbow to annoying coworkers – but when you start drowning in files and paperwork, your cubicle can seem like a whirlpool of burden that’s just too much to handle.

If you don’t remember what the desk looks like anymore, it might be time to start thinking of some cubicle detailing. You don’t want to hear it, but your used cubicles mess is embarrassing. Your boss wants you to clean it. Your coworkers (as annoying as they may be) want you to clean it. Deep down inside you want to clean it, too. It will help with your work and your sanity. But, as is the case with most cleaning jobs, where do you start? That much filth can be daunting.

Start with your desk. Throw old papers, stick-it notes, and stuff you don’t use anymore, away. Then wipe it down with some Windex. Once the desk is clean you’ll feel like you’ve actually done something. A clean desk will make you feel better immediately. After you get that out of the way, it will be easier to polish everything else off.

2. Decorate. This is not rocket science. It’s not like decorating your house. You don’t need an interior decorator, but it’s always better to make a nice environment that’s pleasant to work in. A nice photograph, calendar and a strategic plant can make a used office cubicle come alive. If you don’t have a window to peer out of, make sure have a soothing landscape shot. It will give you a momentary escape and will help relax your eyes, which comes in handy in those boring old used cubicles.

3. Personalize. Hang photographs of family, friends, or pets on the walls. Don’t overdo it, though. Nobody at work likes to see a family album spattered throughout your work space. Too many pictures will just start to look like clutter anyway.

4. Make it funny. Humor is healthy on so many levels. Bring something into your work space that you can laugh at. Hang up a funny picture, place funny quotes on the wall, or anything else. Your work space is much more enjoyable if there’s a sense of humor. Plus, people will think you’re cooler if you have funny stuff.

5. Motivation. We all need that extra push now and then. Post a goal, a picture of that place you’ll travel to once you get your bonus, or a motivational poster. Anything that will help you want to work harder will help the day-to-day grind. It will also make you look ambitious to your managers.

Do you work in a cubicle?

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