
How to Choose the Best Recumbent Exercise Bike?

How to Choose the Best Recumbent Exercise Bike?


How to Choose the Best Recumbent Exercise Bike?

If you are planning on buying exercise gear for your home, a recumbent exercise bike is the best option. This bike is stationery on which you can lean on the back and comfortably pedal your way to fitness. Most people who have used an upright exercise bike as well as a recumbent exercise bike say that they liked the latter more. The sheer comfort level of this bike is the main reason why it is popular even among people with sedentary lifestyles. It burns a huge number of calories and at the same time never injures any part of the body. The comfort factor is also the reason why this bike is used in many rehabilitation programs for physically-disabled people. Choosing the right recumbent exercise bike is not easy and the information below will help you.

* This bike is easy to use even by people who are overweight. It offers very little resistance while pedaling making it completely safe. The seat is larger which makes it much more comfortable than upright exercise bikes. Buy a model that offers different programs to suit your needs. You can choose the settings you want for a particular workout session. It is perfect for people of all fitness levels.

* Buy a bike that has different programs, such as flat or hilly. Being able to choose the resistance program will let all members of the family, each with different fitness levels, use a single bike. In fact, you can even choose a program on which you can read a book!

* This bike is suitable for people who are not physically very fit. People with back and neck pains don’t find any discomfort in using it. It is also a lot safer than an upright bike as it provides protection against injuries.

* This bike is particularly good for men. Many men avoid the exercise bike because of the discomfort in their crotch. As a result, they miss out exercising their legs. With this bike, they can exercise their legs as much as they want. Moreover, men who build up biceps in gyms are often seen to have spindly legs. The reason is the same. The recumbent exercise bike lets them have strong legs by pain-free exercise.

* Women have always been known to be scared of exercise. With the recumbent exercise bike they can exercise while watching television, reading a book and even talking on the phone. Moreover, legs and bottoms are parts of the body most women worry about and this bike offers a great workout to these. They can even change the setting to choose a resistance program to burn fat in a particular area of their legs. An hour on this will give great legs. What more do women want?

* Prices of recumbent exercise bikes range from $ 200 to $ 3000. Great deals can be found on the internet. Choose one that will deliver the bike to your home free of cost.

Buy a recumbent exercise bike and choose a healthier you.


What type of exercise bike do you use?

Are you ready to find the best deals on recumbent exercise bike? Visit http://www.recumbentexercisebike.info today for more information!

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Stationary Exercise Bike: A Perfect Pick For Complete Fitness

Stationary Exercise Bike: A Perfect Pick For Complete Fitness

Stationary Exercise Bike: A Perfect Pick For Complete Fitness

People are developing the passion for fitness these days. They try different exercises and some even try fad diets to achieve their goal. However, they usually fail to notice the exercise bike which is more useful than any other exercise equipment for overall fitness. Though stationary exercise bikes are being used for many years now, yet they have not become outdated or ineffective. They are up to date and as efficient as any other modern exercise equipment. These bikes are the most reasonably priced cardio vascular exercise gears.

The benefits of stationary bikes are as same as the regular bicycle. However, stationary bikes have an added advantage and that is you do not have to make your way through traffic and pollution. You can do your exercise while reading news paper or watching television news. This way you will not miss a single episode of your favorite soap!

People’s busy lifestyle does not let them take out some time for going to gym. However, regular physical activity is a must for maintaining a healthy body and long life. The exercise bikes can be used from the comfort of your house whenever you get some time. It has to a regular routine though. Just buying an exercise bike is not enough. You have to use it for better results. Increased weight is a cause of concern. Exercise bike is helpful in weight loss as well as fat burning.

There are various types of stationary exercise bikes available in the market, single and duel action bikes. Duel action bike work well while coordinating upper and lower body requirements. It is useful in heart related exercises and burning lower body fats at the same time. The person suffering from leg injuries and be benefited from duel action exercise bike as you can adjust the bike’s levers to give maximum stress on hands keeping your hands in much relaxed motion.

Exercise bikes are safe to use. The wide seat gives the users stability in position during exercise. It does not cause stiff back like other exercise gears. The bike comes with a warranty and its spare parts are easily available in case you need them. These bikes can provide great resistance for special requirements of sports people. You can adjust its resistance according to your comfort or stamina. Recumbent exercise bike is the good example of stationary bike which provides weight loss and muscle building benefits to the users.

Stationary bikes come in different functions. They can give you the experience of riding up on the hill or on a plain road or slope. Choose your difficulty level as per your requirement. It is always better to consult your physician or trainer before starting any kind of new exercise. Regular workout sessions are helpful for people of all age group. Select the proper exercise as per your physical requirements. If you want to have lean body and strong muscles but do not have time for going to gym, then purchasing exercise bike is convenient for you.

Are you ready to find the best deals on stationary exercise bike? Visit http://www.recumbentexercisebike.info today for more information!
 What type of exercise bike do you use?

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Mini Exercise Bike - Why Get One?

Mini Exercise Bike – Why Get One?


Mini Exercise Bike – Why Get One?

In so far as health and fitness is concerned, there are many things that people do to keep themselves in the best possible shape. However, time constraint is one of the worst deterrents of all which is why many would settle for home based fitness programs and invests in good exercise equipment in the hopes that it would help them lose weight and get in top shape.

Among the most important things to keep in mind if you opt to do your workout routine at home is to have access to an efficient and effective set of exercise equipment that will help yield the results to desire. It is important that you can utilize the available tools and equipment that you have on hand and this can be made possible if you have a mini exercise bike for yourself. The mini exercise bike is among the most radical and effective exercise machine ever made available and it will absolutely create ease in the performance of your regimen.

If you happen not to be in the know about what the mini exercise bike can provide, you should know that it is not only a compact exercise equipment that is easy to move around but more importantly, it is an effective weight loss aid and can instigate muscle development in half the time it will take you to do a thousand sit-ups or any other exercise. The advantages of having it will not only last while you are a novice because you can use it for any fitness requirement.

Among the most daunting tasks in home based fitness training is trying to figure out how to make space for the exercise equipment to be used. It is rather good to know that there are innovations procured in order to address space concerns and incorporate it with very effective functionality. What the mini exercise bike provides is space efficiency as well as efficient fitness results on your body and your health in general.

The money you will spend for a mini exercise bike will pay for itself because of what you will be getting.

The new and improved body that you will have is well worth the cash you paid for the machine. A newly found energy will be one of the best things you can ever desire to have and you can have it for as long as you have the exercise bike.

What it comes down to is whether or not you will get the desired results out of using the mini exercise bike and as far as the best thing that you can get from it is concerned, lower body strengthening will be on top of the list although the upper body is never neglected when you work out. The lower body, particularly the leg and thigh muscles will be exercised well without any danger of sustaining any injuries because the bike is practically a no impact machine.

If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to read more about , mini exercise bikes, stop by and visit our website about recumbent exercise bikes.
What types of bikes do you prefer?
Learning About Exercise Bikes

Learning About Exercise Bikes


Learning About Exercise Bikes

Before purchasing an exercise bike you should determine where you are going to put it in your home. Next, consider your choices of exercise bike, including an upright exercise bike, a semi-recumbent exercise bike, or a recumbent exercise bike.

Upon choosing the type of exercise bike you are going to purchase, you need to research reviews from bike magazines or online sources. Friends and family members who already have the same model can be useful in making recommendations. Personal trainers who have exposure to exercise bikes will prove helpful also. Things to look for compiling your research will include performance, bike functions, and what the exercise bike is constructed from.

Make sure to take the seat into account when choosing your exercise bike. An adjustable seat that is well cushioned and comfortable is important. Biking on a seat that is not at the proper height can cause discomfort and pressure on your lower back and groin. It is vital when compiling your reviews to search for these details about various exercise bike features and how they will impact you.

Another advantage of researching review is that many times certain websites will have special sales on exercise bikes which you will find about from the review. By using the information in reviews, you can sometimes negotiate a more favorable price from another company.

Reading exercise bike reviews has many advantages. You can gather information about every detail and see what other consumers who have purchased the exercise bike have to say.

Your local gym is another resource to tap when researching exercise bikes. You can try out different types and models. You can also consider simply joining the gym and using their bikes if you have limited space in your home to put one or are trying to keep costs down. Your gym will usually have a broad selection of exercise bikes ranging from the traditional to the newest most technologically advanced versions.

If you choose to purchase an exercise bike or join the gym, riding one will help keep you in shape. Daily exercise on an exercise bike will benefit you in many ways. Since it is a cardio activity, you will enjoy a decrease in your weight and an increase in your muscle tone.

Find out more about sciatica cures and IBS cures at our blog.
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Some Tips On Owning Upright Exercise Bikes

Some Tips On Owning Upright Exercise Bikes


Some Tips On Owning Upright Exercise Bikes

For those who are into health and fitness, many will probably own an upright exercise bike. Owning upright exercise bikes is definitely one way to have fun while burning those calories. In addition to that, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. An upright exercise bike is similar in form to a traditional outdoor bike. If you wish to get one of these, you will have to consider also whether you will be comfortable with the contour and seat of this type of exercise bike.

You will also need to take a look at your budget. There is a recommendation that you take a look at upright exercise bikes that are priced USD 500 and above. Supposedly, you can expect magnetic resistance and high grade consoles. These will give you feedback regarding your workout. This will also serve as an additional motivation while you do your workout. For bikes above USD 500, you can also expect a higher quality bike with several built-in workout programs for you. You can also monitor things such as your heart rate while you exercise. The really high-end bikes, however, are supposedly priced at USD 1000 and above and are already similar in quality to those found in top class health clubs. You may be able to monitor even more things here such as the calories you have burned, how much distance you have travelled, and the resistance level.

One thing you’ll have to look at is how much you’re actually willing to spend in order to buy upright exercise bikes. Most people might prefer those within the USD 500 – 1000 range since you are already getting a pretty sophisticated machine at this rate. You can monitor your heart rate and the calories burned. You will also be able to view how much you’ve travelled during the course of your workout. Having a good feedback system is always a good motivation when you do your workout. Getting numerical feedback on your results can propel you to do more. You might find more features on bikes priced USD 1000 and above. You can usually see them in high end health clubs where you can also see other advanced equipments.

If you are on a tight budget, however, and the upright exercise bike is not really the main focus of your workout session, then even a bike that is priced below USD 500 will give what you need. This is especially true if you only tend to work out on a semi-regular basis.

With regards to resistance, magnetic resistance is said to be the best kind. Keep this in mind when purchasing an upright exercise bike. Not only are magnetic currents used to keep track of the resistance, you can also select a wider variety of workout programs on a bike with magnetic resistance.

Given that a considerable sum can be spent on obtaining an upright exercise bike, remember to take a careful look at the warranty offered on the bike. Upright exercise bikes are said to have warranties based on each component instead of as a whole. Make sure that you understand the warranty that applies to each part and that you are amenable to them. When buying, take note that it is your investment and it will depend on how long and how often you intend to use the bike so that you can also decide on how much to spend and whether it is worth it.

Carly has written more articles about , cheap upright exercise bikes, come visit her website about recumbent exercise bikes.
Powerful Top Ten Reasons To Exercise

Powerful Top Ten Reasons To Exercise


Powerful Top Ten Reasons To Exercise

While in no way is this article claiming to be THE “top ten reasons to exercise” I believe that these top ten are very important and have in their own rights earned honorable mention in this top ten list.

Let’s get started:

#10 Form and Posture

Through physical fitness your body will become stronger and more balanced. By equally focusing on muscle groups your posture will erect and your form for each exercise will become optimal.

As with anything, when you repeat an exercise, you will begin to have better form until you perform each move optimally and therefore will achieve optimal results.

#9 Responsiveness / Reflex

By performing certain speed exercises that focus on your fast twitch muscles (The muscles that perform quick movement) you will begin to experience increased reflex and responsiveness.

A big part of fitness is not in the muscle but in the communication between brain and motor units. As your body learns how to optimally communicate with each motor unit you will benefit with a faster ability to use the muscle.

#8 Knowledge

Why would I include knowledge in my “top ten reasons to exercise”?

Well, as you begin to do more workouts, learn new forms, and achieve new levels of fitness your knowledge of health and the body will expand.

It is inevitable that in time, you will learn more exercise positions, how to maximize form, how to eat appropriately, and many other aspects of fitness.

Knowledge comes with great determination. The more you focus on your exercise the more you will learn about it and your body. Knowledge is a powerful tool as it will help you understand what you can and cannot do.

Plus, with increased knowledge of exercise you will be able to create your own workout schedules allowing you to mix it up and add new life into a “boring” workout routine.

#7 Character

As you become more fit you will grow more confident in yourself. You will look better and over-all you will feel better.

Endurance and power exercises will force you to push to the limits and a little further. Through reaching new limits and transcending old goals you will become a stronger and wiser individual.

Your character will become more defined just as your body becomes more defined.

#6 Concentration

As I mentioned with character, the same is true for concentration.

Through endurance exercises you will have to push your body to limits beyond what you body wants to complete. You will have to keep a concentration that will allow you to push beyond limits.

Through time you will easily enter into this concentration and reach new goals when your body is only telling you to quit. Your mind is a very powerful tool, without it exercise would be pointless.

#5 Flexibility

At number 5 of my top ten reasons to exercise I wanted to include flexibility. Being at a half way point I want to focus on a benefit that some may find silly or pointless.

But being flexible is very, very, important.

It is best to achieve an equilibrium of strength, balance, and coordination. Nothing will challenge your mind and flexibility more than Yoga. Some think yoga is silly and a woman’s workout but I beg to differ. For any I have confronted that mock Yoga I asked the simple question, “Have you done it before?”, they all reply, “No”.

Interesting I think that those who mock something are unwilling to actually try it. Intimidated perhaps?

#4 Endurance

Pushing your limits through exercise will help you build stronger endurance; whether you are running long distance, swimming, or lifting heavier weights.

Endurance is a huge benefit as it will allow you to do harder things, for longer.

Have you ever imagined yourself running a full marathon or triathlon? Those are 2 examples of incredible endurance events that participants must prepare for months in advance.

But, don’t ever think it’s not possible for you. Giving yourself a seemingly “impossible” goal will drive you to accomplish things that right now don’t seem possible. But in the future will seem impossible that you didn’t start sooner!

#3 Power

Number 3 of my top ten reasons to exercise is power. The ability to be explosive, lift heavy, and do things with force.

Exercise will allow you to become much stronger as you lift weights heavier than your normal daily activities would require. In doing so you build stronger more powerful muscles which allow you to do seemingly astonishing things.

#2 Strength

While I believe Power and Strength are nearly equal I do want to separate the two for one specific reason.

While power is the explosiveness of an action, strength is your ability to do the over-all action. While someone may have immense power they may not have the strength to lift a heavy boulder. While someone with less power may have the strength to will the boulder in the air.

#1 Health

The number one reason in my “top ten reasons to exercise” is health.

over-all, while each mentioned reason has it’s own perk, they all add up into one unit which is your health. Health can be classified as your body’s ability to fight off infections and injury, it’s ability to heal and respond, your body’s ability to function and maintain, and of course the ability to prevent damaged cells which leads to diseases such as cancer.

I am not saying that these top ten reasons to exercise are the cure for cancer. What I am saying is that by striving to maximize each area of exercise and health you will achieve an optimal level of health in your life which will help you combat negative outcomes.

Exercise today for a healthier tomorrow!

Jason is a fitness enthusiast and also an independent fitness coach with years of personal experience in exercise programs. Find more articles like the top ten reasons to exercise by Jason and equip yourself with the knowledge of better health and fitness.

Jason Croxford aka Betterbody90
Entrepreneur – Fitness Coach – Student of Life
Website: http://www.betterbody90.com
Skype: JasonCroxford

What are your reasons to exercise?

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Exercise: The Ultimate Stress-Reliever

Exercise: The Ultimate Stress-Reliever


Exercise: The Ultimate Stress-Reliever

Perhaps it’s the result of having a new job, a new mate, or a new baby. You are overwhelmed with a feeling of excitement. Yet, you feel inadequate as well. As a result, you are under a tremendous amount of stress. At times, you might feel as if there’s no relief in sight-as if you’re on a treadmill which shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

However, the secret to effectively dealing with the stress may be to get your body onto an actual treadmill. Exercise can be the key to stress relief. It’s an obvious antidote to fatigue. It can make you feel more energetic, improving your strength and resiliency. It has been shown that individuals who are more physically fit often experience fewer health troubles. In addition, exercisers are less likely to suffer from psychological problems such as depression, binge eating, or insomnia.

Without exercise, you are increasing the likelihood that you will be afflicted with colds, flu, or other medical problems. Aerobic exercise in particular can improve your cardiovascular system and decrease your anxiety level. Some studies have shown that, during aerobic exercise, a chemical is produced in the brain which helps to heal the body from stress-related conditions. You should exercise at least three days a week for 30 minutes at a time in order to improve not only your health but your mental outlook.

If you find it difficult to become motivated to exercise, there are a number of steps you can take. To begin with, you can join an exercise club. Knowing that you’ll have to pay dues to a gym may make it more likely that you will actually end up exercising. You might also consider enlisting the aid of a personal trainer. A trainer can provide powerful motivation, pushing you to complete exercises you never thought possible. Another idea is to join an exercise class. There, you’ll meet other people who are in a similar position. The camaraderie that develops between exercisers can help to reduce your stress level.
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In general, exercise should make you feel less anxious. Your muscles become less tense and you will be less shaky after a round of exercise. It has also been shown that exercise leads to an hour and a half to two hours of relaxation response. This has also been referred to as the endorphin response. As a result, your mood will improve, enabling you to deal more effectively with stress.

Exercise can also improve your self-image. You’ll experience greater self-worth, which will, in turn, reduce your stress level. A confident person is an individual who knows how to handle stress without becoming flustered. As a result of exercise, you may also end up eating better. Your improved menu may also prove to be a stress reliever. For instance, if you give up caffeinated drinks, you might become less jittery.

In addition to your sessions in the gym, you should be looking for additional opportunities to exercise. This could mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to work instead of driving, or playing touch football in the backyard with your children. The point is to get moving-and keep moving-at every available opportunity.

Exercise quickens the blood flow to your mind, offering the brain additional sugars and oxygen which can be important if you are concentrating. Exercise can also clear out waste products from the brain which can result in unclear thinking. You will also feel a greater sense of well-being as a result of exercise.

As has been shown here, exercise is beneficial for both the body and the mind. As a result, it can relax you when other techniques fail. By engaging in exercise, you free up your mind, enabling you to concentrate better and work more efficiently. Chances are you will not only feel better, you will look better as well. With your brain under control, you should experience less stress. Granted, exercise takes time and requires discipline, but it is well worth the exertion. The good feelings you get from a powerful exercise session can actually last for days. You may find that you actually look forward to working out because of the tremendous benefits it brings with it.

As a leading expert in the field of anxiety disorders and panic attacks, Melissa Smith is always on the lookout for anxiety help . Visit her site for more information on panic attack relief and much more.

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Facts About Exercise For Cellulite

Facts About Exercise For Cellulite


Facts About Exercise For Cellulite

Cellulite can be on the top list of a person’s worst nightmare. For some people, it may seem as unsightly as a large scar. It can ruin your chances of ever wearing those pair of sexy board shorts or that cute bikini. Fortunately, there is a chance that you can help relieve your cellulite condition with a little exercise for cellulite.

The Truth About Cellulite

Before looking into exercise for cellulite, it is important to first know that cellulite can affect a lot of women of all shapes and sizes. Even skinny people and athletes can have some cellulite in their bodies. If you don’t think you have cellulite, try pinching a couple of inches of your thigh. The rippling portion is actually a sign that you do have it and you probably need exercise for cellulite.

However, don’t get too overexcited. Cellulite is very difficult to get rid of. For a lot of people, exercise is simply not enough. For others, it may take a whole lot of exercising before they can make a dent on their cellulite condition. If you are interested in exercise for cellulite, you should have realistic expectations and a great deal of perseverance.

What Exercise Can Do for You

There are some exercise routines that can provide a lot of benefits as far as cellulite reduction is concerned. That is why a lot of people still want to get into an exercise program. One exercise benefit is that you can get your muscles toned. This may not completely get rid of cellulite but it can buff up your muscles so that cellulite won’t look so obvious. Exercise can also help improve your blood circulation. This is important because this is how nutrients contained in food and supplements reach cellulite areas. This implies though that exercise for cellulite should always be paired with a nutritious diet and a good cellulite supplement.

Exercise for Cellulite

What could be these exercises that help get rid of cellulite? A lot of sources will tell you that muscle strengthening and endurance exercises are the best for cellulite. This is partly true because these exercises are the ones that can tone your muscles. Squats, leg curls and weight lifting are examples of muscle exercises.

Remember though that aerobic exercises are equally important. An aerobic exercise for cellulite is what can help improve your blood circulation and oxygen delivery. It also helps support toxin elimination. Swimming, jogging and walking are examples of aerobic exercises.

Gradual Start

Other than time and effort, exercising would also entail a lot of determination and perseverance. At the beginning, it is crucial to have a gradual start. Maybe you can begin exercising for 10 minutes a day for 2 to 3 days a week. When you are used to your pace, you can increase your exercise schedule to 15 to 20 minutes everyday for 5 days a week.

A regular exercise schedule doesn’t have to mean exercising everyday for 7 days a week. It simply means that you have to make sure not to miss your scheduled exercise days. If you do not have a regular exercise for cellulite schedule, you might not be able to get rid of your problem even if you keep exercising for years.

Is cellulite laser treatment the only way to removing cellulite? Find out how the right exercise for cellulite can make you lose those cellulites too!
Exercise - Tying it All Together

Exercise – Tying it All Together


Exercise – Tying it All Together

I do a lot of writing and speaking on the subject of exercise and fitness, particularly cardiovascular and resistance training.

I talk about the importance of incorporating intensity and variety into our exercise, doing full body resistance training, mixing up cardio training with short burst-like activity as well as endurance-like activity (if you enjoy it), all the while remembering to include your flexibility, posture and proprioceptive exercise.

Whoa! Sounds like a lot.

As a result, I’m often asked, “How do you fit it all in?”

“Any way I can!” is the honest answer! I don’t have one exactly perfect way for that I go about fitting in the various forms of exercise. There IS no one exactly perfect way!

The most important part of this entire exercise and time management puzzle is to decide that you WILL fit it in, no matter what. That has been the single most important factor for me. Sometimes, plans change or there’s a serious conflict in my schedule and I’m not able to stick to my original exercise plan for the day. Having decided that I will move my body daily allows me to quickly shift gears and simply do something else to meet my body’s innate genetic requirements for exercise. Not a big deal. Just move!

OK, so beyond making the decision to exercise and move for life, I’ve broken down my exercise regime into 4 main components: resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, posture & proprioception, and flexibility/yoga. There’s definitely some overlap in these component – don’t sweat the details!

Resistance Training:

I believe, and research confirms, that high intensity, varied full body resistance training is the superior method of working out. This is the number one way to build lean muscle which, in turn, most effectively burns fat and calories.

My resistance training workouts are typically 25-45 minutes long. They are pretty quick-paced, focused sessions that focus on big, multi-joint, functional exercises in order to create the highest work load for my body, and therefore the best results.

Depending on my mood and what other work outs I’ve been doing, 2/3 of the time I’ll add “power” to these work outs. I’ll add burst-like moves, like squat jumps, vertical leaps, bench jumps, etc.

I usually do these work outs 3 times each week. I add abdominal exercises at the end of these sessions. I work out at home, so I don’t have any childcare issues to deal with. I’d prefer to do these work outs in the morning to maximize the metabolic effects of resistance training, but our exercise room is right next to where the kids sleep… there’s no way I’m going to wake the sleeping bears!

I do resistance training in the midday, after work and home schooling items have been tended to. The kids know I’m going to fit my work outs in several times each week. They’re often in the room with me, joining in or doing their own thing. It’s part of their life, too.

Cardiovascular Exercise:

I would get outside and go for a long run or bike ride every single day if my schedule permitted… and if it were the best thing for my body. Well, my schedule doesn’t allow for that kind of time on a daily basis, and that type of exercise isn’t ideal on a daily basis anyhow.

Again, science demonstrates that high intensity, widely varied exercise is ideal. This means that it benefits us to mix things up. My cardio is a mix of longer runs and bike rides (an hour or more), short, burst-like runs and sprinting sessions… and combinations of the two.

Once or twice per week, I love to get out for a longer run. At least one time per week, my cardio exercise is focused on short, intense bursts. For example, a 20 minute session of hill sprinting. Other times, I’ll mix it up a bit: a middle distance run with some sprints or faster running on the uphills.

Since I’ve got the kids at home all day, and they’re too young to be left alone, my husband and I take turns fitting in our cardio work outs. I wait until he comes home at lunch to go out on some weekdays, plus I’ll fit in a couple sessions on the weekend.

Then there are all the miscellaneous cardio sessions, like running up and down hills with the kids on one of our “nature walks”, and jumping on the trampoline, and pulling the kids in the trailer behind the bike and so on. Those are just icing on the cake!

All in all, I typically do ‘official’ cardio exercise sessions 4-6 times per week. Research clearly demonstrates that we do not need this much cardio activity in order to achieve optimal health and function. But, all those smarty pants in research haven’t accounted for how much I mentally and emotionally need this! Cardio is my number one stress management tool.

Posture & Proprioception (P&P):

When I first wake up in the morning, way before the kids are up, I do about 10 or 15 minutes of specific movement and stretching to wake my body up and prepare it for the day, along with deep breathing exercises.

Since over 50{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} of proprioceptive input to the brain (the ‘food’ that truly drives the brain’s performance) comes from the movement of the spine and its surrounding tissues, the majority of my proprioceptive exercises focus on moving my entire spine. For example, “Circles” exercise, as well as cross-crawl and twisting motions. The hips and ankles are also important sources of this neurological input for the brain, so I pay attention to those areas as well.

I also spend a few minutes doing postural correction exercises. Anterior head carriage and rounding of the shoulders are extremely common postural distortions that result in a lack of optimal function of the nervous system. Since I spend the first few hours of my day sitting at a computer, it’s important for me to offset the negative postural effects before I even get started. Finally, I do some hamstring and hip flexor stretches at the start of the day.


This is the one category of exercise for me that overlaps with some of the others. I do some flexibility stretches in the mornings, but I also do some before and after cardio and resistance. I might do a yoga or Pilates floor routine on an ‘off’ day, or I might incorporate yoga poses and isometric training into a lighter resistance training day.

Regardless of how I fit it in, it’s important for me to fit it in! Resistance and cardio can only get me so far. I think a big part of expressing optimal health and function over the course of a lifetime is to be flexible as well as powerful. I have to keep reminding myself to include this component… it’s easier for me to get out and run than it is to slow down and stretch!

All in all, any given week may look like this:

Sunday – long distance run (or long bike ride)
Monday – start with P & P exercises and stretches
– resistance training with “power”
Tuesday – start with P & P
– sprints
Wednesday – start with P & P
– resistance training with “power”
Thursday – start with P & P
– light day, yoga, Pilates, walking, trampoline, etc.
Friday – start with P & P
– long run
Saturday – start with P & P
– resistance training… and maybe a shorter, easy run. Saturdays are usually the day for a family outing, like a long bike ride.

I normally alternate a cardio day with a resistance day. It’s not often that I do cardio on the same day as resistance training. If for some reason I decide to, I do cardio following resistance training, and I won’t add the “power” moves to the resistance session. Also, I’d be more likely to do one of the shorter, burst-like cardio sessions on a day when I combine the two types of exercise. Ideally, I do cardio and resistance on separate days.

Does my schedule always look like this? No, not always. Sometimes, I get on a roll with running and I’ll do a few days in a row. Or, if I have an injury, I may take a day or two off of the resistance training until my body mends.

The details really don’t matter. What’s important is to make the commitment to give your body what it needs – regular, varied movement. Motion is Life!

Dr. Colleen Trombley (“Dr Mom Online”) is a leading expert in Natural Health & Wellness. Discover why the healthiest, busiest women turn to Dr. Mom for practical tips regarding healthy lifestyle, nutrition, fitness & exercise, diet & weight loss, raising healthy kids, effective stress management, and more. Request your FREE special report revealing Dr. Mom’s personal formula for success, “The Wellness Formula” at
exercise and fitness
Lose Weight Faster - Burn Calories 100 at a Time With the 100 Calorie Diet's 100 Calorie Exercise Chart

Lose Weight Faster – Burn Calories 100 at a Time With the 100 Calorie Diet’s 100 Calorie Exercise Chart


Lose Weight Faster – Burn Calories 100 at a Time With the 100 Calorie Diet’s 100 Calorie Exercise Chart

The healthiest way to fast weight loss and faster weight loss is to burn more calories through exercise. The 100 Calorie Diet tells you that exercise has many more benefits than just fast weight loss such as:

* Elevates Your Mood
* Gives You More Confidence
* Relieves Stress and Anxiety
* Helps You Sleep Better
* Promotes Body Awareness
* Makes You Feel Good About Yourself
* Increases Your Energy Level
* Makes You Feel Younger
* Makes You Look Good
* Increases Your Metabolism and Burns Calories
* Helps You Lose Weight
* Strengthens Your Body
* Gives You The Energy To Participate In Sports and/or Everyday Activities
* Enhances Your Flexibility
* Keeps Muscles, Bones, Joints and Ligaments Strong and Healthy
* Strengthens Your Heart and Lungs
* Lowers Cholesterol
* Prevents and Manages Type 2 Diabetes
* Relieves Aches and Pains

Wow! If that list doesn’t motivate you, I don’t know what will. The 100 Calorie Diet isn’t necessarily about fast weight loss, it’s about learning how stop dieting and start losing weight the 100 calorie way. But if you do want fast weight loss, you can burn more calories by using The 100 Calorie Exercise Chart. The 100 Calorie Exercise Chart was developed to demonstrate how easy it is to burn 100 calories. Each exercise listed shows how many minutes you need to do that exercise to burn 100 calories for fast weight loss. Simply plan your exercise activity, plan your time and get movin’. The Surgeon General recommends adults to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days of the week. That means four or more days per week. Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program!

The top five 100 calorie exercises from The 100 Calorie Diet’s Exercise Chart for fast weight loss are as follows:

* Rock Wall Climbing
* Jump Roping
* Racquet Ball
* Rowing
* Bicycling

I’m going to step out on a limb here and take a wild guess that you probably don’t like to exercise. It might have been fun joining the gym or buying that treadmill and dreaming about having a fit new body, but that’s about where the fun stopped. And then there are all those great excuses. “I don’t have the time.” “I don’t like to mess up my makeup.” “I don’t like to sweat.” “I can’t afford exercise equipment.” “I’m too tired.” “I’m too old.” “I hate exercising.” The absolute truth is that the benefits of exercising are too numerous to ignore.

The secret to long term exercise success is to find something you actually like to do. Do you like nature? Make your exercise a nature walk. Do you like music? Make your exercise dancing. Do you like the water? Make your exercise swimming and boating. Do you like the outdoors? Make gardening your exercise. Every 100 calories you burn through a fun activity means you will lose weight faster. With The 100 Calorie Exercise Chart, you can easily see how many minutes it will take you to burn 100 calories. Get moving now to lose weight fast!

Susie Trimble and her sister, Tammy Trimble, developed and co-wrote The 100 Calorie Diet and Food Counter for people who love to eat. It’s easy! Eat anything you want in 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500+ calorie units and still lose weight. Susie has a degree from Canyon College in Health and Nutrition and is also a Certified Personal Fitness Chef. Visit her at www.The100CalorieDiet.com
What is your diet about?

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Strength Training is Real Exercise

Strength Training is Real Exercise


Strength Training is Real Exercise

Somehow the notion that exercise should be either easy or only moderately difficult continues to be the most detrimental misunderstanding by many would be exercisers. People are being misled into believing that they only need to mildly exert themselves and they will reap dramatic benefits in the process.

This misguided assumption destroys the potential effectiveness of the exercise regime of every person who possesses this belief. You will be very disappointed with your lack of results if you let this belief interfere with your willingness to exert yourself during your workouts.

Let’s get thing straight – activities such walking, running, biking, swimming, etc are often construed as exercise by the media, general public and health/medical professionals. These activities qualify as recreational physical activities and do not satisfy the definition of exercise and are not a necessary component of a proper exercise program. There is only one form of exercise that properly satisfies the definition of exercise and that is strength training exercise.

It should be no surprise that many people are unwilling to exert themselves during an exercise session. Many have grown up pampered and soft and have never experienced hard physical work of any kind, let alone real exercise. After all how much effort goes into watching TV, playing video games or moving a mouse on a computer?

Modern technology continues to make manual work a thing of the past. To make matters worse, magazines, newspapers, books, and ill informed fitness instructors have for years been inappropriately lowering the standards of exercise and telling people to: “go at an easy pace”, “stop if you feel discomfort “, and of course ” do what you enjoy, as exercise should be fun!”.

Now they are even telling us that activities such as grocery shopping, gardening, walking, playing with the kids, all qualify as exercise. So, is it any wonder that when an attempt is made to teach people “real” exercise they have such a hard time coming to grips with the reality of hard work?

Though some of the basic physical activities previously mentioned may have a place in a healthy, active lifestyle, none of these activities can even come close to the large number of physical benefits stimulated by real exercise. An active lifestyle does not replace the need for a structured proper exercise program.

Recreational activity and an exercise program are two separate things. The benefits of proper exercise, and the stimuli necessary to produce beneficial health improvements, cannot be accomplished with recreational activities.

If we are to expect anything in the way of meaningful results from exercise, including noticeable visual changes in body shape and appearance etc., we must exercise in such a way that challenges our bodies beyond our already existing capabilities. Only then will the body adapt.

Go to your local gym and see a fitness professional about the design of your exercise program making sure it includes at least 50{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} – 60{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} strength training exercise. Be prepared to challenge yourself and put some effort into it. Your reward will be results and benefits that will surprise and delight you and will take your health, your body and your life to the next level!

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook “I’ve Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too!” here: Reverse Aging or come visit me at Fitness Weight Loss Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.

No Time, No Gym but still want to get a great workout and burn fat? Then this one exercise fat burning workout is for you!

This is my personal go to fat burning exercises when I am at home and I don’t have time for a full workout.

I simply hit it hard for 10 minutes using a tabata interval protocol 20/10 and that is your workout done.

So if you want to burn fat using the simplest most effective full body exercise ever then this is for you.

Ready to transform your body at home? Start here : http://www.6weeksixpack.com
Video Rating: / 5

What do you do for Strength training?

Related Exercise Articles

Change Your Attitude - Learn to Love Exercise

Change Your Attitude – Learn to Love Exercise


Change Your Attitude – Learn to Love Exercise

You have probably read about the long-term benefits of exercise: increased energy, disease reduction, longevity, weight management, improved quality of life etc. Most of us are well aware that regular exercise is a vital and critical part of looking, feeling and staying younger and healthier over the course of our lifetime. The need to have the proper attitude towards exercise.

If you want to improve your life in every way, the best place to start is with exercise.

Our bodies need regular exercise; it’s our natural state to be energetic and lively.

When we don’t include it in our lives, we cannot function properly and we cannot feel as good as we should. Regular vigorous exercise will make us saner, happier and healthier. Stay healthy- body and mind.

How is your exercise attitude?
A lot of us wonder exactly how we can motivate ourselves to exercise, just what is this special thing that is needed to get yourself out of bed or out the door and straight to your workouts? The reason that no one can answer this question is because it is different for all of us. But one thing that is known is that part of what determines whether you get to your exercise session or not is your attitude. How you look at your planned workout has a major influence on the importance and priority of it.

Making exercise enjoyable begins in your mind – If you have a positive attitude and can find ways to make your exercise program enjoyable, you will be much more likely to stick with it. It is easy to find motivation to do something you enjoy rather than making excuses why you shouldn’t do it. Exercise will never seem like a chore if you are passionate about it. If you have a bad attitude about this are you willing to change it?

Let exercise help you to meet your other needs – an exercise program can help satisfy your desire for social interaction, self discipline, relaxation, self-discovery, or just give you a break from the stresses of the day. Think about your non physical needs that are important in your life, and try to figure out how activity can help you to achieve them. This can make your exercise program a much more powerful experience and keep you going back for more.

Exercise – your strength and fitness – needs to be in the “first things first” category, because everything else in your life rests upon your good health. Time for fitness is always available when you put first things first in your life.

Exercise is not just something that you do – it is something that you become. Whether you like to exercise or not isn’t really an option, it is a choice – a choice that is dependent on you. Nobody can do this for you – no exercise program or trainer, no pill or supplement. It comes from deep within you – it is in all of us – just reach in and find it. If there is a secret to an endless supply of motivation – there it is right there.

If you have you forgotten how good it is for your sense of well-being or have never stuck with an exercise program long enough to experience it, you will soon have more energy, a better attitude and a gentler disposition. It’s easier to be the kind of person you have always wanted to be. Your strength and fitness are essential to your good health, like eating right, sleeping enough; loving your family and friends and working. Exercise needs to be at the top of your list of priorities and be put first when you understand and accept just how it important it is.

It is so much easier when you don’t have to force yourself to exercise – you actually want to do it. Over a period of time, little by little – health and fitness can become a passion. Make it yours.

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook “I’ve Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too!” here: Fountain of Youth Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.

Work up a sweat and burn fat and calories with this 30-minute workout. This workout uses high intensity exercises to get your heart going, followed by lower intensity exercises to lower your heart rate. This is a great workout for moms to relieve stress and keep your energy levels high. Don’t quit! The more you do this workout, the easier it will get.

Boot Camp Fitness for Moms! Fitness instructor Chana Balk (http://moveitmomma.com/) has designed three 30-minute, boot-camp style fitness classes to help you strengthen your body, condition your core and get your heart rate going. Try all three! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL055D1873D9932977&feature=view_all

CafeMom Studios is Motherhood as we see it. We feature authentic voices, compelling stories, and topics moms care about. Subscribe now to CafeMom Studios so you never miss an episode! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=cafemomstudios

More Exercise Articles

What are the Benefits of an Exercise Ball Workout?

What are the Benefits of an Exercise Ball Workout?


What are the Benefits of an Exercise Ball Workout?

Many people have seen exercise balls lying around the house of someone they know. Often times, when they are not being used to work out the muscles, they are being used as a chair for guests or another place to sit. But exercise balls are more than simply a unique piece of guest furniture – they are a legitimate way to increase your strength and health through an intense at home workout.

What Are Exercise Balls?

Exercise balls are nothing more than very large, air filled rubber (plastic) balls than you may have seen as a kid. They often have small ripples in order to make sure they do not slip, and the material is generally thicker to prevent puncturing, but in essence they are very simple types of equipment that are inexpensive and do not take up much room in your home.

Why are Exercise Balls so Popular?

Exercise balls are popular because they turn a regular workout into a better workout. For example, abdominal crunches on an exercise ball are the third most effective type of abdominal workout, but regular crunches on an exercise ball are only the seventh most effective abdominal workout.

The reason for this is because exercise balls require constant balancing. That balancing significantly increases the amount of muscles that are being used at any given moment. Without doing it intentionally, your body is constantly trying to maintain stasis on the curved structure, resulting in a constant workout even when you are completely at rest (it is even recommended to use these balls as chairs).

Thus an exercise ball workout is more than just an additional workout tool – it is a tool that helps ensure that you receive more from the same workout. When doing a workout on a single muscle, you end up receiving a workout on a number of different muscles, especially your core muscles.

Not only does that continuous workout help you build strength in those areas, but it also means that you are going to see a significant rise in the amount of calories your burn doing each exercise. If more muscles are active, more muscles will be burning away fat, and you will end up losing significantly more weight.

Finally, when you perform a workout on an exercise ball, you are also getting the benefit of gravity which helps you get better resistance. This is yet another way that you get greater muscle mass and a better workout every time you exercise.

So with an exercise ball, you are getting:

– A greater chance of improving your overall strength and muscles when you exercise. – Greater muscle use in other areas of your body even when you are performing an exercise aimed at only one specific muscle. – Faster and more efficient weight loss.

All three of these are unique to exercise balls, which is one of the main reasons that this simple and effective exercising tool is such a popular new way to work out daily. Using an exercise ball can help to make sure you get the most from your workout.

Richard Black helps people learn about the best abdominal exercise equipment at his Richard Blackon abdominal exercise equipment .
5 Exercise Tips on Losing Weight

5 Exercise Tips on Losing Weight


5 Exercise Tips on Losing Weight

Apart from eating right and getting enough sleep, the one thing that researchers, doctors, and health experts agree upon that is a universal “must” for staying healthy is getting regular exercise. If you are overweight or at least want to shed a few extra pounds to improve your health or appearance, getting enough exercise is even more essential.

There are two main reasons why many people do not get enough exercise: 1. lack of motivation; 2. lack of time in their schedule. In my experience, if you can get over the first challenge, motivation, the schedule-related challenge will take care of itself. That is because, once you are properly motivated and start seeing the results you want, you will make the time to exercise.

So, to help get you started on a regular exercise plan, here are 5 exercise tips on losing weight:

1. Choose something fun

Some people lack motivation to exercise because the mere thought of exercise sounds boring, painful, or at least un-fun. I am here to say that this does not have to be the case. There are myriad ways to exercise the pounds off. Remember, the main constant in exercise is merely that of using one or more of your major muscle groups (usually your arms or your legs) for a period of at least 20 – 30 minutes to elevate your heart rate. That’s it. So, even activities like playing and running around in the yard with your kids counts as viable exercise. So do playing your favorite sport, swimming, walking, running – even playing table tennis or gardening. Start by taking the boredom factor out of the idea of exercise and you will start to see it as something desirable and fun, rather than as a chore.

2. Get a partner if you can

Getting an exercise partner is one of the great secrets to starting and maintaining a regular exercise routine. With people’s busy schedules these days, it can be hard to find someone who will drop everything to go exercise with you whenever you have a moment free. The way to solve this is to find a regular time two or three days per week that your workout partner can join you. Another strategy is to enlist two or three partners to work out with you. That way, if someone does not show up on a given day, you will still have company. And remember, even if your partner cannot join you every time, just motivating each other through moral support can be enough to inspire you to keep going.

3. Surround yourself with supporters

Even beyond your workout partner, it is great to have supporters in your life. These are people who encourage you to keep at it, even when you do not feel like it. You can get people to support you without even asking them directly for support: just start sharing with them about your workouts, your progress, and your goals on a regular basis. After a while, they will start asking you about it as part of your conversations with them.

4. Always stretch first

This sounds obvious to the more seasoned athletes, but it is needs to be emphasized: always start your workouts with at least 5 to 10 minutes of stretching. Get yourself an inexpensive foam mat, or stretch on carpet in your home or gym. Stretching is a great warm-up, and it can prevent injuries down the road.

5. Start off a little at a time

Now that you are a bit more revved up about the idea of getting into ae inte regular exercise routine for the purposes of losing weight, you may want to rush right out and start an intensive routine from Day One. I strongly caution you against this. By taking it slow at first and gradually increasing thnsity and duration of your workouts, you will increase your chances of sticking with your routine in the long run. And, you will decrease your chances of sustaining a workout-related injury.

Losing weight is a very worthwhile goal, and in addition to eating right, exercise is one of the best-acknowledged ways to get there. So, choose something fun, surround yourself with supporters, stretch before every workout, and start off a little at a time. You will find yourself in a satisfying, lasting routine in no time.

Did you know that even exercise and eating right may not be enough to lose the weight you want? Find out the diet and health secret that even your doctor may not have told you about at: www.no-fat-yes-muscle.com .
 What do you do for your exercise routine?
How to Enjoy Daily Exercise without Going to the Gym

How to Enjoy Daily Exercise without Going to the Gym


How to Enjoy Daily Exercise without Going to the Gym

While everyone knows the tremendous importance of daily exercise, it is difficult to find the time to visit the gym. When you are leading a busy life, lifework, keeping up your home, and perhaps hosting parties, when do you have time to get to the gym? If you are too busy to visit the gym, you can still enjoy daily exercise – with a bit of creativity and determination!

How much daily exercise do you need?

Most experts recommend 20-30 minutes of aerobic daily exercise, which is movement that keeps your heart rate up for the entire duration. Even without the gym, you can find 20-30 minutes for daily exercise. Start thinking outside the box when it comes to daily exercise, and you can indeed enjoy an active heart rate.

Your home can be your gym

Do you have stairs in your home? Walking or jogging up and down your stairs for 20 minutes means that you’ve completed your daily exercise! Even when you’re cleaning the house, you’re burning calories.

Do you own a Wii, or know somebody that has one? If you spend 20 minutes playing tennis or another sport on the Wii with your kids, not only are you enjoying quality family time, but you’re also getting the recommended amount of daily exercise!

Play constitutes “workout” time

You can also go outside with your kids and play ball, start a game of tag, walk the dog, or just have a family outing walking to the park or around the lake. When you play with your children, the activity allows them to learn and grow, and it also provides a way for you to teach them that daily exercise doesn’t have to be boring! Additionally, family togetherness promotes the kind of special emotional bonds that we all need to be healthy individuals.

There are good opportunities to enjoy daily exercise all around you, and you don’t even need to pay an exercise facility’s fees. Even in cold or wet weather, you can walk around your local mall at a brisk pace, which will provide you the daily exercise you need. You can take dance lessons, or help an elderly neighbor with their chores; the possibilities are endless – all you need to do is decide to get active.

Gym “equipment” already in your home

You don’t even have to spend any extra money on fancy equipment! One gallon of liquid, like water or milk, weighs 8 pounds. You can lift weights at home by taking an empty gallon or half gallon milk container and repeating tricep or bicep curls with them, instead of buying weights. You can also lay down right on your floor and do crunches, stretches, yoga, Pilates or any other floor based activity – just make sure to move all the furniture you might have to the edges of your room first. And working out at home means that you have no excuse to skip out on the gym if your fitness clothes are in the laundry. You can exercise at home in your pajamas or sweats.

Working out…at work!

Working out at work is also easy to do. While you might not be able to perform 45 minutes of peak cardiovascular daily exercise in your suit, you can still find small ways to pump up your heart. Even a little daily exercise will go a long way towards increasing your overall health. Park your car a little bit farther away from the entrance to your job, and you’ll enjoy guaranteed daily exercise at least twice a day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, and you’re not only enjoying a cardiovascular workout, but you’re also strengthening and shaping your thighs by building muscle. If you can practice yoga or stretch during your lunch break, you’ll be relieving tension, as well as encouraging proper blood flow, which is important to help your brain get all the oxygen it needs.

In short, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of ways you can enjoy daily exercise. You simply need to be open to the possibilities that exist all around you!

What do you do daily for exercise?

By Drake Mcall, sponsored by HealthLife.com. HealthLife provides information about daily exercise, weight loss, fitness, motivation, dating, personal development and other health information to help you live a better, healthier life.

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All About Your TMJ Exercise

All About Your TMJ Exercise


All About Your TMJ Exercise

A good TMJ exercise is one way of relieving the discomfort of TMJ symptom. How can a good TMJ exercise ease your condition?

Why You Need Exercise

There are several different reasons why people suffer from TMJ pain. It is possible that you may not know exactly what is causing your TMJ problem. It may be a good idea though to perform a TMJ exercise if you are fairly sure that the pain in your jaws is caused by bad posture or stress. A good TMJ exercise can ease the muscles and help your jaw function in much the same way as it did before.

Exercise is also a good natural alternative to surgery or medications like corticosteroids. A typical TMJ exercise is non invasive and safe to perform when followed precisely. There are fewer chances of complications.

Using Your Jaw

Most people think that it’s enough to talk and to chew to exercise the jaws. The problem though is that these typical uses of the jaw may not always be gently performed. In other words, you may be abusing your jaws if you repeatedly clench your teeth, open your jaws too much or bite on hard food. A TMJ exercise is different because it usually involves gentle and focused movements.


As previously stated, different causes of TMJ require different solutions. You can make sure that you have a tailor suited exercise by asking the advice of your doctor or several doctors for that matter.

Common Exercises

There are many styles and forms of TMJ exercises. As already mentioned, the type of TMJ exercise you use should fit your particular condition. Sometimes a dental guard may relieve pain. Here are some examples of TMJ exercises for specific complaints:

– For jaws that click, a good exercise would be to close your mouth and let your tongue touch your palate. Move your tongue back with your mouth still closed. Gently open your mouth until your tongues moves away. Keep your mouth open for a few seconds before closing. Do a couple of repetitions.

– A gently opening and closing of mouth while facing a mirror is an exercise for those with jaws that move or shift from side to side. Simply make the effort to gently open and close your mouth properly. Do not force your muscles too much though. The idea is to repeat the exercise for a few days until you get to move your jaws correctly.

– To ease the tension in the jaw muscles, a good exercise would be simple stretching. Simply open your mouth downward and gently close it. Alternate this movement with opening and closing your mouth to the left and right. Again, do not force your jaws. Work to open them as comfortably as you can.

Wearing a dental guard does eliminate teeth grinding.

What You Can Do with Exercise

There are also other alternative aside from TMJ exercises that can help treat TMJ. You may for example apply cold and hot compress on your jaw area. You can also practice relaxation technique to ease the stress that may be a contributing factor to your TMJ problem.

Learn out how a good TMJ exercise can treat your TMJ headache and other TMJ TMJ discomforts.

Find More Exercise Articles

Exercise To Improve Your Mood

Exercise To Improve Your Mood


Exercise To Improve Your Mood

People are always being warned about the health benefits of exercising, mainly the improvement and maintenance of physical fitness and the prevention of heart disease, blood pressure illness, and diabetes. Countless others do not,while many of us happily comply. Irrespective of whether it is using the treadmill or short walk around the block, staying fit and healthy does not seem to be a driver for us to leave the comfort of the couch.

I believe that if more emphasis were placed on the mental benefits of exercising, more people would exercise. If you tell someone that doing a little bit of exercise might improve their well-being, said person might be more willing to actually exercise in order to improve mood, fitness, and health. While this is not logical, it is the way peoples minds work. It is likely that when you are not feeling good about yourself, you are not motivated to take on any long term physical challenges and goals.

It’s a lot easier to talk someone into exercising in order to pick up their spirits. As little as ten minutes of moderate exercise can make you feel less fatigued and more optimistic. On the other side, you can not expect to get good results from exercise (health along with physical fitness) for however long it takes, unless you commit to at least thirty minutes of moderate but regular exercise a day. You will be doing this for the rest of your life, as to stop exercising will have an adverse effect on your healthy and physical well-being.

Research has shown that exercising exerts its effects on the brain in several ways, including something called neurogenesis the development of nerve tissue) and endorphin release, which is believed to enhance a persons mood. Your body warns of stress and pain through the release of endorphines from your pituitary gland. which is precisely what exercise means to many people. Sense they stop the transmission of pain signals going to the brain and give off the same feeling of euphoria, endorphins which are all said to be natural feel good chemicals. An improvement in the moods of patients experiencing depression who have been given Beta-endorphin injections has been reported by researchers. Serotonin, adrenaline and dopamine, which are all released by your body when you perform exercises, these all work together so that you naturally boost your mood – almost instantly.

Endorphin” literally refers to morphine that the human body manufactures. For what reason? Well, because the chemical structure of endorphins is similar to that of morphine and because, like morphine, they prevent you from feeling pain. Morphine and endorphins act upon the same brain receptors. Exercise not only releases endorphins throughout the body in the bloodstream you will find that you have had a significant reduction in cortisol, tension and anxiety as a result.

The most significant thing is that it’s not necessary to spend large amounts of time exercising. A moderate amount of exercise will significantly improve your mood. In addition to these natural chemical processes, exercise can, of course, improve your self-image, boost your confidence and distract you from everyday worries, making you a happier person on the long run.

Turn off the TV and go for a brisk walk. You will definitely feel better, a lot better, so much that you just might want to do it again the next time you are feeling bored or low, and possibly do it again the next time. There will become a point that you may notice an improvement in your mental well being as well as your physical.

Learn about mental and physical Fitness and Best Home Exercise Equipment right now.

What is your execise regime to elevate your mood?

Related Exercise Articles

How Much Exercise Do You Really Need?

How Much Exercise Do You Really Need?


How Much Exercise Do You Really Need?

We all know that we need exercise in order to be truly healthy. And most of us don’t like it much. We may put “active” on our internet dating profiles, and we may even try to get in some sports and exercise occasionally. But for most of us, gym membership cards sit in our wallets unused, we sit in a chair in front of a computer most of the day, and we worry that one day our lack of exercise may catch up with us.

And according to the Institute of Medicine, it will. According to a report released by this institute several years ago, in order to maintain a high level of cardiovascular health, the magical number of exercise minutes we need to get in during a day is a whopping 60. The healthiest of us work out the equivalent of 60 minutes a day, seven days a week. That means one hour of vigorous activity: running, walking at a brisk pace (at least 4 to 5 miles per hour), aerobic dancing, kickboxing, etc. And adding up the minutes spent doing normal, everyday physical activities like vacuuming and shopping doesn’t count.

Getting in the Exercise You Need

The truth is, the more exercise you get, the better. One full hour of vigorous exercise is enough to keep your heart healthy. But an hour and a half is better for you than just one, and two hours is better still. So if you have an extra hour or two every day to spend exercising (and you have the self discipline to actually do it), you’re taking a big step towards improving your long term health. But while 60 minutes a day is the “magical” amount of exercise needed to keep you in top cardiovascular condition, most of us can’t find the time or the discipline to exercise that much. Sound familiar?

So if you can’t exercise the prescribed hour a day, how much good does your current amount of exercise do your body? How much exercise to do you need to get in a day in order to improve your health– even if you can’t reach that “magic” 60 minutes?

Actually, you need less than you might think. Because getting exercise is overwhelmingly good for you, the model above also works in reverse. The more exercise you get, the healthier you’ll be. So exercising even a bit is going to be good for your health.

According to many studies done by medical experts, your risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced anywhere from 30 to 50{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} by regular exercise. And you need much less than 60 minutes a day to get this benefit. The New England Journal of Medicine has recently reported that just two and a half hours of moderate exercise a week reduces the risk of cardiac problems by 30{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600}. That’s just twenty minutes or so of exercise a day, or 60 minutes just two and a half times a week. And people who exercised more than two and a half hours weekly (but still far less than 60 minutes a day) saw an even better improvement in their cardiovascular risk.

You already know that exercise is good for you. It makes you feel better, look better, and live longer. But if you’re under the impression that you need to get a certain amount of exercise in order to see a positive result, you may begin to wonder what is the point of getting in just a little bit exercise. Well, it’s a big point: your health. Only a little bit of exercise a day is enough to improve your chances of staying healthier longer. And that’s not something to scoff at. So get out your gym membership card or go for a brisk walk. Even if it’s only for 20 minutes.
predict how long it will last? Well, while predictions are only that –predictions– economists are looking at the way recessions behave in general to predict what the current one will do.

Since World War II, the average length of the 10 recessions that took place up until today is about 10 months. But because the current recession has already lasted more than 12 months (having begun in December of 2007) and is clearly coming to no end soon, the prediction is that this will be another 16-month recession, like that of 1973-75 and 1981-82. This puts the end of the recession in the middle of 2009.

Of course, predictions aren’t always accurate, and there’s a possibility that this recession will be deeper and longer than experts suggest. But for those of us worried that another Great Depression is on the horizon, the predictions being made about the current situation are a little ray of hope that, perhaps, things aren’t as bad as they seem. How the U.S. economy works!

This article was written by Shawn Wilson, a member of the customer support team at Datepad, where internet dating is always free. Datepad has a massive directory of informative dating articles along with a great list of dating site reviews on their dating blog.
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Cardio Exercise is Worth It!

Cardio Exercise is Worth It!


Cardio Exercise is Worth It!

Cardio exercise needn’t be as serious as it sounds, it is in fact one of the most beneficial habits one can ever adopt; not only will it serve you in the long run but it is a very important aspect of ones overall health. It has even been identified to help reduce the risk of developing diabetes, as it is an extremely effective way to burn calories, as well as reducing cholesterol levels.

Cardio exercise is loosely defined as any exercise that raises the heart rate for a prolonged period of time, or any effective aerobic activity. This type of exercise is ideal for weight loss, and recommended cardio exercises include, amongst others cycling, rowing, walking, step aerobics and swimming. These cardio exercises are further defined into low and high intensity levels, with the differences mainly being the time and intensity exertion level of the cardio exercise activity concerned. Cardio exercises for Beginers.

Various cardio exercise programs are available for general fitness as well as for more intensive training purposes, and like with any health issue there are ongoing debates and differing opinions. The most important aspect, as with any exercise, is that one finds the right program suitable to your particular fitness level, and more importantly in line with your health status.

Without going out and buying the latest and greatest exercise machine on the market an ideal starting point for the cardio exercise beginner would be to start walking, alternatively cycling and stair climbing are also suitable starting points. It makes one think that instead of waiting for the elevator, why not take the stairs instead – not a bad start in the right direction.

When embarking upon your cardio exercise program, it is ideal to initially exercise every other day and rest in between. This allows your body to grow into the routine of exercise, especially if you are graduating from the couch.

It is also recommended that before starting that one should warm up by stretching and performing light cardio exercise to increase the heart rate, this can be done by slow walking or walking on the spot, and then progress to a higher intensity.

As soon as one reaches a comfortable level of exercise, the exercise time can be increased until one can continuously workout for 30 minutes, this is ideal for your cardio exercise objectives. One can slowly increase pace, distance or intensity over time to ensure progression of your cardio program.

In order to maintain the effect of the cardio exercise program, experts generally agree that a warm down or stretching routine be undertaken to relax the body and to retain flexibility of the muscles. Although medical study has indicated that stretching before or after exercise has very little impact upon muscle soreness, it seems to be widely accepted that the mere hedonistic pleasure derived from the stretching routine is sufficient enough.

Furthermore, in accordance with overall consensus of the majority of medical practitioners and experts one should always seek advice and practice caution before embarking upon any exercise program.

Richard Black helps people learn about strength training programs
at his website on strength training programs .

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3 Fantastic Ways That Exercise Can Help Improve your Diabetes

3 Fantastic Ways That Exercise Can Help Improve your Diabetes


3 Fantastic Ways That Exercise Can Help Improve your Diabetes

Exercise can be a fantastic way to manage your diabetes providing you take adequate precautions. On top of this exercise also has a number of additional benefits including an improved appearance, greater strength and more energy. In this article I will be discussing the exercise options available to you, the precautions you should take when exercising and the benefits exercise can have on your diabetes. Diabetes can be reversed.

To begin lets discuss the types of exercise available to you. Exercise generally falls under two main categories; ‘Cardiovascular Training’ and ‘Resistance Training’. Cardiovascular training focuses on improving the amount of oxygen that is delivered to your muscles which in turn improves your endurance and stamina. There are many choices when it comes to cardiovascular exercise which include cycling, jogging and swimming. Resistance training focuses on improving your strength using short, explosive movements. When it comes to resistance training the choices are a little more limited and involve the use of free weights, machine weights or your own body weight.

So which type is best for your diabetes and your overall health? Well, both types have their advantages. Cardiovascular training is more effective at stimulating the body to use blood sugar for energy but weight training has been linked with significant improvements in blood sugar control. My advice is to do a mixture of both cardiovascular training and resistance training as part of your regular exercise routine. This will allow you to gain the maximum benefit from each type of exercise which include:

1) IMPROVED BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL:- As mentioned above both types of exercise can help you control your blood sugar levels by prompting your body to burn more blood sugar. In fact in some cases of type 2 diabetes exercise has been so effective that it has removed the need for insulin injections.

2) IMPROVED RECEPTIVENESS TO INSULIN:- One of the key problems facing diabetics is a lack of insulin in the body. However, research suggests that regular exercise can improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin. Therefore, by exercising regularly diabetics can use the limited insulin they have available more effectively.

3) REDUCED BODY FAT LEVELS:- Both types of exercise can help you burn fat in different ways. Cardiovascular training stimulates fat burning directly (both during and after exercise) whereas building muscle mass through resistance training can slightly increase the number of calories you burn each day. Fat cells are more resistant to insulin than muscle cells and so by burning them off through exercise you can make your body more receptive to insulin.

Although regular exercise is a fantastic way to moderate your diabetes it is very important that you take the following precautions.

– Always monitor your blood sugar levels before, during and after exercise using a portable glucose meter. Although exercise can help control your blood sugar levels you need to be aware if any fluctuations occur.

– Always keep insulin and glucose nearby so that you can quickly address any potential blood sugar fluctuations.

– Make sure that you stay properly hydrated whilst working out as dehydration can can cause further blood sugar fluctuations.

– Talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise plan. They will know about your health better than most people and therefore will be able to advise you of any further precautions you need to take when exercising.

Regular exercise can do wonders for your health, your appearance and your diabetes. If you want to command greater control over your diabetes then you should start getting physical today. Begin with just a daily brisk walk and then progressively work your way towards more intense forms of exercise. Before you know it you will have made huge steps in your health, your fitness and your diabetes management.

Every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative but it is intended for general information only. Diabetes is a medical condition and this article is not intended as a substitute for the advice of your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner. If you have any concerns regarding any form of diabetes you should seek the advice of your doctor immediately.

How about a Pre-Diabetes Plan?

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. If you visit Tom’s fitness websites today you can get more detailed information and sign up for a daily Free Fitness Tip