
Dog Exercise

Dog Exercise

by keepon


Dog Exercise

Just as important as training and feeding, exercise for your dog is a must. It does not matter if he is a small dog or a large dog, they all need exercise. Keeping your dog as healthy and fit as possible will depend upon exercise as well as eating right and the check-ups he has to ensure he is in good shape.

The Benefits of Exercise

The next thing you will learn about your dog is when he exercises regularly he is calmer, happier and not bored, so he does not have to find an outlet for his boredom. For many dogs, this is why they do some of the undesirable things that frustrate us so. Many dogs that are bored will take this out on your furniture or your shoes or basically anything they find to occupy them.

Have you ever come home to find your couch cushions literally torn to shreds? Now, puppies will do this sometimes while playing, but an adult dog that has been trained should not do this and if they do, they are probably not getting enough exercise. This is a strong sign that they are bored.

As a general rule, dogs need to have at least 15 to 20 minutes of exercise daily but some require more. The breed is going to have a lot to do with this aspect of your dog’s routine. Usually breeds that are from the working class of dogs such as those that herd or hunt are high-energy dogs and need their exercise.

If your dog is a large breed that does not necessarily mean he will have more energy than a small breed. Some small breeds are pretty energetic and can benefit from a little more exercise to help keep them from bouncing off the walls.

Types of Exercise

If you have a very hyperactive breed or a large dog, they will need to have daily exercise, which consists of long walk, running, and even swimming. If you are physically unable to walk your dog, there are other ways to make sure he or she gets the proper exercise. One way is via a treadmill and most dogs will take to it very quickly. This gives them the needed daily exercise to help them not only with weight, but to help calm their minds.

Many breeds have so much energy that the only way they can calm down is via exercise. For some breeds not getting adequate exercise, everyday can lead to destructive behavior because they have so much pent up energy.

Another great exercise for dogs if you cannot walk them or run with them is stairs. If you have stairs in your home, this works as a great exercise tool especially for smaller dogs because they have to work all their muscles numerous times in order to climb the stairs and come down the stairs. Therefore, have your dog follow you up the stairs and back down several times each day, the exercise is good for them and you.

A puppy will need plenty of exercise so he can develop the muscles and strong legs he needs for running and playing. An older dog may not want as much exercise because he may be feeling some of the aches and pains that we all get as we age. The exercise that you provide for your dog is really going to be dependent upon the dog.

Kelly Marshall is a popular contributor at ohmydogsupplies.com – where you can find dog feeders, dog gates for the house, pet ramps, and more unique dog gear that you’ll never find at your local pet store.
 What is your daily routine with your pet?
Top Fitness Routine- Bike Training

Top Fitness Routine- Bike Training


Top Fitness Routine- Bike Training

One of the best aerobic methods of exercise that combines good results with low impact is exercise bike training. Using the best exercise bikes in your entire exercise routine is a great way to maintain a healthy weight, keep in shape and improve your overall health.

Sports exercise that is built around a variety of activities keeps the mind active and the body guessing so you can get the most from your cross training workouts. Whatever your interests are, the first step is to set simple, achievable goals based on a five day a week schedule depending on your physical condition after consulting with your physician of course to check for any abnormalities which might need to be treated first.

The next step is deciding what different type of training should be done. From using equipment for abs, utilizing all exercise equipment, even consulting with a gym trainer or personal trainer to get the best results should be considered. Whatever plan you decided upon, it must be a schedule you can stick with.

Getting into shape starts with a good gym cross trainer to wear as the base support for your feet. Finding the right shoes for exercise means you will increase performance while reducing the chances for injuries from improperly fitted trainers. Normal running shoes should not be used if you plan on utilizing all exercise equipment in your routine. Your trainers need to be durable, form fitting and comfortable in order to get the best workout possible.

Most of us this time of year notice our expanding waistlines no doubt due to the holiday season of eating more than we should. Finding the best exercise equipment abs can help flatten the stomach and give the “six pack” appearance that should be the goal. The equipment for abs should be used in conjunction with other abdominal exercises you can perform for maximum effect. Even the best abdominal exercise equipment cannot be used alone, but with other exercise methods to get the right results.

Exercise equipment for women needs to be generally fitted for the height, weight and physical capabilities of the women who choose to use them. Finding the right exercise equipment for women starts with knowing what areas of the body need attention and what equipment will get the job done. While sports exercise covers a lot of ground in terms of what activities or exercises can be done, the ones used should fit within an overall fitness plan.

Remember that if you are planning on losing weight that it did take you a long time to get where you are at now. Taking off the pounds will take time as well, so don’t be concerned about going full bore into a new exercise routine which can discourage many people quickly. You’ll want to start slow and do what you can even if it’s only a few minutes a day at first. What is important is that you find a fitness plan you can stick with consistently.

Check out our new blog, http://best-abdominal-exercise-equipment.com for more great article, videos and other resources to help you get in shape this holiday season and beyond.

Aerobic exercise at home to lose weight video – Aerobic dance workout for beginners

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Exercise to Heal

Exercise to Heal

by suanie


Exercise to Heal

Copyright (c) 2011 Stephen Lau

Use exercise to heal, because it has to do with the mind, the body, and the spirit. Natural healing is holistic healing, which is healing of the body, the mind, and the spirit. In order to heal, the mind must have the intent to heal, and the body must be ready for healing; during the healing process, the spirit must be energized to overcome any setback or obstacle that may interrupt with the healing process. Exercise can heal the body, the mind, and the spirit.

For exercise to be effective, it must be a regular routine that shows discipline — just like the mind that must be disciplined and focused in the pursuit of natural healing. With the right exercise mindset, you can use exercise to heal not just the body, but also the mind and the spirit. Exercise can be instrumental in healing virtually any disease.

Exercise increases the heart function by stimulating blood circulation to optimize blood pressure, and to enhance lung efficiency by increasing the input of oxygen to the lungs. Regular exercise promotes both heart and lung health.

Exercise boosts the immune system. Aerobic exercise may have significant and particular benefits for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity, lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels, and reducing body fat. For those people with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, exercise may improve mobility and reverse muscle atrophy by reducing spasticity in neurological disorders.

A number of scientific studies indicated that regular exercise reduces the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer, and even breast cancer. Use exercise to heal cancer.

Exercise increases the supply of oxygen to the brain, and thus enhancing brain function, making the brain younger for longer. It can even create “high” through the release of endorphins, which are euphoric substances in the brain. Regular exercise is good for overall mental health.

Regular strenuous exercise relieves any built-up tension, and thus is effective for stress control and stress management. Stress is one of the main underlying causes of disease. Use exercise to heal distress.

Low-impact aerobic exercise, such as jumping rope or a bouncer, significantly improves the body’s circulation to benefit detoxification, which holds the key to holistic healing. The body must be ready for healing, and the removal of toxins provides the optimum environment. Exercise detoxifies both the body and the mind through increased blood circulation and movement of lymphatic fluids. Use exercise to heal through detoxification.

Yoga is an excellent example to illustrate how you can use exercise to heal. Yoga is more than an exercise: it is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years, based on ancient theories, observations, and principles about the connection between the body and the mind. The intrinsic healing benefits of yoga have been proven by modern medicine.

Yoga not only provides the body with the most practical approach to attaining a high level of physical fitness, but also stabilizes emotions and elevates mental attitudes. In other words, yoga unites the mind, the body, and the spirit in holistic health. Essentially, it is a holistic approach to wellness and natural healing. Through acute awareness of the body’s posture, alignment, and patterns of movement, as well as the focus on natural breathing, yoga is therapeutic in that it helps the body find true harmony, thereby healing the body, the mind, and the spirit.

Because of its holistic approach to healing and wellness, yoga exercise also requires the application of its basic principle of nutrition, which is the consumption of small quantities of high-quality life-giving foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts, with meat in strict moderation.

Develop the exercise mindset so that you will diligently continue with your exercise routine, thereby instrumental in utilizing exercise to heal.

Use exercise to heal the body, the mind, and the spirit. Get a free copy of the author’s 143-page ebook on weight loss: Healthy Weight Loss . Make exercise a part and parcel of your Healthy Living Healthy Lifestyle.

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Reasonably Priced Exercise Equipment

Reasonably Priced Exercise Equipment

by keepon


Reasonably Priced Exercise Equipment

Exercise reduces stress, anger that eventually leads to staying physically active and fit. If you are fit start flowing through out the body. This helps you to feel better. Exercise equipment is the preferable choice for many people who do not have the time for sports or gym. Exercise helps in reducing your risks of developing heart disease and high blood pressure, Hypertension, Colon cancer, breast cancer, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Psychological well-being, Depression. Exercise also helps in reducing pain in knees.

These exercise and physical fitness machines are much more worth than the amount invested on it. But do make sure that when you exercise, you increase your water intake. Having your own Exercise Equipment is also much more convenient than working out in a fitness club or gym. You can arrange your exercise timing according to your personal schedule instead of stating in a row in fitness club and waiting for your turn to do exercise. Investing in Exercise Equipment is a smart choice instead of waiting for you turn to use the equipment. I think most important step in starting an exercise in routine is to exploring the idea of motivation. The hardest part of exercise is getting started with it but if you can get that far than you’ve won half the battle. Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

The Incredible Benefits of Regular Exercise are:
1.Increased energy
2.Increased Self-Esteem
3.Increased Mental Focus
4.Burns extra calories.
5.Increases lean muscle tissue in the body.
6.Improves liver functioning
7.Better mood and many more

There are lots of benefits of Exercise Equipment’s no matter what your age or shape, you should exercise daily. Because exercise helps use up oxygen, it causes your body to burn the stored fat and helps you maintain a normal weight, boost bone mass and keep muscles strong. Exercise not only makes you physically fitter, it also improves your mental health and general sense of well being.

Jessica Whatson is the author of this article. For more information about fitness equipment, fitness exercise equipment, exercise equipment, exercise equipment and exercise machine Australia, visit http://www.hypervibe.com.au/.

Have you set yourself up with any exercise equiptment at home? Tell us what equiptment you have and use.

Make Your Skin Look Great with Exercise

Make Your Skin Look Great with Exercise


Make Your Skin Look Great with Exercise

Orderly, exercise and objective activities like weight coaching, yoga, and aerobic exercises have been famous to get better physique and aid in reduce. People exercise commonly because they can grow an additional shade and angular physique. They prepare exercise by flashing overweight by way of exercise.

Operating out also help very large muscle compactness, bone physique and support decrease the chance of flouting bones as single accept elder. Current medicinal studies advise that common exercise and physical activeness may also be constructive to complete skin shape and uncluttered the skin of acne and additional contaminant with workout exercise. Tally exercise in an every day habitual is important for skin consideration.

Exercise become better the skin by humanizing the blood motion in the figure and, therefore, supports oxygen and additional source of nourishment to the skin cellule. Equally single sweats, the figure kill poison by way of the exposed small aperture in skin of the skin. This method completely washes the small aperture in skin from exhausted skin cellule, impurity, and additional sebum. Sebum is the oil secrecy of the sebaceous glands and may blockage small aperture in skin that basis the creating of goods of acne. This element is odorless but its bacterial crackup may manufacture odors.

Further to this profit, exercise authorizes the kidneys and liver to function accurately. These growth create the eradication of poison from the figure additional effectual and effective. It is always superlative to get a shower after an exercise by reason of bathing washes away a few spare fabric and bacteria that is near on the skin. It also avoids the development of bacteria that is tempted to sweat. These bacteria may basis figure odor and the growth of acne.

Drinking sufficient water later working out may warranty able hydration of the figure and support make less skin dryness and is focal feature in skin care. Anyhow, it is caution to drink the fine quantity of water as excessive or in sufficient may bring useless things. Unnecessary to say, water is important in removing figure poison and in replacing all the fill up that was missing from sweating through exercise.

A more excellent physique and healthy-looking skin are not the merely profit of exercise and real activeness. They also have emotive and mental profit. This activeness is skilled for pressure relaxation and in keeping the mind active and alert. This is probable because of temperate or forceful physical activeness may timely the figure to create substances appeal to endorphins. These substances are composed by the intellect that may improve one’s mood and remove feelings of pressure and worry. This result is appeal to by several fitness specialists as the runner’s superior.

In addition, individuals who wish for to use in exercise and additional physical activeness should confer health professionals or coach with an expert adviser. For the reason that offensive or excessive coaching may sort out additional damage than skilled. Very great exercise may enlarge the creating of goods of pressure hormones want cortical, epinephrine, and nor epinephrine. These hormones aid the figure switch to additional effective fat-burning metabolism to maintain glycogen in the strong arm and aid blood vessels in the escape of oxygen to the strong arm.

Pressure encumber can come to mind if an original does not decrease the passion of coaching similar for small periods. This may basis an expand in white blood cellule that remove bacteria, viruses, and similar cancer cellule. As the severe exercise is achieved, the digit of invulnerable cellule may reduce. It is hypothesize that a few viruses or bacteria existing in this stage May increase and basis infection which may reduce the strength of the invulnerable scheme. Exercising is important in complete health and skin carefulness. Count them in one’s behavior may lead to the growth of healthy-looking skin.

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Exercise Or Learn To Live With Your Fat

Exercise Or Learn To Live With Your Fat

by hep-cat


Exercise Or Learn To Live With Your Fat

Have you reached the point yet, where you are fed up enough with the fat that you see in the mirror every day, that you are ready to do something about it?

If you answer yes to this question, it is really important that you grasp the points that follow in this article.

If you want to lose the fat that you see, when you look at your body in a mirror, you will have to do some form of fat burning exercise. You will also have to alter your eating routines, but the exercise is far more important.

Exercise Increases Your Metabolic Rate

To lose the unwanted fat on your body, you must increase your metabolism. You can only increase your metabolism through exercise. When you increase your metabolism, you burn the food that you have recently consumed more quickly – for energy. Then you will begin to burn the fat on your body for energy.

With a higher metabolic rate, you wont only burn fat at the time you are exercising. You will also burn more fat throughout the day. This is called “the thermogenic effect of exercise”.

Fat Burning Exercise and Achieving The Thermogenic Effect

There are a few factors which will largely determine the effectiveness of your exercise routine, in raising your metabolic rate, which will determine the rate at which you will lose your unwanted fat. These are: what form of exercise you do, the frequency of your exercise, and the amount of time you spend exercising.

Another factor that is relevant, is the intensity of your movement in doing the exercise.

But the most important factor is the type of exercise you will be doing.

Forms of Exercise That Bring About Fat Loss

There are two broad categories of exercise. They are aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise.

Some examples of aerobic exercise are jogging, walking, swimming and bicycle riding. Strength training, or weight training as some people call it, is the example of anaerobic exercise that many people think of, in connection with fat loss.

Strength training results in more fat loss and faster fat loss, than you will get from aerobic exercise. However, many people find that strength training does not appeal to them. They elect to do a form of aerobic exercise instead, which also is effective in bringing about fat loss. It is worth mentioning, that if you do both strength training and a form of aerobic exercise, it brings about the most efficient fat loss.

What Exercise Routine Will You Choose To Do?

Which category of exercise appeals to you more, strength training or aerobic exercise? Would you do both, or only one of them? Your answer to these questions will give rise to several other questions. IE – how long should you spend doing your exercise routine?, should you exercise daily or less frequently?, is there an recommended level of exertion for the exercise?

To lose that unwanted fat that you see, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you will need to learn more about exercise that brings about fat loss.

Jon Bontry suggests that you sign up for the A-Z Roadmap For Losing Fat and Weight immediately. For a limited time, this extraordinary resource is available – free of charge – at the site about weight loss effectiveness. It will walk you through what you dont know about fat loss exercises, and much more about fat loss.
Ensuring The Advantages Of An Elliptical Exercise Machine Before Buying

Ensuring The Advantages Of An Elliptical Exercise Machine Before Buying


Ensuring The Advantages Of An Elliptical Exercise Machine Before Buying

Today, there are plenty of exercise machines to pick from, but one which still stands out from the crowd is the elliptical exercise machine. There are several advantages of an elliptical exercise machine that you have to be comfortable with before actually going out and buying one of these machines. Thus, you will understand the various advantages of elliptical exercise machine that is going to be offered to you.

Intense Exercise

One of the most important advantages of an elliptical exercise machine is the intense exercise which it creates. With an elliptical trainer, your feet never leave the surface of the machine, so that you are receiving the best, most high impact and intense exercise possible. Another advantage of an elliptical exercise machine is that you can work out for longer periods of time on this and be able to prevent unwanted pain, something that is not true with many other pieces of exercise equipment.

One of the important advantages of an elliptical exercise machine is that they are powered completely by you and so you do not need to worry about getting the machine near an electrical outlet because it does not need electricity to run, as a treadmill generally does. This gives a lot of convenience to your workout and also means that you will not need to pay more on your electrical power bill just because you need to exercise.

They are also very inexpensive that is another of the best advantages of an elliptical exercise machine. They are actually one of the most affordable exercise machines on the market nowadays, which makes them accessible to the average consumer.

Whether you are just getting started with exercise or are just looking to add your existing home fitness, an elliptical exercise machine is by far one of the greatest purchases you can make. They provide an extremely intense exercise and yet are still enjoyable to use, which simply explains why they are one of the most favored pieces of exercise equipment on the market.

You can usually get these machines at local basic exercise equipment shop, and there are also numerous online exercise outlets and supply centers that provide them as well. Ensure that you read information on a special machine prior to deciding to choose this, because you need to make sure that it is going to work well for your body type and which it is going to be in the right price range for you. You can also get advantages of an elliptical exercise machine.

If you are searching for other fitness equipments, exercise bicycles and best recumbent exercise bike are good choices for you. These two fitness equipments will help you to remain healthy.

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Aerobic Exercise can Slow Down Aging

Aerobic Exercise can Slow Down Aging


Aerobic Exercise can Slow Down Aging

Many studies have shows that you can effectively slow down the aging process by going on a regular program of aerobic exercise. But What you need to do first is checked with your doctor have him review your planned program. Once you get the go ahead from your doctor, make sure you start gradually and add just a little time and intensity to your sessions each week. The most common mistake is to start out with too much, too soon. At the beginning, the most important thing is the consistency of the program, not how much exercise you do each time. Doing a small amount consistently is much better than doing too much at the start and potentially injuring yourself.

Aerobic or Cardio exercise covers a wide range of activities that involve the body’s major muscle groups. By using these large muscles, aerobic exercise causes the heart muscle to work harder and become stronger. To be effective cardio exercise needs to raise the heart rate to between 60 and 75 percent of maximum. Many physical activities such as walking or jogging, running, swimming, rowing and cycling can all be classified as aerobic if they produce the target heart rate.

If you are consistent, you will soon notice one of the first benefits of aerobic exercise, an overall increase in energy level. Regular cardio exercise causes this to happen because the body will adapt to cope with the added strenuous physical activity. You will be gratified to see that you will tire less and at the same time, you are able to expend more physical effort.

Aerobic exercise’s second benefit is that it raises overall body metabolism. Aerobic exercise does not only burn calories during the exercise. Regular aerobic exercise will raise your resting metabolic rate and cause your body to burn more calories all day long! As a result you can experience some weight loss even if you are eating the same foods.

Aerobic exercise makes it easier to control your weight. Aerobic exercise not only increases you metabolism, as explained above, it makes your body become more efficient in burning calories. If you combine your exercise program with a reduction in high fat, high calorie foods you will see a more rapid weight loss than you ever could without exercising. Many people find that they no longer have to struggle to lose weight and they do not have to radically alter their diet to achieve excellent results.

An important benefit of aerobic exercise is the possible prevention of heart disease. As we get older, heart muscles health has a great impact the quality of an individual’s life. By strengthening the heart we not only feel better, we can potentially delay or prevent the development of many diseases that are associated with a weakened heart. Conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease are all preventable with regular cardio exercise and training.

You have already seen that aerobic exercise is defined as exercise that elevates the heart rate to between 60 and 85 percent of maximum, but what is that maximum? The quick way to figure that based on your age is to subtract your age from 220, so if you are 50 years old your maximum would be 170. Sixty percent of 170 would be 112 and 75{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} would be 127.5. Your ultimate goal should be to exercise so your heart is in this range for 45 minutes at least five times a week but, when you start out, you will be not be anywhere close to those levels.

When you start, you should exercise at least three times per week. If these sessions may just be a walk to the end of the block and back that is fine. Doing these sessions consistently is much more important that how long or vigorous the exercise is. You will find that, if you are consistent, your body will gradually improve. In many ways, when you are older, you are not exercising during this initial stage. What you are really doing is getting into good enough shape to start exercising! It will take time, but ultimately you will be amazed at your body’s ability to adapt and change.

A pulse monitor is strongly recommended as, initially, a way to make sure you do not go over your 75{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600} heart rate during exercise. Later on he heart monitor will enable you to stay within your target range throughout your session. You will find that some exercise machines like bicycles, treadmills and ellipticals sometimes include pulse monitors and some will even give an audible signal when you are in your target range.

Unfortunately, there are too many people who have worked hard all their lives only to retire and find that their health prevents their enjoyment of these last years of their lives. You do not have to accept that fate and you will find all the information and technology necessary to exercise successfully and become very healthy for years to come. By making the commitment and doing a regular aerobic exercise plan, you can have a very high quality of life for years to come.

After specializing in websites on weight control, fitness and internet marketing for over a year, Eugene Bischagall has departed from his normal topics and created www.newbalanceretro.org , a site that reviews and lists the best New Balance Retro Shoes .

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Note: All information provided by Fitness Blender is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Fitness Blender harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.
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Healthy Benefits of Exercise

Healthy Benefits of Exercise

Healthy Benefits of Exercise

There is no need to explain the benefits of exercise. It has been proved time and again that looking after your body through physical exercises at any age will give you peace of mind and refresh your soul. Whatever time you exercise, whether it is early morning, late evening or even during the course of the day you will maintain health and even keep certain diseases at bay. Doing regular exercises like brisk walking, swimming, cycling and jogging five times a week will boost your immune system. Regular exercises aid not only in weight loss, doing exercise in a happy and positive mood lets you have a long and healthy life. Here in this article let me familiarize you with some of the terms used in exercise training.

Most people are crazy about martial arts. They were first popularized in the movies of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan movies and kids began to idolize them and follow their actions blindly. Not everyone can master martial arts. It requires a high level of physical fitness and flexibility before you can even try your hand at it. There are different kinds of martial arts depending on culture and ethnicity. Martial Arts were developed in Japan, Brazil, China, Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, America, India and Thailand. Some of the most popular forms of martial arts in various countries are Karate (Japanese), Kungfu (Chinese), Taekwondo (Korean), Judo (Japanese), Kalaripayatu (Indian), Capeirra and Jujitsu (Brazil) and Flingfist (American).

With the popularity of martial arts people are deeply inclined towards practicing the forza sword techniques. It is not some thing that is unknown these days. People are aware of the highly powerful and divinely magical effects of training with swords. Sword training involves training not only of the body but unites the mind and spirit too. Through this exercise, you will gain a great deal of stamina and strength as it is mentally intense, physically correlating your upper and lower body and enhancing you spiritually.

Exercising at home is very common these days with more and more people becoming health conscious and embarking on weight training and strength training exercises. People who can afford it set up various exercise equipment in their mini gym with facilities for other activities like swimming and tennis. Those people who can’t afford it frequent the gyms to train on equipment like treadmills, exercise bikes, free weights, strength training equipment, stair climbers, rowing machines and elliptical cross trainers.

Strength training exercises concentrate on developing your muscles and make them stronger and powerful. Ladies swoon over a strong set of muscles and a balanced and routine workout keeps men in shape and looking their best. When men develop muscles through cardiovascular exercise they succeed in getting that coveted look.

Strength training exercises also build anaerobic endurance. This endurance is invariably training exercises one or more of the muscle groups are used. Those major muscle groups are Triceps, Shoulders, Ribcage, Quadriceps, Pectorals, Obliques, Lats, Hips, Hamstrings, Biceps, Calves, Forearms, Abdominals, Upper back and Lower Back.

The Pilates form of exercise was developed by Joseph Pilates and it emphasizes mental concentration, concentration on the central part of the body, breathing, muscular control and precision awareness. Fluidity, grace and ease flow into the exercise patterns.

If you want to watch some exercise videos to guide you on various types of exercise forms online, there are many websites that offer them. Exercise videos are available on youtube, exercise equipment websites and several other sites. Exercise videos are available when you search with exercise keywords.

Jerbob Johnson owns the Exercise Groove a successful website specialing in exercise equipment and exercise apparel. For reviews and a selection of exercise equipment plus great bargins & a huge inventory, visit http://www.ExerciseGroove.com. At Exercise Groove you can find reviews about Amazaon popular exercise equipment and apparel. Find your groove at Exercise Groove.
 How do you exercise? What type of martial arts are you practicing? Reply with your methods and share with the world.

Related Exercise Articles

Exercise Bikes

Exercise Bikes


Exercise Bikes

Purchasing an exercise bike? An exercise bike is an excellent way to build fitness, lose weight and get fit. Plus they’re convenient and one of the most comfortable to burn calories in the comfort of your own home. But how do you choose the best one? This purchasing guide will show you what to look for when shopping so you can find the greatest exercise bike for your needs – while avoiding the lemons! First, question yourself which class of exercise bike you want. There are 2 general classes of exercise bikes: Recumbent bikes are the newer exercise bikes on the market with the chair-like or bucket seats.

Your body is placed in a semi reclining place and your legs angle out in front of you to reach the pedals as an alternative of hanging down as on an upright bike. An offshoot from the standard upright bike is the ‘Dual Action’ Stationary bike. These bikes have movable bars or levers on arm handles to incorporate your upper body into the work out. Know what you want just before you start comparing different exercise bikes. But the choice is your own. Exercise bikes vary in price significantly based upon on the features and design. A high end exercise bike can cost upwards of £1500, although not absolutely everyone can or wants to spend £1500 on a exercise bike! As with most exercise products you get what you pay for, standard exercise bikes start from £199. Many from the exercise bikes sold these days have features found on commercial models and will last you years.

As you spend more on an exercise bike, you will find features such as more in depth programmes, better stableness, materials, adjustability and design. When purchasing an exercise bike it is always best to measure the space in which you intend the exercise bike to live, you do not want to find that it does not fit in your desired space once it has been sent. Most exercise bikes will require a power socket nearby.Most from the exercise bikes sold these days come with a minimum 1 year parts and labour warranty. When looking for an exercise bike I would recommend looking for a branded model which has an on-site warranty. You do not want to have an exercise bike which you’re responsible to send back to the provider if it has a fault. Producers such as Tunturi provide a 15 year frame warranty and two year warranties on the additional components. It is often hard to motivate yourself when you’re using the same routine! Purchasing an exercise bike with programmes maybe the answer. Having pre-set or even customisable work out programmes is a great way to provide some extra assortment and enthusiasm. Some in the more pricey exercise bikes now offer heart rate controlled programmes which using your heart rate, enhance or reduce the resistance from the exercise bike keeping your heart rate as near as feasible towards the pre-set rate. This is a safe way to exercise and can help with fat loss.

Did you get bored the last time you tried to work out on a normal basis? When you did, you might be likely to get bored again. With exercise bikes, the remedy is commonly a bike with several different levels and riding programs. You could get bikes with numerous difficulty levels. This means that when it becomes too easy for you to pedal, you simply move up towards the next level as a replacement of having to ride longer (which just isn’t likely to transpire for that individual who is easily bored). You can also get numerous programs. Programs give you range and goals. You could need a bike that you just can hook up to your tv that simulates riding through numerous courses. You can take a leisurely ride through a park or compete with other personal computer riders on a difficult obstacle course. These bikes might cost more up front, but if you don’t invest in a bike that will let you maintain your workout, you’re wasting money on anything less. The funkiest thing for game addicts who get bored is an interactive bike that attaches into a Sony Playstation or Playstation 2. It makes over 50 games interactive. Whatever is happening on your bike happens on the screen in bike, car, and comparable games. There are all sorts of related bikes available. What type of exercise bike do you prefer?

We offer Exercise Bikes at our web site.

Pakistan-Russia Joint Military Exercise 24th Sep, to start at Cherat

Russia has rubbished reports that its troops will be holding joint military exercises with Pakistani forces in Gilgit Baltistan, which is a part of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, and clarified the anti-terror drills will take place in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region.
The denial came as Russian troops arrived in Islamabad on Friday for the first-ever joint exercises with Pakistani forces.
The exercise begins from today under the name ‘Friendship-2016’ and reflects growing military ties between the two countries.
Deputy Director of Information and Press Department Yury Materiy said that Russia holds such military drills with other countries of the region as well.
“On Sep 23, Indra-2016 joint Russian-Indian anti-terror exercise started at Sergeyevsky training ground in the Primorye Territory,” he added.

Source : http://www.financialexpress.com/india-news/russia-denies-holding-joint-military-exercises-with-pakistan-in-gilgit-baltistan/389642/

Related News abstract : Russia joins Pakistan in ‘anti-terror drill’
-Times of India, Russia-Pakistan to hold joint military drills, Moscow says not in sensitive areas-India Today, How Russia ‘changed’ its stance on military drill with Pakistan-Hindustan Times, Russia-Pakistan joint war games begin today-The Hindu, No military exercises with Pakistan in PoK, says Russia-Livemint, Russia and Pakistan to hold first joint military exercise-Reuters, Russia says military exercise with Pak not in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir-Hindustan Times, Not holding any anti-terror exercise with Pakistan in ‘so-called Azad Kashmir’: Russia-Times of India,No joint military exercise with Pakistan in PoK, Russia clarifies-The Indian Express, Russia Says Military Drill With Pakistan Not In Pak-Occupied Kashmir-NDTV, Russia cancels joint military drill will Pakistan in PoK post Uri; to conduct drill only at Cherat near Peshawar-Economic Times, Russian troops arrive in Pakistan for first-ever joint military drills-The Indian Express, Russia-Pakistan anti-terror drills will not be held in any part of PoK: Russia-The Indian Express, Russian troops arrive in Pakistan for 1st-ever joint drill-RT, Russia Holds First Ever Joint Military Exercise In Pakistan
-Huffington Post India, Yes, Russia is engaged in military exercises with India and Pakistan, at the same time-The Indian Express, Russian forces arrive in Pakistan for joint military drill-Times of India, Pakistan, Russia to begin joint military excercise today
DunyaNews Pakistan, The ground forces will participate in the first Pak-Russian joint military exercise. Photo courtesy DG ISPR Twitter
DAWN, First Russia-Pakistan Druzhba-2016 Military Drills Kick Off in Cherat-Sputnik International, Russian troops arrive in Pakistan for joint military exercise ‘Friendship 2016’-Scroll, Russia denies joint military drill with Pak in Gilgit Baltistan-Chandigarh Tribune, Russian Commandos Join Pakistan in Rare Military Drill-Voice of America, Russia rejects reports of military drills with Pakistan in PoK-Deccan Chronicle
Video Rating: / 5

Fitness Recumbent Exercise Bike and Muscle Building

Fitness Recumbent Exercise Bike and Muscle Building


Fitness Recumbent Exercise Bike and Muscle Building

Recumbent exercise bike is exercise equipment that puts the person using it in a little reclined position while exercising. It puts a lesser amount of stress on the knees and back compared to other normal bicycles. Its reclined position and movements are more comfortable for its users than any other exercise equipment. Recumbent exercise bike regular sessions help in working all the buttock and thigh muscles.

For fitness recumbent exercise bike is a great alternative. It can give you a fit body with toned thigh and buttock muscles at the same time. Each and every part of your body gets benefited by the recumbent exercise bikes. Because of the wide and cushioned seats, it can be used by everybody regardless of his/her weight. This fitness equipment is perfect for long workout sessions. It is ideal for the heavy weight person who has just begun his/her workout regime.

Sometimes one gets his/her legs or back injured in an accident and cannot do any kind of physical activity for some time. The doctors recommend recumbent bike exercise for such people as this does not put pressure on knees and lower back while exercising. Many recumbent exercise bikes can be adjusted to the users’ required height and comfort so that the user can stretch his/her knees almost fully.

Sportsman and athletes can also use the recumbent exercise bike as it is useful for increasing their stamina, energy level and efficiency. The bike racers can be most benefited from this exercise as they can adjust and increase the bike’s resistance to increase the difficulty level. Biking requires a lot of stamina and competence. Therefore it is perfect for the sports people to include this particular exercise in their regular workout schedule.

The recumbent exercise bike is so easy to use that even small children can use it without any kind of difficulty. Therefore the personal trainers usually suggest a recumbent bike workout for beginners. This not only helps in losing weight but also burns more calories compared to any other exercise equipment.

This exercise can never be dull and monotonous. You can change the difficulty level that is resistance of the bike from easy to hilly resistance. Therefore, if you are planning to buy a recumbent exercise bike for you, then going for a bike with maximum possible variations is a good idea. This way it will be useful for you for longer period of time. There are different advantages for men and women of recumbent exercise bike. The bucket like seats allows men to use this bike comfortably as compared to other regular exercise bikes. Men can adjust the bike to get lower abdominal exercise. This is very helpful in getting six pack abs.

The shape of the lower body parts is a cause of concern for women. Recumbent exercise bike is the perfect solution for this problem. This exercise can easily burn fat around waist and thighs. Women can get lean lower body shape using this exercise.

Eat well, exercise regularly, and get a healthy body.

Are you ready to find the best deals on fitness recumbent exercise bike? Visit http://www.recumbentexercisebike.info today for more information!

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How to Use and Choose an Exercise Bike in Scottsdale

How to Use and Choose an Exercise Bike in Scottsdale


How to Use and Choose an Exercise Bike in Scottsdale

Thinking about buying an exercise bike in Scottsdale? This article will provide you with information on how to use an exercise bike, along with basic safety and buying tips. Whether you’re looking for a basic machine or one with the latest technology has to offer, the following information will be beneficial to you and will help you choose the exercise equipment that’s right for you.

Exercise bikes can be used for cardio exercise, building endurance, burning fat and calories, and strengthening muscles. No matter what you use your exercise bike for it’s good to know basic use and safety. There are two styles of exercise bikes in Scottsdale – upright and recumbent – and their operation is the same. To get started, position yourself onto the seat. Put your feet on the pedals and adjust the seat so that you come close to full knee extension but not all the way, then adjust your seatback angle for comfort.

When you’re ready, start pedaling! This will start the machine and you can then select your workout program from one of the preset exercises or personalize your workout to your own liking. If you want to use your exercise bike to increase your aerobic fitness, try doing intervals. After a warm-up, go as fast as you can for 30 seconds, than slow way down for a minute and repeat. To end your workout, slowly decrease your speed until you come to a complete stop.

Here’s a safety tip: If there are straps on the pedals be sure to use them – it could prevent injury due to slippage or overextension. And remember – always consult a physician or healthcare provider before beginning an exercise program.

While the basic use of an exercise bike in Scottsdale is pretty easy, shopping for a home exercise bike can be very intimidating! There are so many different brands, models and styles it can be next to impossible to choose the right one for your home. For most people, buying a home exercise bike is a major investment. It’s also a good investment for those who have decided to make a conscious effort to be fit and healthy. That is why it is important to put together a checklist that identifies attributes that are most important for you and your workout. Here are some tips that should help you out:

1. The first thing you should consider when choosing an exercise bike in Scottsdale is the construction. A well-constructed exercise bike is something that everyone in your family can enjoy. You will want an exercise bike that is built with high alloy steel or aluminum frame that is strong enough to support the heaviest person. Some machines come with a weight limit – make sure that limit won’t inhibit your workout.

2. Watch out for noise! A major consideration for a home exercise bike in Scottsdale is the amount of noise it can produce. A loud machine can drown out a lot of noise – kids, television, oven timers, etc. And some small, repetitive sounds can drive a person crazy and provide you with one more reason not to exercise. We recommend testing an exercise bike before you buy it. Sit on it and go through the motions so you can assess the noise level and see if it’s something you can live with.

3. Choosing between an upright bike or a recumbent bike is up to your own personal preference. Upright exercise bikes are great for those who prefer a classic seated position – and they are perfect for those that want to try spinning workouts at home like they may have experienced in the gym. Recumbent bikes put you in a seated position more like you would find while sitting in a chair – these are great for people that have avoided exercise bikes in the past due to back issues. Test them out and see what you like the best.

4. And finally, don’t forget the bells and whistles! The newest models come with many extra features, including LCD or TV displays, cooling fans, and audio systems or a heart rate monitor. Using a heart rate monitor during your workout will help you adjust the speed or incline to keep your heart rate in the optimum zone. It’s a good investment in your health!

Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore, a specialty fitness equipment dealer recently named the #1 choice for home fitness equipment in Scottsdale by BestFitnessDealers.com! Shop for the best exercise bikes in Scottsdale – visit our site today.

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How to Use and Choose an Exercise Bike in Arizona

How to Use and Choose an Exercise Bike in Arizona

How to Use and Choose an Exercise Bike in Arizona

Thinking about buying an exercise bike in Arizona? This article will provide you with information on how to use an exercise bike, along with basic safety and buying tips. Whether you’re looking for a basic machine or one with the latest technology has to offer, the following information will be beneficial to you and will help you choose the exercise equipment that’s right for you.

Exercise bikes can be used for cardio exercise, building endurance, burning fat and calories, and strengthening muscles. No matter what you use your exercise bike for it’s good to know basic use and safety. There are two styles of exercise bikes in Arizona – upright and recumbent – and their operation is the same. To get started, position yourself onto the seat. Put your feet on the pedals and adjust the seat so that you come close to full knee extension but not all the way, then adjust your seat back angle for comfort.

When you’re ready, start pedaling! This will start the machine and you can then select your workout program from one of the preset exercises or personalize your workout to your own liking. If you want to use your exercise bike to increase your aerobic fitness, try doing intervals. After a warm-up, go as fast as you can for 30 seconds, than slow way down for a minute and repeat. To end your workout, slowly decrease your speed until you come to a complete stop.

Here’s a safety tip: If there are straps on the pedals be sure to use them – it could prevent injury due to slippage or overextension. And remember – always consult a physician or healthcare provider before beginning an exercise program.

While the basic use of an exercise bike in Arizona is pretty easy, shopping for a home exercise bike can be very intimidating! There are so many different brands, models and styles it can be next to impossible to choose the right one for your home. For most people, buying a home exercise bike is a major investment. It’s also a good investment for those who have decided to make a conscious effort to be fit and healthy. That is why it is important to put together a checklist that identifies attributes that are most important for you and your workout. Here are some tips that should help you out:

1. The first thing you should consider when choosing an exercise bike in Arizona is the construction. A well-constructed exercise bike is something that everyone in your family can enjoy. You will want an exercise bike that is built with high alloy steel or aluminum frame that is strong enough to support the heaviest person. Some machines come with a weight limit – make sure that limit won’t inhibit your workout.

2. Watch out for noise! A major consideration for a home exercise bike in Arizona is the amount of noise it can produce. A loud machine can drown out a lot of noise – kids, television, oven timers, etc. And some small, repetitive sounds can drive a person crazy and provide you with one more reason not to exercise. We recommend testing an exercise bike before you buy it. Sit on it and go through the motions so you can assess the noise level and see if it’s something you can live with.

3. Choosing between an upright bike or a recumbent bike is up to your own personal preference. Upright exercise bikes are great for those who prefer a classic seated position – and they are perfect for those that want to try spinning workouts at home like they may have experienced in the gym. Recumbent bikes put you in a seated position more like you would find while sitting in a chair – these are great for people that have avoided exercise bikes in the past due to back issues. Test them out and see what you like the best.

4. And finally, don’t forget the bells and whistles! The newest models come with many extra features, including LCD or TV displays, cooling fans, and audio systems or a heart rate monitor. Using a heart rate monitor during your workout will help you adjust the speed or incline to keep your heart rate in the optimum zone. It’s a good investment in your health!

Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore, a specialty fitness equipment dealer recently named the #1 choice for home fitness equipment in Arizona by BestFitnessDealers.com! Find the best exercise bikes in Arizona – visit our site today.

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12 Week Bodyweight Training Program:

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Follow Diet and Exercise Rules for the Best Result

Follow Diet and Exercise Rules for the Best Result

Diet and exercise can not be separated when you aim for a long term healthy weight loss. There are weight loss programs that don’t including exercise in the process such as Grapefruit Diet or Cabbage Soup Diet, but usually those programs only aim for a fast short term weight loss. If you do have planned to start a long term healthy weight loss program, which obviously will include exercise, there are a few things you should know beforehand:

1. Sweating is not an indicator; there are people who use sweat to measure their exercise; “if you are sweating then you already have a good exercise”. You shouldn’t use this indicator, sweating is only your body’s way to cooling itself and it doesn’t mean that you have burned enough calories. Stick to your target or schedule when exercising.

2. Don’t skip your weight training; cardiovascular exercise combined with weight training is considered the best method to burn calories. Indeed, cardiovascular exercise such as jogging or biking can burn calories faster, but there is benefit in gaining muscle through weight training since a person with more muscle will burn more calories throughout the day.

3. If you are a women, doing weight training will not make you bulky; some women are afraid of this issue and thus skipping weight training. Don’t worry, this is just another myth since most women don’t have enough testosterone (male hormones) to become bulky. If you are training and your body really become bigger fast, try reduce your meal portion and weight you lift, then increase the repetition.

4. Do not over do it; while it is good to exercising on regular basis, you don’t want to over do it. When you exercise, you are damaging your muscle a bit. Your body will repair this damaged muscle over time with good rest and nutrients, but if you keep up the exercise session without giving your body a chance perform a repair, it will end up harming your body and your progress. A good healthy exercise only consist of 3-4 sessions per week.

5. Focus on low intensity cardio; some trainer will suggest to do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) which mixing high and low intensity training for fast fat burning. This is a good method but it is not recommended for most of overweight people since it will put much stress to your body and make it hard to regulate your appetite. Take the low intensity exercise such as walking and light jogging; it will not burn much calories, but it will burn more fat for fuel, put less stress in your body and thus helping you to regulate your appetite.

6. Begin your exercise by walking; if you are one of the sedentary people you may find it hard to begin with all the advanced exercise such as weight training or the HIIT; some people even have difficulties with jogging as a start since they didn’t used to any physical activities. Walking is a way to workout at steady and consistent pace; this is important when you want to burn fat effectively, and you can do it while doing other activities as well such as shopping or chatting. Get used to this exercise and try to increase the duration before you move to the more advanced exercise.

7. Fill your stomach before start your exercise; foods are required to provide energy for your muscle in order to make it work efficiently, so starting an exercise with empty stomach is a bad idea. If it is a morning exercise, eat small meal such as toast, oatmeal, or fruits one to three hours before exercise.

8. Set up a target for your exercise; when you already get used to certain type of exercise, sometimes you will forget that you have been doing the same type exercise for so long and your body already get used to it, make it less effective. Make a target, check your progress, measure your heartbeat to make sure you are in the targeted zone; if not you might want to increase the level a bit.

A healthy long term weight loss is impossible if your diet doesn’t include a good portion of exercise. Pick your diet program carefully, make sure it is also contain a good healthy exercise.

Read a guide on how to pick a weight loss program wisely from Diets That Work by Stefan Vincent and select your best diet complemented by exercise from his selected weight loss program.

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Exercise Tips – Exercise for Lazy People


  Exercise Tips – Exercise for Lazy People

Most of us know the reason why we need to exercise. It is to make our body sweat and burn fats for us to stay healthy. More people are too busy with work to earn money and decide that they no longer have the spare time to exercise. While some may have the time, they can be just too lazy to move their body.

Since health is wealth, regular exercise is a good way to stay healthy and avoid getting sick easily. So, here are some tips for you to get that exercise regardless of how lazy you are.

First tip: save gas. One of the ways to save on gas is to leave your car at home, then get on the public transportation and walk the rest of the way to your destination. As an added bonus, you get to have some time walking with other people from different walks of life, no pun intended. Walking in itself is an exercise. It is the simplest form of exercise and you’ll get to hit two birds with one stone with walking. No only will you get to exercise, you’ll save on gas as well.

Second tip is to use the stairs. If you’re not that in a hurry and you only need to climb 2 to 3 storeys, don’t use the elevator. Use the stairs instead. You don’t have to hurry climbing if that’s what you’re thinking. You can do it the relaxed and normal way. That’s why I recommend this only if you have the extra time. If you need to climb 20 storeys, you can use the elevator first up to 18th floor then use the stairs for the remaining 2 storeys.

The third tip is to perform simple stretching and bending in the office. After spending several hours straight in front of the computer, why don’t you stand up for a while and do some stretching? Just do a couple of squats or move your head, hands and waist. By doing those movements, you’re able to exercise and stay awake and alert as well.

Fourth tip is to go get what you need by yourself whenever possible. Instead of asking your utility guy to buy you snacks or get what you printed, you can go ahead and do it yourself. Stand up and walk a few paces. It won’t hurt you at all.

Fifth one is to do some breathing exercises. It can be just a simple inhale-exhale pattern. All you need to do is to inhale deeply and let the air stay for about 5 seconds before exhaling it. Do this for about 10 times and you’ll notice the difference. Whenever you feel that you’re too tired or stressed, do a breathing exercise. It’ll promote good air circulation that will help your heart and lungs.

We’re now on the sixth tip and this may sound silly for some but interesting for those who are fond of video games – go ahead and buy a Nintendo Wii. Honestly, the Nintendo company didn’t spend a single cent to pay me to recommend their product. But it is a rather good way of having fun and getting that exercise all at the same time. So, if you are lazy to do some exercises but love to play video games, try playing the Wii. You’ll have lots of fun with exercise for sure.

For the seventh tip, do some hiking or trekking activity if you have the time. You may be lazy but when you think of the natural rewards you’ll get while doing hiking and trekking, you will probably be encouraged to do so. You’ll get to see breathtaking scenery, breathe in fresh air, and burn calories while you hike or trek. These activities are certainly not going to be part of your everyday routine, but at least do them a few times during your lifetime.

The eighth tip is to purchase a manual transmission car. While automatic transmission car is easy to drive, the manual transmission car will help you save gas. An additional incentive to saving gas is that you’ll get your dose of exercise, too. At the end of each day, you will be able to exercise your hands, feet and waist, then save gas at the same time.

The ninth tip may require extra effort on your part. It shouldn’t be too hard on you if you cook your own food even though you may be too lazy. Simple food for breakfast such as fried eggs and toasted bread shouldn’t be too much of a problem. By preparing such food, you’ll get to beat the eggs and toast the bread, or if you add a recipe with vegetables in it, you get to chop the veggies as well. Your movements around the kitchen while you prepare the ingredients, mix them and cook them can already be considered valuable exercise. Whether you will be rewarded with a delightful and filling meal is entirely up to your cooking skills. For this kitchen exercise, you’ll just need a simply good recipe and follow the instructions as it is.

The tenth and last tip involves a rewarding experience for yourself. This activity requires least effort but will still achieve the desired result. What I’m talking about is rewarding yourself with a visit to a hot spring or sauna. When you go to a hot spring or sauna, you get to be relaxed and release sweat in such a healthfully conducive environment. Releasing sweat can be good for our body. It can indicate that fats are being burned. It is also one of our body’s ways of releasing toxins out of the body.

There are some of the available tips for lazy people to induce them to exercise when, otherwise, they’d just normally think about doing. These are simple exercise tips that are useful and helpful just as much. I sure hope that you’d get to apply some of the tips in your everyday life.

Jessica Matias shares various exercise tips that can be useful in your everyday life.

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Dog Exercise

Proper Exercise Versus Recreational Activities

by emilianohorcada
Recreational Activities Versus Proper Exercise

Perhaps the most misunderstood concept in the fitness industry today among health/medical professionals, media and the general public is the confusion over what proper exercise is and what are recreational activities.

The exercise effect of recreational activities range from little or no exercise effect at all (eg walking, mowing the lawn, golf etc) to the opposite end with more athletic activities like running, mountain climbing, basketball etc. All of these activities are recreational, and the exercise effect is always marginal and incomplete. Just because an activity elevates the heart rate, fatigues you, induces labored breathing or makes you sweat, do not assume you have meaningful, productive and worthwhile exercise. You can actually have the exercise effect without the activity qualifying as exercise.

Part of the definition of exercise is “perform work of a demanding nature”, if an exercise is not demanding it does not qualify as exercise. Another part of that definition is that exercise must produce “meaningfully loading of the muscular structures to inroad strength levels to stimulate a growth mechanism”.

The essence of exercise assumes a purpose of physical improvement, so if the activity does not promote physical improvement i.e. primarily correlated to increased muscular strength – then it is not proper exercise. Strength Training is the only activity that properly satisfies the Definition of Exercise therefore, is considered the only true exercise.

The basic concept with physical exercise is that we are attempting to cause the body to adapt to an imposed stimulus. The body must have a good reason to adapt, or rather it must be forced to adapt. Low intensity, comfortable “fun” activities do not challenge the body beyond its already existing abilities. The body system is simply engaged within its normal capabilities, so there is nothing the body needs to adapt to, nothing extra that requires the body to change. An exercise program must challenge the body over and beyond what it experiences with everyday tasks and activities.

The Six Factors of Physical Fitness

1. Muscular Size, Strength and Endurance
2. Bone Strength
3. Cardiovascular (Heart/Lung) Efficiency
4. Enhanced Flexibility
5. A Contribution to Body Leanness
6. Increased Resistance to Injury

Through exercise we hope to see a continuous improvement in these six factors of physical fitness. If we do not see this improvement, then exercise is either partial or non-existent.

It is accepted that both exercise and recreational activities are important in the overall scheme of strength and fitness and a healthy active lifestyle, and they do overlap to some degree. But so that maximum results are obtained from both or either they must first be defined and then be segregated in practice. The benefits of proper exercise, and the stimuli necessary to produce these benefits, cannot be accomplished with recreational activities.

Exercise is based on the muscular and joint functions of the human body and as we all have these same functions, the general principles and application of exercise are therefore universal and the same for every human being on the planet.

Recreation activity, on the other hand, is personal, fun, chosen pastime activities that are very different for everybody. Consider it a diversion from daily routine and important for our mental health and happiness. Try not to confuse and mix them both together so you can receive maximum physical benefits from your exercise program and maximum fun from your chosen recreational activities.

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook “I’ve Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too!” here: Health Related Fitness or come visit me at Fitness Weight Loss Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.


Combining Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercise

by pandamoniumparti
Combining Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is normally the first thing that comes to mind when people think about burning fat. While most people dread the thought of endless, boring hours working in the aerobic heart rate zone, it is normally what people turn to to lose fat. But the good news is, combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is the best for burning fat.

But before I tell you why combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is better than aerobic exercise alone, lets talk about what “aerobic” and “anaerobic” means.

Aerobic means in the presence of oxygen. Any activity performed at a low to moderate intensity for more than 90 seconds, allowing oxygen to release energy through metabolism, is called an aerobic activity.

The benefits of aerobic activity are…

Increased Cardiovascular Function
Decrease in Body Fat

But prolonged aerobic exercise has its negatives…

Decreased Muscle Mass
Decreased Strength
Decreased Power
Decreased Speed
Decreased Anaerobic Capacity

You should start realizing why combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is a better option.

Anaerobic means in the absence of oxygen. Any activity performed at a medium to high intensity for less than 2 minutes, where energy is derived without oxygen, is usually called an anaerobic activity.

The benefits of anaerobic activity are…

Increased Cardiovascular Function
Decrease in Body Fat
Increased Muscle Mass
Improved Strength
Improved Power
Improved Speed
Increased Aerobic Capacity

And the negatives of anaerobic activity are…

Anaerobic activity requires an aerobic foundation

As you can plainly see, anaerobic activity is the better choice. And you might be asking, “Why do you say combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is best? Why not just do anaerobic exercise?”

Combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is necessary because it is impossible to exercise at the high intensity level of anaerobic exercise for the entire workout. Even if you try to work at such a high intensity, you eventually become fatigue and drift back into the aerobic zone. So, while it is possible to exercise in the aerobic zone for the entire workout, it is impossible to exercise exclusively at an anaerobic pace.

This is why combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is a must for an optimal fat loss workout!

Here is the bad news. Most people that want to lose fat and build a muscular body ARE combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise. They are just combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise all WRONG!

The sad fact is, most workouts claiming to burn fat by combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise are doing “bodybuilding” style weight training followed by an aerobic activity. And unless you plan to spend hours a day in the gym (like bodybuilders do), then you won’t get the results they do.

Think of it this way. There should be two “types” of exercise you perform… resistance training and energy system training. And when you are combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise, it is not just in the energy system training portion. You should be intelligently combining aerobic and anaerobic activity during the entire workout.

So, combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is key to your fat loss success. But how you combine the two is even more important, If you’ve been combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise with bodybuilding weight training followed by aerobic exercise and failed to get the fat loss results you wanted… you’re not alone.

Combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is not enough… you need to combine both to get maximum fat loss results.

Coach Eddie Lomax knows combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is best to burn fat and build a muscular body. He uses this criteria to rate the best fat loss workouts of trusted trainers.
Find your best fat loss workout and get started burning fat today.
 What do you do? Tell us all about it.

Exercise Helps Sleep!

by cca

Exercise Helps Sleep!

Most people do not realize that exercise helps sleep. Many people know that exercise provides numerous health benefits to the people that exercise on a regular basis, but many do not know that exercise can help them sleep better. Regular exercise has been proven to help people fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer in many studies by researchers across the nation. Daily exercise can also correct periods of sleeplessness linked to increased stress or anxiety in the person’s life.

Experts recommend people do light to moderate exercise lasting for at least 30 minutes three or four times a week to receive the benefits of the exercise linked to sleeping better. It is important that the exercise is done in the morning or the early afternoon so that the adrenaline rush from the exercise does not interfere with the person falling asleep in the evening. Aerobic exercises are generally the best for many people because the movements are low impact and the pace of the exercise can be changed to be comfortable to the person doing the exercises.

Exercise can also increase the amount of time that the person spends in the deepest stages of sleep, also known as stage four sleep. Spending more time in deep sleep helps the person wake up feeling refreshed and well rested each morning.

Increased amounts of deep sleep during the night also can help the body feel healthier as the body is able to repair itself from the damage that occurs to it during the day. Just as exercise makes the body feel stronger with continued use, deep sleep makes the body feel more comfortable and flexible when the person awakes.

Getting the right amount of exercise is important to the health of people of all ages, from small children to seniors. In addition to strengthening the muscles and toning the body, regular exercise can reduce risk of many health conditions, some of which can cause insomnia and other sleep disorders. People that exercise regularly are hospitalized less often and require less medical attention than people that do not exercise each week.

There are many other benefits of regular exercise as well. Regular exercise can increase brain function, pump more oxygen through the body in the blood, and can increase the person’s reaction time. Regular exercise also strengthens the heart and lungs of the person reducing the risk of many serious health conditions, such as heart disease and pulmonary edema.

You don’t need to join a gym to get the exercise you need to help you sleep. As I said earlier a brisk walk in the evening for 30 minutes is enough to help you sleep and shouldn’t put a strain on your body. If you’re somewhat physicall fit I’ve found martial arts to be a great way of getting proper exercise, clearing my mind and allowing me to sleep like a baby most nights – Jiujitsu is a wonderful sleep tonic believe me. Failing that gentle swimming and light aerobics are also excellent ways of getting all over body exercise and putting your body in the mood for some well earned sleep!

We all know that exercise is good for us but did you know that exercise helps you sleep? Now we all know. Do you exercise to get better sleep?

Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

by mag3737
Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

Everyone knows that exercise is very good for your health. During pregnancy, exercise can have many other benefits as well. Normally, exercise should be light, especially during your first few weeks
of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes.

Any type of heavy exercise can divert the blood flow from crucial areas, and most blood flow that exercise on a regular basis should tone down their workout regimen during pregnancy.

Swimming, walking, and yoga are two very popular exercise activities that are suitable for pregnant women.There are other forms of exercise such as weight lifting that are acceptable as long as it isn’t too strenuous. Most specialists recommend exercise 3 – 4 times a week, unless you have a medical condition that prevents it. If you are ever in doubt, you should consult a physician first.

Below, you’ll find some of the best reasons as to why you should exercise during pregnancy.

1. Exercise can help to reduce the length of labor and recovery time. The right exercise routines will also increase stamina that is needed
for delivery.

2. Improved mental health.Exercise can lower stress and improve your emotional health, making it easier for you to get through the new experience of becoming a mother.

3. Exercise can also help with weight management after the child has been born.A common concern with most mothers is the weight they lose after pregnancy.During pregnancy, exercise can make postpartum weight loss easier.

4. Exercise is very good for your unborn baby.By keeping your body healthy, you are also looking out for your baby as well.

5. Exercise can help reduce the side effects of pregnancy.Symptoms such as fatigue, headaches,
swelling, and constipation are all common with pregnant women. Studies have shown exercise to
reduce the occurrence of these symptoms.

6. Exercise can also decrease the risk of premature birth.Exercise has been proven to decrease the risk of premature birth by at least 50{3813292df256cc7359db914c8bfffc508a0964aa786224d36d2cb21f4b33d600}.

You should always make sure that you drink plenty of fluids before you exercise, follow a nutritious diet, and avoid over exertion.You should also listen to your body, and if you start feeling sick you should immediately stop and rest.

If you exercise during your pregnancy, you’ll find it a lot easier to deliver when the time comes. Exercise will help your body strengthen up, which will make it very easy on you when you go into the delivery room. Women who don’t exercise find it much harder when the time comes to give birth.

Exercising during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and for your unborn baby. Your baby will reap some of the benefits,which is reason enough to exercise. Always be safe when you exercise, and don’t hesitate to ask a doctor for advice if you have any questions at all. As long as you exercise safe and use good common sense, you’ll do a world of good for your pregnancy.

Exercise Motivation Created Through Hypnosis

by kingary

 Get Motivated to Exercise  Through Hypnosis

Staying trim and healthy is crucial for most people — which is why setting up an exercise regimen is so crucial. According to research studies, only two core varieties of exercise are usually successful; as a result, it is crucial to take care in choosing the type of exercise you do.

Since so many people have trouble with the motivation to exercise, choosing the most efficient kinds of exercise is critical, due to the fact that the less time you spend exercising – and the less time you throw away on exercise that is not efficient – the more likely you will be to continue to exercise and therefore to reach your personal weight and strength target.

The first type of exercise that has been consistently shown to assist people to lose the pounds and get healthful is progressive resistance. In sum, progressive resistance is one type of strength training. It functions by progressively ramping up the amount of weight that you lift, the number of sets, and number of repetitions performed. As a result, your muscle fibers are not strained or subjected to damage – instead, they slowly and steadily strengthen without any setbacks.

Our second type of exercise that was studied thoroughly is cardiovascular training. This name is given to any type of exercise that gets the heart rate up to 60 – 85 percent of its maximum. Some examples of cardio training may include jogging, jumping rope, aerobics, or running on a treadmill, as well as other types, but it is your choice.

Even though progressive resistance and cardio training by themselves have been discovered to be highly efficient kinds of exercise, we now know that the combination is the best bet for achieving success. If you combine both progressive resistance and cardio training, you will strengthen muscle groups and develop whole-body endurance. According to a recent study, exercisers who performed both cardio and progressive resistance during a two month time period lost 45 percent more weight than exercisers who did cardio training or progressive resistance alone.

Just as crucial as the type of exercise you perform is, the way in which you exercise is also vital. It no doubt will be unsurprising that being consistent is what you should seek. Exercising irregularly may strain your muscles and will probably not assist you to build strength and endurance. In addition, it is unlikely to improve your overall health. According to most researchers, the ideal routine is to exercise for 40 minutes to an hour 3 – 5 times per week.

Unfortunately, it turns out that for a significantly sized percent of people, getting enough exercise is not as simple as dropping in at the health club 3-5 times every week or listening to what scientists write. For this group of people, the motivation to exercise is the big issue – this group of people simply doesn’t have the motivation to go to the gym. Actually, they might resist all exercise, which can lead to problematic anxiety.

Nobody knows what percentage of the American population has to deal with problems with the motivation to exercise, but researchers say that up to 20 to 40 percent of people say that they “hate” or “dread” exercise. An even larger group of people might have milder exercise motivation problems, feeling that even though it is relatively simple to commit to an exercise routine for a short period of time, motivation eventually disintegrates, leaving them back where they started – out of shape and overweight.

If you happen to be the kind of person who struggles with the motivation to exercise, fortunately, there are some easy methods to handle the struggle. In a recent study, volunteers who needed to begin an exercise program received a brief learning program that aided them to choose the right kinds of exercise, were provided with a therapist who specialized in exercise motivation, and received a brief series of sessions with a hypnotist. After six months, they were re-evaluated. Surprisingly, it turned out that over 85 percent of the participants had adhered to an exercise program during the entire six months. Even better, they generally lost an average of 15 more pounds than the control group.

If you are interested in this study, it could make sense to investigate the possibility of finding a motivational therapist, habit control therapist, or counselor who specializes in hypnotherapy. These types of therapists are provided with special training in aiding people to overcome anxieties, develop the motivation to exercise, and reinforce the development of good habits. Another possibility for exercise motivation is self-hypnosis – which is a simple and inexpensive practice that often helps individuals develop control over their own unconscious powers of motivation.

Hypnosis therapy and self-hypnosis are safe ways of increasing motivation that are proven to be successful in the case of exercise motivation. Hypnotherapy works by making use of hypnotic relaxation to elicit the abilities of the unconscious to influence behavior modification and habit development. Hypnosis therapy is a good choice for people who are exercise adverse because it is able to help increase the drive to get healthful and lose the weight easily and effectively.

Alan B. Densky, CH specializes in all forms of weight loss through hypnosis, including motivation theory CDs since 1978. Visit his Neuro-VISION self-hypnosis website and enjoy Free hypnosis newsletters, articles, and videos.